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Shelby Salazar

Professor Ann Fillmore

English 2010

September 15, 2020


Dear Postpartum Depression Disorder,

I would like to start by saying, how dare you.

How dare you steal away some of the most precious moments of my life.

How dare you make me feel like I’m not good enough for this little, precious life.

How dare you make me avoid every mirror or reflection in fear of hearing you
scream how imperfect you think my new body is!

How dare you try to convince me that my husband doesn’t love me all of a sudden. “I
mean, how could he? What is there to love? The dark circles around your eyes? Your
stretch marks and saggy skin? You haven't washed your hair, shaved your legs, or
even put on real clothes in days." Do you remember those words? I do.

It might come as a shock to you that I am calling you out on your crap because there
are so many other moms that you have tormented who have simply “put up with it”
until you are done ruining everything. Do you know why we do this? Because your
voice is blaring so loudly that we cannot even form our thoughts about ourselves.
You constantly remind us that if we ask for help or express our feelings, that means
we have immediately failed as wives and mothers. So instead, we suffer silently.

It’s only recently that some of your siblings have been exposed to the public eye.
Drawing a blank? Let me tell you their names so it hits a little closer to home
(because that’s the game you play, right?). In no particular order, they are Anxiety
Disorder, Depression Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Personality
Disorder. We are sick of them and their antics so we are speaking up! Doctors and
therapists are on to them. We are on a great path to not facing them alone. Don't
worry, you will get your turn in the limelight soon. We've had enough! You have
tortured, attacked, and murdered mothers. Their babies needed them and you stole
them away. How dare you!

According to research done by the CDC, “Nationally, about 1 in 8 women experience

symptoms of postpartum depression.” You and I both know this number is most-
likely under-reported because even when being asked, you somehow still manage to
manipulate some into lying so they don’t appear as an unfit mother. You also don’t
give every woman the same symptoms or severity which may cause the first-time
mom who is crying more than usual to think this is just hormones. Or the mom who
feels numb that maybe she didn’t want a child.
Stop pressuring women to be perfect. That load is too heavy for anyone to carry, let
alone a sleep-deprived mom. “You are not good enough.” “Your family doesn’t need
Shelby Salazar

Professor Ann Fillmore

English 2010

September 15, 2020

you.” My heart breaks for those who have believed your disgusting lies because you
almost had me too.
I am loved and needed. You will not define me.

Sincerely, no longer yours,


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