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Cell Mol Neurobiol (2010) 30:1371–1375

DOI 10.1007/s10571-010-9607-8


Commentary on Chapters ‘Clinical and Developmental Aspects’

and ‘Stress Responses of the Adrenal Medulla’
Lee E. Eiden

Received: 15 September 2010 / Accepted: 20 September 2010 / Published online: 19 November 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC (outside the USA) 2010

The division of the contributions to this volume into set of cell types, and therefore is an attractive model for
Chromogranins, Ion Channels, Secretion Mechanisms, etiology of proliferative disease. Second, pheochromocy-
Clinical and Developmental Aspects, and Stress Responses toma can be either metastatic, malignant or benign, and
of the Adrenal Medulla is somewhat arbitrary: there is therefore can be used to search for markers to make this
clearly much overlap among these domains of chromaffin clinically crucial diagnosis. Murthy et al. propose car-
cell research. This commentary covers both Clinical/ boxypeptidase E (CPE), the enkephalin prohormone pro-
Developmental, and Stress Responses together, mainly to cessing enzyme first characterized in bovine chromaffin
emphasize this overlap, and the translational importance of granules in 1982 (Hook et al., Nature 295:341–342, 1982),
these two aspects of the chromaffin cell as a stress as such a marker. Meta-analysis of microarray expression
transducer. data sets in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) allowed
Genetics, development and stress were three topics of Murthy and colleagues to identify CPE as a transcript
particular clinical relevance that were developed in depth frequently represented in the transcriptomes of metastatic
through contributions presented at the 15th International cancers of both endocrine and epithelial origin. Thus,
Symposium for Chromaffin Cell Biology. The genetics of cervical, colorectal, renal, and bone (Ewing sarcoma),
the chromaffin cell in normal physiology and disease were astrocytic, and oligodendroglial tumors or cells express
highlighted by contributions focusing on markers of chro- higher levels of CPE mRNA than their non-cancerous cells
maffin cell origin relevant to cancer including pheochro- and tissues of origin: in fact most of the corresponding cells
mocytoma, and on catecholaminergic markers for of origin do not have appreciable concentrations of CPE.
hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Lung, pituitary and pheochromocytoma tissue (i.e. neuro-
Colon, pancreas, prostate and lung outrank the adrenal endocrine tumors) express higher CPE levels than their
medulla as organs of medical concern in human cancer. tissues of origin. Most significantly, metastatic pheochro-
Although pheochromocytoma, or cancer of adrenomedul- mocytoma expresses significantly higher CPE mRNA than
lary origin is rare, it is an important subject of study for benign. Should CPE prove a reliable prognostic marker for
several reasons. First, it arises from a limited and distinct malignancy in pheochromocytoma and other neuroendo-
crine cancers, and perhaps even in non-endocrine cancers,
its potential for translation to standard clinical practice
This is a commentary to articles doi:10.1007/s10571-010-9535-7 would be high.
10.1007/s10571-010-9567-z, 10.1007/s10571-010-9571-3, Thouennon and Anouar report on expression of neuro-
10.1007/s10571-010-9578-9, 10.1007/s10571-010-9575-z,
10.1007/s10571-010-9582-0, 10.1007/s10571-010-9583-z,
peptides in pheochromocytoma that may be involved in
10.1007/s10571-010-9592-y, 10.1007/s10571-010-9593-x, trophic, proliferative and angiogenic paracrine/autocrine
10.1007/s10571-010-9594-9, 10.1007/s10571-010-9600-2, actions contributing to tumor growth. A strong correlation
10.1007/s10571-010-9606-9, 10.1007/s10571-010-9620-y. between NPY and PACAP expression was documented in
25 pheochromocytomas, and between RDC1, the adreno-
L. E. Eiden (&)
NIMH-IRP, Bethesda, MD, USA medullin receptor, and VEGF, with angiogenic activity.
e-mail: These authors review the evidence for concerted expression

