Teacher Professional Growth Plan - Kendra Berg Updated

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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

PSI Student Teacher: Kendra Berg Semester: Fall 2020

School: Enchant School Teacher Associate:
Professional Goal Statement #1:
During my PSI practicum, my goal is to become proficient in developing effective introductions and conclusions to lessons.

Teaching Quality Standard Competency: TQS #3: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge: A teacher applies a current and
comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.
(a) Planning and designing learning activities that: address the learning outcomes outlined in the programs of study; foster student
understanding of the link between the activity and the intended learning outcomes
(b) Using instructional strategies to engage students in meaningful learning activities, based on an understanding of students’
backgrounds, prior knowledge and experiences; a knowledge of how students develop as learners

Inquiry Question: In what ways do effective lesson introductions and conclusions improve student learning?

Possible Resources: University Consultant and my Teacher Associate, using Google to find different strategies for effective
introductions and conclusions. Trying each one until I can find one that the students really resonate with, which will make the lesson
much more meaningful.

Strategies: Timeline(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Providing students with clues so that they can predict Ongoing Having the children think deeply and engage in the
the lesson's topic introduction aspect

Setting and sharing the goals and indicators of what the Ongoing The students will be able to express what they were
children will learn in each lesson. learning and understand what they are to do during the
For example: Today we will learn…. lesson.

3. The students will be able to summarize what they did

Summarizing the lesson and consolidating ideas during the Ongoing and what they learned during the lesson.
conclusion of an activity.
Formative Reflection: To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal? How are my strategies influencing my classroom
practice? To what extent are my strategies impacting student learning?

So far, I have used strategy two and three the most out of this section. Starting each lesson with “Today we will learn” has helped the students know what is to
come. I have even stated the overall task for the lesson, so the children know ahead of time what I am asking of them. I believe this has helped with classroom
management and sets the students up for success. I have been actively working on my conclusions in every lesson, and still consider this an aspect of growth.

Summative Reflection:

I really enjoy having the opener to my introduction of “today we will learn…”, this has been a consistency that I have has since the first
day. I find it give the students an opportunity to know what the activity or the point of the lesson is before I go into detail. It also gives
me a chance to give the students a heads up to listen for key aspects or details while we are reading or going over certain things as this
will help them with their task. The students have started to expect this in my lesson, and I think it has helped my lessons overall. I still
am actively incorporating conclusions into my lesson. I try to have students share what they have been working on, a favourite part to
the lesson, or something they have learned from today. If I do forget I use this as an introduction to the continuing lesson to link each
day together to encourage the student’s comprehension of topics.

Professional Goal Statement #2:

During my PSI practicum, my goal will be to learn how to create and record effective formative assessments as evidence of my teaching
Teaching Quality Standard Competency: TQS #3: Demonstrating a Professional body of Knowledge: A teacher applies a current and
comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.
(c) Applying student assessment and evaluation practices

Inquiry Question: In what ways does effective formative assessment improve my teaching practice?

Possible Resources:
Researching effective formative assessment tools and strategies, implementation, practice, and gaining feedback from my TA and UC
Strategies: Timeline(s Indicator(s) of Success
1. I will be able to discover if my students have grasped the
I will use anecdotal records to gauge student learning Ongoing concepts introduced or not
throughout the activities

I will use Think-Pair-Share as a formative assessment to gauge Ongoing I can gauge immediately while the students share
their understand of the topic whether they understand the topic
- Although with Covid protocols the “Pair” aspect needs
to be changed so they can still stay in their individual

I will have my students do self-assessment on their learning to Ongoing When asked, children can accurately describe what they
assess their comprehension of topics learned throughout the lesson

Formative Reflection: To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal? How are my strategies influencing my classroom
practice? To what extent are my strategies impacting student learning?

I have found anecdotal records work well for me to look back to see if students are grasping concepts. I also have been doing a lot of verbal formal assessment with my
TA. I discuss with her what I have noticed while circulating the room or asking students to describe certain aspects to quickly gauge whether my teaching has been
effective. I even used this on my first day of teaching. I quickly noticed an activity was not going as planned. I spoke with my TA and was able to re-teach the lesson
and ensured the students understood the activity before giving them the go ahead to get started. The second time around I could tell the connection was being made
and they understand the concept.

Summative Reflection:

Although Covid protocols have been tough, I have been able to use the “pair” aspect on my second goal. The students turn to the person
beside them and share their thoughts and then we come back to a group. I have also found success in just asking if the students understand
what I am asking before I move on, and if there is even one no, I will still go over something again and in a different way than before to
ensure all students have success. I find that even though it is only the one student who spoke up the others may still be struggling, and to
not embarrass anyone I give more examples and check for understanding again. Another item I have started to add in once I send students
to complete the task is, I offer if anyone else needs individual help to put their hand up and I will help in any way. If I have found I am
getting the same answer more than twice then I need to get everyone’s attention and give the answer to the group as more people may be
Using anecdotal records after a lesson has helped me identify where certain students might be struggling. I have also been able to pinpoint
if one student out of 12 is struggling there might be some extra support that is needed, or they need one on one explanation.

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