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The purpose of the organized health services available in the school district is to help each student attend
school in optimum health in order to benefit from the school experience. The efforts of school personnel
in regard to health service will be to instill in every child the desire to safeguard his or her health so that
s/he will be able to participate in the school experience and life with a healthy body and an eager mind.

The District organized health program includes the following services:

The principal is responsible to organize the vision screening to be conducted annually for all
elementary students using parent volunteers. Notice will be sent to the parent if the need as
outlined in the procedural guidelines is identified. A sample parent information is attached.
Local vision professionals may assist with vision screening training.

The district Special Services under the direction of the Special Education Director conducts
the hearing screening annually for K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 10th grades on a regular
schedule with annual re-checks for children who have a history of ear problems. Parents are
notified for students who exhibit hearing problems as outlined in the procedural guidelines.

Students who are enrolling in Kindergarten are required to supply the elementary school with
verification of medical examinations. Elementary teachers gather height and weight
information and record pertinent health information on the student’s cumulative file. Basis for
evaluating if a problem exists and warrants parent notification is included in the procedural
guidelines. The files of students with specific health problems that need school-wide alert are
marked for ready referral and attention in case of emergency. Students who are participating
in the district sports program are required to have a medical examination. (Policy JHCA-
Physical Examination of Students)

The school manages the State Immunization Program as required by law (Wyoming
Education Code: 21-4-309). All students must have on file in the respective schools a
complete immunization record. The school secretaries are in charge of compliance to the law
and under the direction of the school principal and district coordinator report compliance
information to the State. A requirement for school enrollment is a completed immunization
record. (Policy JHCB- Immunization of Students) Parents are notified if students require
additional immunizations. The county health nurse or physicians administer inoculations.
The county health nurse coordinates with the high school to offer annual booster clinics for

A coordinated K-12 general health curriculum which emphasizes decision making as applied
to the topics of nutrition, fitness, safety, first aid, self-concept, substance abuse, and human
relations is part of the organized health program in the district. Units are prepared and
delivered to the students by the elementary classroom teachers and secondary physical
education/health teachers. Specific units on communicable diseases including AIDS, is
included in the health curriculum. A district curriculum committee reviews the program on a
regular cycle and evaluates the effectiveness of the program. (Policy IGA- School Programs)
Principals and teachers use the referral system to seek counseling services from the School
Psychologist and the local mental health center in order to meet the mental health needs of
the students.

The School Emergency Management Plan is in the hands of every staff member.
Implementation is directed by each school principal under the supervision of the district
Superintendent. The plan is presented to the faculty annually with periodic drills conducted
as required by State Accreditation Rules and Regulations. The program is coordinated by the
Superintendent with the Community Emergency Team.


The regular professional staff, principals, and teachers, observe and respond to symptoms of
ill health. Each school has assigned one staff person to be responsible for sick room facilities
and use, the notification of parents in case of illness or injury; and to assist in the
management of the school health services. Each school has appointed a currently certified
first aid staff member or EMT to respond to emergencies and to advise and act on health
problems. First aid sessions are conducted for all staff members in each school every third

School volunteers under the direction of the principal initiate and deliver special health
programs such as fluoride treatment.

A cooperative service is maintained with the local medical team and the county health nurse.
In the event of proliferation of specific ailments or diseases, the medical staff members advise
the school on action to be taken and assist in delivering specific services. (Policy JHCC-
Communicable Diseases)

The school district provides homebound instruction for children who because of an illness or
injury are expected to miss more than 5 days of school. Such extended confinement or
hospitalization will be verified by a physician. (Policy IGBG)

ADOPTED: September 12, 1991

Lincoln County School District #2, Wyoming

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