TOPIC: This House Would Give Veto Power To Indigenous Peoples Over Resource-Extraction Ventures

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TOPIC: This house would give veto power to indigenous

peoples over resource-extraction ventures


Rights to Ancestral Domains

SECTION 7.            Rights to Ancestral Domains. — The rights of ownership

and possession of ICCs/IPs to their ancestral domains shall
be recognized and protected. Such rights shall include:

  b)         Right to Develop Lands and Natural Resources. — Subject to

Section 56 hereof, right to develop, control and use lands and territories
traditionally occupied, owned, or used; to manage and conserve natural
resources within the territories and uphold the responsibilities for future
generations; to benefit and share the profits from allocation and utilization of
the natural resources found therein; the right to negotiate the terms and
conditions for the exploration of natural resources in the areas for the purpose
of ensuring ecological, environmental protection and the conservation
measures, pursuant to national and customary laws; the right to an informed
and intelligent participation in the formulation and implementation of any
project, government or private, that will affect or impact upon the ancestral
domains and to receive just and fair compensation for any damages which
they may sustain as a result of the project; and the right to effective measures
by the government to prevent any interference with, alienation and
encroachment upon these rights;

IRR ― Implementing Rules and Regulations

UNDRIP ― UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
ILO ― International Labour Organization

It is not stated in IP’s ancestral domains, but If you will dig

deeper you can actually see that it was included. Not by words but
through understanding. According to REPUBLIC ACT NO. 386 
An act to ordain and institute the Civil Code of the Philippines. ...  Civil Code
of the Philippines is the basic law governing persons and family relations,
property and property rights, ownership of modifications, the modes of
acquiring ownership, and the obligations and contracts. Now the relationship
between the republic act NO. 386 which is trespassing and poaching of
properties is that a trespasser is the one who “oversteps his bounds” onto the
lands of another, while a poacher is one who trespasses with the
intent of taking an animal for an example. Which means that trespassing can
lead to much worse like poaching and there is no excemption to the republic
act no. 386 even though they are indigenous because they are also citizen in
this country which is the philippines.

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