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Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor in Logistics

Inventory Management


News No. 3: The logistics industry will meet at the LYTL20 technology


Pino, Sofía ID: 8-960-1777


Chantal Neryett Córdoba Delisser, MS.c.

Delivery date:

September 28th, 2020.

The logistics industry will meet at the LYTL20 technology event

This Wednesday, September 30, the main Spanish companies in the logistics industry will
meet at LYT20, an online event in which more than 20 speakers will present different use
cases for the application of the most disruptive technologies to supply chains.

The leading technologies during the event will be blockchain, IoT and artificial intelligence
(divided into different panels of experts), and there will also be an open innovation round
table where we can see other points of view.

This initiative stems from the current urgency to digitize by many companies with logistics
activity, since it is a sector that has also been affected by Covid-19. So now, more efficient
logistics processes are needed more quickly, distribution networks capable of supplying
high demand peaks and, above all, that companies manage to differentiate themselves.

Thus, the objective of the LYT20 is to show this industry, during a day of approximately 6
hours, all the potential and opportunities available to logistics companies to digitize their

For a more complete contribution, the LYT20 has composed each of the round tables by
profiles of large companies, startups, SMEs, IT, consulting, associations, etc. In this way,
multiple points of view and different use cases of the same technology applied in logistics
processes can be shared.

This initiative was born from the hand of ChainGO Tech, which develops software
solutions based on blockchain technology for the logistics industry. Therefore, when
detecting these needs and problems in the sector, it has partnered with Fagor Electronical
Smart Data Services and the IME (Spanish Maritime Institute) to carry out the event.
Likewise, it also has Modula Logistics and Warehousing as an official sponsor.

LYT20 maintains its free registrations until Wednesday the 30th at the time of the event, so
that anyone who wishes can attend and thus achieve a greater echo of the message that this
health crisis leaves us, and that is that the transformation of the Supply chains is something
that cannot wait and is within everyone's reach.
To achieve this, associations such as the Spanish Maritime Cluster, Alastria, EIT Urban
Mobility, Connected Mobility HUB and CEEI Castellón have also joined to collaborate in
the initiative.

LYT20, which also has El Canal Maritime y Logistic newspaper among its collaborating
media, has made the purchase of tickets available to the public free of charge through this

Source: E. (2020, 28 septiembre). La industria logística se reunirá en el evento

tecnológico LYTL20. El Canal Marítimo y Logístico.

This Wednesday, September 30, the main Spanish companies in the logistics industry will
meet at LYT20, an online event in which more than 20 speakers will present different use
cases for the application of the most disruptive technologies to supply chains. Thus, the
objective of the LYT20 is to show this industry, during a day of approximately 6 hours, all
the potential and opportunities available to logistics companies to digitize their processes.
For a more complete contribution, the LYT20 has composed each of the round tables by
profiles of large companies, startups, SMEs, IT, consulting, associations, etc. In this way,
multiple points of view and different use cases of the same technology applied in logistics
processes can be shared. LYT20 maintains its free registrations until Wednesday the 30th at
the time of the event, so that anyone who wishes can attend and thus achieve a greater echo
of the message that this health crisis leaves us, and that is that the transformation of the
Supply chains is something that cannot wait and is within everyone's reach.

LYT20, which also has El Canal Maritime and Logistic newspaper among its collaborating
media, has made the purchase of tickets available to the public free of charge through this

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