Chief Humphrey Letter of Support

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We come as leaders and residents of the southwest Little Rock community in a written statement to
share our FULL CONFIDENCE support of Chief Keith Humphrey as the leader of the Little Rock Police Department.
We write this letter because it is our understanding that a resolution of “No Confidence” in Chief Humphrey was
filed by Director Lance Hines to bring division and distastefulness amongst the board of directors and residents
of the city of Little Rock. While leaders in the community and residents of the city, we could not allow this
opportunity to pass without speaking up for the positive changes and leadership we have witnessed in the
duration that Chief Humphrey has been in his position.

Most importantly, we take FULL confidence in Mayor Frank D. Scott, Jr. and all the individuals who
were involved in the decision-making process in selecting Mr. Humphrey as Chief of the Little Rock Police
Department. It is apparent that out of forty-plus applicants, Chief Humphrey’s resume, past job performances,
several interviews, public community forums during the selection process and his 21st Century Policing plan was
sought out to be the best candidate and what this city needed in order to move forward in law enforcement. His
proven track record provided our mayor and other individuals with a clear, concise plan to better advance
policing systems while still protecting and serving the citizens of Little Rock.

In the last eighteen months, we as leaders in the southwest Little Rock community have witnessed Chief
Humphrey’s interaction with the residents and business owners. He has been involved in the community by
attending discussion forums, community events, answering our important and tough questions and taking time
in getting to know our neighborhoods to create a strategic plan to help minimize crime and increase community
policing. Despite some of the hard decisions he had to make since his arrival to Little Rock and the negative
publicity that has been headlined on local news stations, he continues to remain dedicated and committed to his
duties as Police Chief.

We are not here to discuss personal or legal matters, rather than to provide you with FACTS AND
STATISTICS of the improvements that have been made in the areas we live and serve as leaders. Below are
2019-2020 crime statistics for the southwest Little Rock area. These numbers are available for the public to see
on the LRPD website. Please note the negative percent change reflects a decrease in crime in SWLR when it
comes to rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, motor theft and property crimes. The numbers reflect the leadership
and changes established since Chief Humphrey has been in position. Not only do the numbers reflect the FACTS,
we as leaders also see a difference in our community as it relates to crime, community policing and interaction
with Chief Humphrey.
Crime Current Year -2020 Previous Year - 2019 Percent Change
Rape 47 53 -11.32
Robbery 114 114 0.00
Burglary 483 560 -11.96
Larceny 1753 2200 -20.32
Motor Theft 263 334 -21.26
Property Crimes 2509 3094 -18.91
TOTAL 3681 3988 -7.70

Chief Humphrey’s 21st Century Policing Plan surrounds six areas of focus for the LRPD. We know this plan
was mentioned on numerous occasions during his interview process and was one of the highlights for being
selected for the position. We believe without strongly focusing on these identified areas in law enforcement, the
residents in our areas would continue to endure lack of trust and support from our community police officers.
The plan brings transparency, trust and education within the LRPD as well as the residents they protect and
➢ Building Trust and Legitimacy
➢ Policy and Oversight
➢ Technology and Social Media
➢ Community Policing and Crime Reduction
➢ Officer Training and Education
➢ Officer Safety and Wellness

Whereas, we would like to share personal statements in support of Chief Keith Humphrey. Although we
represent a neighborhood association, please let it be known that this letter and our statements are not a
reflection of the residents that live in our areas. Although we can agree there are other individuals in the SWLR
area who are in support of Chief Humphrey, we come as leaders, as well as residents who live in the
communities we serve and lead.