1372 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2010) 30:1371–1375

of trophic peptides and their receptors in pheochromocy- transcription rate of the disease-linked gene is more pro-
toma leading to autocrine/paracrine regulation of tumor cell nounced in studies of genetic variants in CHGA linked to
growth. An intriguing possibility is that there is ‘cross hypertension and hypertension-associated kidney disease.
regulation’ of heterologous peptides and their receptors Variants in the CHGA promoter linked to glomerular fil-
such that a complex coordinated growth program is initiated tration rate (GFR, an index of kidney function and dys-
and maintained. function) and in the 3’ untranslated region of the CHGA
O’Connor and colleagues provide two in-depth exam- gene linked to end-stage renal disease are indeed ‘func-
inations of genetic effects of catecholamine-related genes tional’, i.e. associated with altered gene transcription of
on renal hypertension and stress-induced blood pressure correspondingly mutated reporter genes in cells in culture.
regulation. The genetic effects of allelic variation in the Moreover, CHGA promoter variation also predicts plasma
tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene reviewed by Rao et al. endothelin-1 levels, and chromogranin A releases this
trace the linkages from genetic variation to functional factor along with angiopoietin-2, and von Willebrand
variation, with a face-valid hypothesis for penetrance to Factor from cultured endothelial cells. Thus, along with its
altered phenotype resulting in disease (hypertension). The role in the biogenesis of catecholamine-containing secre-
genetic effects of allelic variation in the chromogranin A tory vesicles, and various direct hormonal effects of CHGA
(CHGA) gene reviewed by Chen et al. are more complex; processed protein fragments (see Commentary of K. Helle
exhibited at multiple loci in the CHGA gene, some of on the Chromogranin chapter of this volume) throughout
which are functional (affecting transcription of the CHGA the cardiovascular system, chromogranin A also affects the
mRNA or processing of the CHGA protein); and compli- secretion of key regulatory hormones from the endothelium
cated in extension to phenotype and disease by the phe- of the vasculature itself. The genetic studies reviewed by
nomenon of heterosis. TH is the rate-limiting enzyme for Rao et al. and Chen et al. suggest the complexity under-
catecholamine production. Therefore the identification of a lying stress transduction by the chromaffin cell of the
tetranucleotide repeat in the first intron of the gene with adrenal medulla that leads to homeostasis and contributes
two common variants (TCAT6 and TCAT10) that predict to allostatic load throughout the lifespan (see Goldstein).
autonomic traits in twins provides a straightforward Importantly, creating tighter association between disease
opportunity to connect TH allelic variation to blood pres- outcome and precursor or intermediate phenotypes that can
sure and blood pressure response variation through varia- be measured simultaneously and often across time, will
tion in catecholamine production in human individuals. provide a statistical framework for broader integration of
Indeed TCAT9 is associated with higher plasma norepi- multiple genes and their allelic variants into the mosaic of
nephrine levels. However, there is not a simple relationship human diseases which are progressive, predictable and
between TCAT number (variation is commonly from six to therefore preventable.
11 copies) and hemodynamic responses to stress or resis- Zeniou-Meyer and colleagues review the cellular and
tance to cardiovascular disease. A second polymorphic molecular biology of Coffin-Lowry, an X-linked skeleto-
block exists in the TH promoter region, and affects tran- muscular developmental and mental retardation syndrome
scriptional activity, possibly through variable binding of which is associated with mutations in a single gene,
transcription factors (MEF2, SP1, AP2, EGR1, SRY and RPS6KA3, encoding the protein kinase RSK2. An
FOXD1 are candidates). Variants with the greatest effects RSK2-KO mouse model with corresponding deficits in
on TH transcription correspond to individuals with highest long-term spatial memory and learning has been found by
catecholamine levels in vivo. At least one allele (C-824T) this group to show long-term potentiation (LTP) synaptic
shows augmented secretory response in cell culture mod- deficits in the amygdala. However, it was not possible in
els at nicotinic and PACAP receptors, i.e. to the two the complex milieu of the brain to clearly identify whether
co-transmitters at the splanchnicoadrenomedullary syn- the role of RKS2 in LTP was pre- or post-synaptic. They
apse. The linkage between TH allelic variation, TH tran- therefore turned to the PC12 cell model to determine how
scription, catecholamine levels and cardiovascular disease RSK2 hypofunction might affect secretion. First, using
is not always simple (i.e. allelic variation blocks corre- pharmacological inhibition of RSK kinase function, and
sponding to greater TH transcription, corresponding to RNA interference in PC12 cells, it was shown that RSK2 is
higher catecholamine levels, corresponding to hyperten- indeed required for depolarization-induced secretion in
sion, corresponding to disease). This is not surprising: the PC12 cells (Zeniou-Meyer et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
‘‘area under the curve’’ representing integrated sympatho- USA 105:8434, 2008). RSK2 function in exocytosis
adrenal enhanced catecholamine secretion, and recovery, appears to be through the phosphorylation of phospholipase
following stress may be optimized for homeostasis (or for D1 (PLD1). Thus, an important new link in regulation of
disease-associated allostasis) at several points of regula- secretion has been identified, and it is one in which mal-
tion. Lack of simple correlation between disease and function is clearly associated with disease. The next step is

