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collective Basgaining : Tn any \ndustsial establishment tne gsiction between employes and the workmen ig inevitable. there will bea demands bythe workmen and ig thse demands ase vegis- crewed bythe employes industvial dispute o-tises ~ceauttirg, odusivial -enaion ond distucoing the peace and howme- t: Se these naerlo. be geome \egialation in i = Ri An the indust® 4o which Could ensue industrial jastice preempt the = industrial tensions and psovide +he mechanism of dispute segdution ae. Industrial dispute oct th machinery ond gor gor adjustment j\nterests without distesbing exegore was enacted to provide op auch conglicting- and seemingly Yereconcllable ane peace and hasmeng jn tne industry asgusing the industsial growth. collective basgaining is one op tne methods whee jn +he employe and employee. can, settle thers disputes » Howeves dhese ig no peecise deyinition eq) collective boceqaining- But, it can be defined aS ** collective bargaining is OL process bowgaining- petween the employers and -thely woskess by which they settle thelr disputes, among @ themzelves Selacting- to employment of non-emplogmest oxteems of employment os conditions ey the labour Of she workmen. Eb is. impostart to note that Convention 15h oF Inteona” “ional Labour oxganizoction (Tre) undes Aeoticle & says’, ce collective baxgaining” extends fo ol negotiedions hich tofes place between on employes, one employes OF Gop oF employes osganigacion and one Cees ee onmgantyaction for = _ ges detesmining- working conditions and terms of empley- — ment, - soguloting peloctiong between employes oxthers ogoni> _ yodieRs: ond wovrkess , — Fegulating sselasion3 between employers ov thele oxgani- - yotions and wosker 8 osganigation: Ayes anakging- above deginition, i+ can be said that , Collective. bargaining is esysten based on bipartite ogree- _ ments) “invelving 34 povehy jntevention in mates hich eszentiolly concern with employes and woskmen, © TA is a system which establishes wevises ond admini- sere) mang: of the, gules, which gover the workers place of Work: @ Bisa proceduwe which determines tne aoe Compensation ges employees. @ | He Bt 18a method of -seitting- disptes duccing the pendency of agveement and agtes ine exping whether a dispute should be se- opened ov whether a strike ov lockout should be ~sesorted ov net, aRexejore, Collective bavgaining- javelves legislective, execute, and judicial gunetions as wells a Chasactesistics oy collechve baeqgaining | Shas Saad pls omit sagen 0 DL ts a process oy in which ~wepresentmhves of manner wt ment, employee pastici pate mutual 2) Tr is.@ gexible and dynamic pwocess, Dusing: these the cimumstances mory change and wesult may be a final decision, 2) J+ isa bipact process. 4) Tr isa Continuous pooces? which can establishes segulae and stable wsetationships between wosteys and menage- _ ment @® HW ise practical way of establishing industria} democracy © Wis process includes ejfowts som preliminary poepawa- — tions +0 the poesentotions ay conpliching: view points, collection oF necessoxry pacts, understanding ay the Sa | point, raking correct decision. , @D Tr 18. a! good method ep, peomoting jndustsial jusispaden Pe ComeOnic Tr isa goed youn af industeial intes~ disciplinany- system Ee cea Sees | gee calective. baceqaining | | Th settement oy disputes and advancement og the cause a labous, collective basgaining could pwve an eddective insteament ig Ceeiain basic conditions axe complied with! Buch 08} DO Re existenance a steng, independent, well-organiged ond gully ovganiged tade unions with well- degined policies. this isthe psimaxy conditions: yor ‘the successj Process gq collective baxgaining. @ # +e undewsianding. and abpweciation af each ethes view points ocre also essential, Tle has stacled thet cthe digjesence between two pasties can be adjusted oe Compromise and concession . | @® Collective borrgaining can be an eggective technique to golve ang kind ef induatsial dispute ; @ @ “Fe pasties to collective bargaining should act in good galth and do-the -things, on the basis oF mutual agreement as anese 18 no legal gonction behind -the tess and condi- “Hons ageeed upon bythe pasties « ich theg ave legally cequiced @® he awens oy poetics in voh\ Clealy spelled out, Ao passgain collectively Bhould be -> Fanctions oy collective bargaining: pied wep RR Sion Wing © Adjustment and balance ef paves of athe manogement and union when they ae in cenglict with each omer: | @® . collective bavegaining: helps In prsinging abet the compe” _ mige between the pasties who ose having comtinuous conglict @® TH analyses th in establishing industrial jersispoudence. eights and duties af conplictng: pasties ® eat groom perjosming functions like negotiation , odministeadtion and engosceemet® of ogecements, by * Ye also adjusts labous management Aispectes 7 Gignizicance a collective bexqaining | Fie need gor collective bargaining igineed gor an hour, Ahoough negotiations the golution +o tne commen problems can be divectiy gound out between the management and and employees. Fuccthes itor enabled tvade unions to = poceticipate in the decision making process vegouding hours oF work , woAs, working conditions ete. ak elfen eneating peseapal industvial climate, there by inceeasing Bocial and econemic conditions og the worskes, > Painciples of Collective bargaining | Cestain principles which hove +o be gollowed by beth the management and woskes gor collective bosgaining | O These should be a -selizatioN onthe past ey both mana - gemert and employee for taking wiser and move expedient decisions, Collective bawgaining- is o phew method , @® An ohportunity should be provided to +wade unten leades toe patting +theiv complaints, demands, needs, befove the managemeat and ane management should explain -fohem 4he ciscumstances and make efits to sedsess whe qelevances oy Ane: Wothke ss | @® We presence oy genuine spivit q mural wespect, goodwill and boergaining ghould be -thewe on the past gy both she parties, ® “He porsties to collective boxgaining should be honesty in undesstanding the concept. ® -t+ is desiwable : desie strat the management should change their Pet and should keep in view the dignity oy the workers, ig they change the circumstances, @® Tr isequolly desivable on tne past oF the unicn to woise geagonable demands. “Fey Should not pat up such demands ag axe beyond the paying capacity og tne establishment oF mo bE against the notional policies. F Proceduse of collective Boxgaining Re ondoption of collective bareg™ decisions of the employes ehich ining- places & cheek on he seguited in unilateral @ pPsesertotion oF demands and qieances bythe emblegee (na collective rqnonnee. @ Fox seitling me grienances eand pulgilling- the demands conducting disurssions and negotiations on ane basis ey marvel give and aoke . ia murat got syoc%oN, @ when nogetiosions sesh siQning % oe gowrnal anrecement oF On jngormal agreement yn or shape of a decision . @ we wre wre Peectonmantn ete oa ae ig theve is likely scegost to Breike ow lockout inthe event of the oti negefiocion : Aytes analy sing above Jacts and civcumstonce, in . analysed nat tne se@ope cp collective posgaining- sce cognition o¢ rode union: ing TOOK S beans jormadion, can be iB associated with the he scope of collective pagan geo worthy WOges and 4enms og employment 4° management presogatives . Commission on Labous has sugges- Jn addition, Nationa! _4ed cesiain measures to be ial Dispute Act HT adopted's section 1#CD oF practed tnt Collective Oaegat- Ane Indust between rhe employee and ning- corsived ot by agreement woskmen,

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