Colesia Perry, President of Legion Hut Neighborhood Association states,

“Despite the unfortunate circumstances that our police chief is encountering, he

has still managed to do a great job as a Police Chief and a leader in our community.
According to statistics, crime is down in Southwest Little Rock which is awesome. I
support the Chief and I do believe if he were given the opportunity to do his job
without interference and conflict, he would do a greater job. He is qualified to do
his job, so Let Him Do It!
Carla Coleman, One United Responsible ‘OUR’ Neighborhood Association President

“Since I was appointed to serve on one of Mayor Scott’s task force that had to do
with public safety, I had the opportunity to meet all applicants for LRPD Chief. I
support the Mayor’s choice of Chief Humphrey. As a neighborhood president and
one of many southwest community activists, I try to broaden my circles of interest
to gain positive information and activities to bring back to the community. I have
seen Chief Humphrey at the East Roosevelt Kroger casually shopping and he was
cordial to all. There was no feeling of intimidation by his presence of being an
officer of the law shopping in a predominately low-income area. I am glad he is not
prejudiced about where he shops or the people living there. Chief Humphrey is
respected in the community and has always, in my opinion, been open, transparent
and non-biased in his conversation about his leadership of the Little Rock Police
Department. He is present when he is called upon or replies if he cannot. This is
what I have witnessed since he has been in command. I have confidence that the
Chief is doing his job. If our Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. hired the Chief then that
responsibility is on the Mayor. What is wrong with positive change in the LRPD? I
do not stand with any LR Board member that is not dealing with facts and statistics
dealing with LRPD Chief Humphrey who happens to be an African American man.

Dr. Valerie Tatum, Geyer Springs Neighborhood Association President states,

“After reviewing 2019-2020 crime statistics presented in the letter, it proves that
the rates have decreased in the SWLR area. With the decrease in crime, this shows
our neighborhoods are becoming safer for our families and community policing is
improving. In the facts that are reflected above, I support Chief Humphrey as the
leader of the LRPD.

Edmond Davis, Oxford Valley Homeowners Association President states,

“The city and its god-fearing residents need to support the reform that Chief
Humphrey has been trying to do. He has been stifled by LR-BODs, unfit
subordinates in the LRPD and LR FOP good old boys since he has arrived. Some
have even left the force or retired due to the reality of raised accountability by
Humphrey. Some much division is not needed but we need change, and it begins
with the LR Fraternal Order of Police contracts etc. “
Pam Bingham, Upper Baseline/Windamere Neighborhood Association President states,

“I have had the opportunity to meet Chief Humphrey at a meeting; he was

approachable, engaging and professional. As a resident and community leader we
need to allow a person the opportunity to do their job without continual criticism.
Positivity and not being bias are good traits. Improvements have been made in our
community. We all are striving to be role models in all aspects of community
service, from visiting public schools to attending community meetings. We
appreciate Chief Humphrey for his leadership in our neighborhoods and
communities. The 2019-2020 Crime Statistics shows crime has decreased in the
southwest Little Rock vicinity. Chief Humphrey is willing to keep an open line of
communication within our community. I pray for and support Chief Humphrey.
In the words of Mother Teresa, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I
cannot; together we can do great things."

In conclusion, we as leaders and longtime residents of the city of Little Rock truly supports the
leadership and vision of Chief Humphrey. We must question why our city board leaders, who are voted in by
their constituents, are taking time to question the leadership of our Mayor. Mayor Scott along with other
individuals made a sound decision to select the BEST candidate to lead the LRPD and that was Chief Keith
Humphrey. As a city, we will not always agree to everything that is being discussed or decided during the weekly
meetings. However, to disregard the voices of your constituents and question the decision of Mayor Scott,
shines a bigger light on issues within the city such as, division, racial disparities, transparency in city
departments, lack of respect of authority and the change of command, and the need of innovation and inclusion.
We hope that you read this letter and take into consideration that change is happening within LRPD and
the entire city of Little Rock. Yes, there is more work to be done but due to the continuous negative publicity and
matters such as this one, Chief Humphrey has not been given a fair and favorable opportunity to fully serve and
lead the LRPD. The city board of directors along with other leaders need to work together for the betterment of
the city and the constituents each of you serve. Each of us agree, having to write this letter is terribly
disappointing and an embarrassment for the entire city of Little Rock.

Sincerely, we the undersigned:

/s/Ms. Pam Bingham /s/Dr. Valerie Tatum

/s/Ms. Colesia Perry /s/Ms. Carla Coleman
/s/Mr. Edmond Davis

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