Cell Mol Neurobiol (2010) 30:1371–1375 1373

to show that RSK2’s role in corticoamygdalar synaptic CNS—are progenitor cells and can be isolated in culture.
communication is mediated by the same or a similar The therapeutic promise of adult human chromaffin cell
mechanism to that found in PC12 cells. Similarities progenitors grown as chromospheres in culture is explored
between secretory mechanisms in highly accessible model by Ehrhart-Bornstein et al. Ehrhart-Bornstein and col-
systems and at difficult to study synapses of the brain is leagues point out the advantages of culturing adrenal pro-
always welcome news in the context of translational genitor cells for autologous transplantation in Parkinson’s
research, from the standpoint of both identification of drug disease including: (i) the potential for expansion of the cell
targets and high-throughput identification of drug candi- population, (ii) the expected lack of degeneration in situ
dates. This is an important advance for understanding and seen with mature chromaffin cells following transplanta-
potentially treating Coffin-Lowry patients. It also adds tion to brain and (iii) the ability to encourage a dopami-
another mental retardation syndrome to the list of those, nergic phenotype rather than an adrenergic one during cell
including Rett’s syndrome, Down syndrome and neurofi- expansion in culture. Characterizing the cell population as
bromatosis (Ehninger et al., Neuron 60:950, 2008), now one with growth potential and phenotypic plasticity is an
seen essentially as reflecting a potentially correctable important first step, and this group reports on the existence
synaptic transmission defect, rather than an irreversibly of developmentally specific transcription factors, including
misbuilt brain. Sox1 and Mash1, in their bovine chromosphere cultures.
Cell model systems are necessary for progress in Given that bovine chromospheres have increased dopamine
translational medicine, whether modeling the behavior of (DA) secretion after treatment with ascorbic and retinoic
the identical cell within an intact organ, or a gene within a acid, the use of similarly treated human chromosphere
cell, or using an accessible cell such as the bovine chro- cultures in autologous transplantation for treatment of
maffin cell as a model for other post-mitotic neural cells Parkinson’s disease is an exciting prospect.
which cannot be obtained in sufficient numbers or purity The contribution of Guerineau and colleagues is an
for biochemical experiments. However, a thorough under- important link between developmental aspects of chro-
standing of the human neuroendocrine cell, and the prop- maffin cell function considered above, and the properties of
erties of its surrounding environment in a functioning the adrenal medulla as a stress transducer, which the
organ, is also critical. Three contributions in this section remainder of the contributions to this chapter address
address the development and properties of the chromaffin directly. The authors review the developmental and stress-
cell within the adrenal gland, and the human chromaffin induced changes in cell–cell communication in the adrenal
cell in particular. Perez-Alvarez and colleagues review the medulla. They point out that a developmental switch
embryonic origin, development, morphology and physiol- occurs in the adrenal medulla such that the newborn gland
ogy of the human adrenal medulla. They contrast, in par- features robust intercellular gap junction communication
ticular, the stimulus-secretion coupling process in the and relatively weak nicotinic cholinergic synaptic trans-
human compared to mouse, rat and cow adrenal medulla mission. This is reversed during postnatal maturation of the
with respect to type and composition of nicotinic ACh cholinergic innervation of the gland, so that weak cell–cell
receptors, voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) junctional coupling and strong nicotinic signaling charac-
types, and muscarinic receptors. Alpha-7-subunit-contain- terizes the adult adrenal medulla. During chronic stress in
ing nicotinic receptors are now identified in human chro- the adult animal, however, gap junction-mediated inter-
maffin cells. Although it is known that PACAP releases cellular communication seems to be disinhibited. This
catecholamines from fetal human adrenal chromaffin cells, would allow amplification of signal transduction primarily
the presence of PACAP as a co-transmitter with ACh in coming from the splanchnic nerve, in addition to the
human adrenal gland is as yet unconfirmed. The 25-year increased ACh and PACAP release during increased firing,
history of human chromaffin cell autologous transplanta- through synergy with gap junction propagation of cellular
tion to the brain for treatment of Parkinson’s disease is excitation and subsequent catecholamine secretion. The
described, and the obstacles to success, including low involvement of gap-junctional plasticity in the effects of
survival and dopamine production are reviewed. Interest- chronic stress is an area of potentially fruitful further study.
ingly, chromaffin cell transplantation to spinal cord for pain Briefly describing David Goldstein’s review of adrenal
may be more promising, with therapeutic effect imputed to responses to stress (a keynote talk at the 15th ISCCB) at
enkephalin secretion in situ. It is not clear whether ACh or this point in this commentary somewhat ‘buries the head-
PACAP, both relatively abundant in spinal cord, is the line’ of a major theme of the meeting: the chromaffin cell
relevant secretagogue for chromaffin cells at that location. as a stress transducer. Goldstein traces the concepts of
Although adult bovine chromaffin cells are of great value sympathoadrenal stress developed by Cannon and of HPA
as a neuroendocrine cell model because they are post- axis activation as developed by Selye. He points out that a
mitotic, a very small percentage—like adult neurons of the more modern formulation of these two axes in response to

