Curriculum Implementation Refers To How Teachers Deliver Instruction and Assessment Through

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Curriculum implementation 

refers to how teachers deliver instruction and assessment through

the use of specified resources provided in a curriculum. Curriculum designs generally provide
instructional suggestions, scripts, lesson plans, and assessment options related to a set of
Curriculum consists of the knowledge and skills in the subject matter areas that teachers teach
and students are supposed to learn. The curriculum generally consists of a scope and breadth of
content in a given subject area and sequence for learning. Instruction refers to the methods of
teaching as well as the learning activities used to help students master the content and
objectives specified by a curriculum. Instruction encompasses the activities of both teachers
and students. It can be carried out by a variety of ways, a different sequence of activities, and
topic orders. Assessment is the way we measure the outcomes of education and the
achievement of students with regard to important competencies.

What is curriculum implementation?

Implementation is an interaction between those who have created the program and those who
deliver it. According to Ornstein and Hunkins, 1998; o implementation requires educators to
shift from the current program which they are familiar with to the new or modified program. o
implementation involves changes in the knowledge, actions and attitudes of people o
implementation can be seen as a process of professional development and growth involving
ongoing interactions, feedback and assistance. o implementation is a process of clarification
whereby individuals and groups come to understand and practice a change in attitudes and
behaviors; often involving using new resources. o implementation involves change which
requires effort and will produce a certain amount of anxiety and to minimize these, it is useful
to organize implementation into manageable events and to set achievable goals. o
implementation requires a supportive atmosphere in which there is trust and open
communication between administrators, teachers, educators, and where risk-taking is

What is Curriculum Implementation

1.This term refers to the act of working out the plans and suggestions that have been made by
curriculum specialists and subject experts in a classroom or school setting. Teachers are the
main curriculum implementers, while at the same time students, parents, school administrators
can be directly or indirectly involved in the implementation process

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