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Quarter 2: The Period of Apprentice and Emergence Date

Unit 1
A. Discuss Literature During the American Occupation
a. Make Inferences
b. Visualize setting
 Formative Assessment
B. Recognize and Write Metaphors and Imagery
C. Use the Index Correctly
 Formative Assessment
D. Identify and Use Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
E. Recognize and Identify Sentence Patterns
 Formative Assessment
Unit 2
F. Recognize Foreshadowing Device
 Formative Assessment
G. Study an Essay
a. Write an Essay
H. Use Exact Word Describe in a Situation
I. Use Reference Material
 Formative Assessment
J. Identify and Use Objective Complement
 Formative Assessment

Unit 3
K. Locate Information in an Encyclopedia
 Formative Assessment
L. Recognize and Identify Noun Signaling Devices
 Formative Assessment
M. Use a and an correctly
 Formative Assessment
Unit 4
N. Name and Identify Apostrophe
O. Learn to Use Dictionary
 Formative Assessment
P. Capitalize Nouns Correctly
Q. Give Plural Forms of Mass Nouns and Count Nouns
R. Use Suitable Nouns in a Sentence
 Formative Assessment
 Summative Assessment
English 7

Quarter 2
Lesson (August 13-September 3)
A. Discuss Literature During the American Occupation
a. Make Inferences
b. Visualize setting
B. Recognize and Write Metaphors and Imagery
C. Identify and Use Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
D. Recognize and Identify Sentence Patterns
Lesson (September 4-18)
E. Get Acquainted with the Library
a. Learn how to use card catalogs
b. Dewey Decimal System
F. Learn how to use Reference Materials
a. Parts of a book
b. Use index
c. Locate information in an Encyclopedia
d. Learn to Use Dictionary
G. Recognize foreshadowing device
H. Discriminate between literal and figurative language
Lesson (September 19-October 4)
I. Identify conflicts
J. Identify figures of speech
K. identify ideas in a text
a. Main ideas
b. Supporting ideas
L. Recognize verbal and non-verbal cues in conversation, dialogs, and interview
M. Narrate events chronologically
Lesson (October 8-18)
N. Identify the features of poems and short stories
O. Predict outcome
P. Recognize tone and mood
Q. Gather information from newspaper and other print/non-print media sources
a. Raise questions about the material
English 7 (NEW)

Unit 1

1. Literature During American Occupation

2. Metaphors and Imagery
3. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
4. Sentence Patterns

Unit 2

1. Get Acquainted with the Library

2. Reference Materials
3. Literary Device (Foreshadowing)
4. Literal and Figurative Language

Unit 3

1. Elements of Literature (Conflicts)

2. Figures of Speech
3. Components of a Text
4. Verbal and nonverbal Cues
5. Transitional Devices

Unit 4

1. Features of Poems and Short Stories

2. Literary Device (Prediction)
3. Tone and Mood
4. Sources of Information

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