1374 Cell Mol Neurobiol (2010) 30:1371–1375

stress is that not only do the sympathoadrenal and hypo- variety and amount of signaling molecules that the adrenal
thalamohypophysialadrenocortical (HPA) axes differ in medulla uses to convey the stress response to other organs.
response to specific stressors, but that the sympathetic and Wong et al. review the role of HIF1alpha as a tran-
adrenomedullary responses are often quite different. Thus scription factor important in mediating the actions of the
metabolic stress—hypoglycemia—preferentially activates inducible transcription factor Egr1 and the ubiquitous
the HPA and adrenal medulla while cold stress (prior to transcription factor Sp1 on PNMT gene activation. Based
actual lowering of core temperature) activates sympathetic on work primarily in PC12 cells from their own laboratory,
outflow preferentially to HPA and adrenomedullary acti- this group has determined that HIF1alpha mRNA is up-
vation. This updating of earlier (but, as Goldstein points regulated by hypoxia (5% O2 for 24 h) in these cells, as are
out, still widespread) notions about the ‘unitary’ or gen- Egr1, Sp1 and PNMT. The authors postulate that HIF1al-
eralized aspects of stress response is important. It allows a pha, activated by hypoxia, then activates the downstream
more detailed accounting of human response to stressors transcription factors Egr1 and Sp1 to elevate PNMT gene
that are predominantly sympathetic, and those that are transcription. Although these experiments were carried out
mainly HPA/adrenomedullary. A systems overview of in cells in culture using reporter gene assays, the PC12 cell
stress and distress from this more detailed perspective is model allowed facile deployment of siRNA for HIF1alpha
presented in this review. This perspective also makes to establish the functional order of induction of these fac-
incorporation of the concept of allostatic load—the ‘wear tors by hypoxia, i.e. the dependence of Egr-1 and Sp1
and tear’ cost of maintaining homeostasis under conditions protein elevation, and PNMT transcription, on HIF-1alpha
in which significant adaptation is required—more conve- (Tai et al. J. Neurochem. 109:513, 2009; Tai et al., Brain
niently applicable to analysis of how the chromaffin cell Res. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2010.07.036). These findings
might be involved in adaptation, and maladaptation, to are of great interest in further understanding of chromaffin
prolonged stress. In particular, this systems analysis may cell stress transduction for several reasons. First, these data
help shift focus on stress research from ‘sympathoadrenal’ reveal HIF-1alpha as an inducible transcription factor in
versus HPA to understanding how the hypothalamus PC12 cells. As the authors point out, HIF-1alpha regulation
coordinates, perhaps through the parvocellular paraven- in other cell systems occurs predominantly at post-trans-
tricular nucleus and CRH release, the activation of the lational points of regulation. Second, induction of HIF-
adrenal gland as a whole—both cortex and medulla—as a 1alpha was observed in rat adrenal medulla after immobi-
stress-transducing organ. lization stress or PACAP treatment in vivo. This implies,
Ait-Ali et al. further develop the notion of the adrenal since PACAP has been shown to be a major regulator of
gland as a stress transducer not only at the immediate level adrenomedullary stress responses in vivo (vide supra) that
of enhanced catecholamine secretion, but also increased HIF-1alpha is a stress transducer in chromaffin cells not
production of a broader array of secreted informational only for hypoxia, but for other metabolic, and for psy-
molecules, including cytokines, growth factors and neuro- chogenic stressors. Multiple pathways including protein
peptides, than previously appreciated. Pituitary adenylate kinase A, p38, ERK, PKC, IP3 and Akt (protein kinase B)
cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is the splanchni- appear to be involved in this induction, consistent with the
coadrenomedullary transmitter that mediates catechol- pleiotropic nature of PACAP signaling in chromaffin cells.
amine biosynthesis and secretion from the adrenal medulla Further analysis of this pathway for PNMT induction in
in response to both metabolic and psychogenic stress vivo and in bovine chromaffin cells will likely produce
(Hamelink et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99:461, 2002; further insights into the nature of stress transduction by the
Stroth et al., Neuroscience 165:1025, 2010). Based on these adrenal gland, and ways in which it might be modulated in
findings, Ait-Ali and colleagues (the author of this com- sustained stress responding leading to disease (see
mentary is a co-author of this contribution) examined by Goldstein).
microarray analysis more than 15,000 transcripts poten- The extent of adrenomedullary plasticity during stress is
tially regulated by PACAP in cultured bovine chromaffin highlighted further by the report of Tillinger et al., dem-
cells. Of the 370 or so up-regulated transcripts, more than onstrating that the vesicular monoamine transporter 2
10% encoded informational molecules—secreted proteins (VMAT2) is induced by immobilization stress in PNMT-
such as cytokines, growth factors, and neuropeptides that positive chromaffin cells in vivo. Vesicular uptake of cat-
act as first messengers at specific cellular receptors—and echolamines ismediated by two isoforms of VMAT,
enzymes that mediate their intracellular and extracellular VMAT1 and VMAT2 (Slc18A1 and Slc18A2). Only
activation. These findings imply that the stress response is VMAT2 is expressed in neurons of the central nervous
not limited to the known hormones (catecholamines) and system, while VMAT1 is expressed in chromaffin cells,
neuropeptides that the chromaffin cell secretes. Rather, it enterochromaffin cells and SIF cells of all species exam-
engages a transcriptional program that greatly increases the ined to date. Interestingly, all cells in both human and

Cell Mol Neurobiol (2010) 30:1371–1375 1375

rhesus macaque express both VMAT1 and VMAT2 secretion and biosynthesis are all examples. These effects
(Erickson et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:5166, 1996; are mediated through distinct pathways: ERK and STAT1
Anlauf et al., J. Histochem. Cytochem. 54:201, 2006), for IFN-alpha, NF-kB for TNF-alpha, and ERK, nitric
while rodent chromaffin cells express mainly VMAT1, oxide, guanylate cyclase and NPY as intermediates for IL-1
with only low levels of VMAT2. Tillinger et al. show that signaling. How cytokine signaling can be important in
in the rat, VMAT1 is expressed in all chromaffin cells, adrenomedullary function and stress transduction is per-
while basal VMAT2 is confined to norepinephrine haps most clearly indicated by the reviewed literature on
(TH?PNMT-) cells and absent from epinephrine (TH? the anti-inflammatory factor IL-6: in vivo adrenomedullary
PNMT?) cells. Upon immobilization stress, VMAT2 catecholamine secretion up-regulates plasma IL-6 con-
mRNA levels are increased in the adrenal medulla, and this centrations, and adrenalectomy reduces stress-induced IL-6
occurs via de novo expression in epinephrine-containing elevation more than 80%. Thus centrally-mediated IL-6
cells. This induction, which occurs after a single episode of down-regulation could occur via control of splanchnicoa-
immobilization stress, provides a mechanism for sustained drenomedullary output, and the adrenal itself may be a
plasticity of chromaffin cells. A copious literature now systemic source of this important cytokine. The isolated
suggests that altered vesicular transporter expression in chromaffin cell remains a key model for understanding the
CNS is a physiological regulator of quantal size. It is mechanistic details of this signaling as a basis for assessing
instructive that this mechanism may also serve to augment efficacy, and potential complications, of new treatments for
epinephrine secretion in the adrenal gland responding to major and common threats to human life such as sepsis.
stress. The effects of VMAT2 alteration on quantal size and Douglas et al. point out also that cytokine signaling to the
overall integrated secretion of epinephrine will be an chromaffin cell provides key insights into their cellular
interesting question to approach quantitatively and geneti- actions on neuroendocrine, in contrast to immune, cells
cally in the mouse in vivo, if VMAT2 induction after stress with direct application to elucidating mechanisms of sig-
can be demonstrated in that species as well. naling in sickness behavior mediated through cytokines in
Douglas et al. reviewed cytokine interactions with the central nervous system, and the grave CNS side effects
chromaffin cells guided by the key observation that of interferons given as drugs in cancer, and elevated in
‘‘[s]ignaling from the activated immune system is a little aging and during stress.
explored but potentially important non-neural adrenome- The contributions to this chapter establish that the
dullary regulator.’’ The effects of interferon alpha and chromaffin cell remains the best simple model of a synapse
gamma on chromaffin cell tyrosine hydroxylase phos- in the nervous system in which transduction of a presyn-
phorylation and apoptosis, respectively, of TNF-alpha aptic signal to a functional, physiologically measurable
through TNFR2 on chromaffin cell gene expression, and output can be visualized in detail, and in which translation
the effects of IL-1 on augmentation of catecholamine to improved clinical practice can also be clearly envisaged.


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