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Sara Solano

Professor Deborah Sullivan


Learner Exercise # 10

November 28, 2020


1. My teaching subject and anticipated grade level: Spanish Education 6 th-8th grade.

2. Attention to procedures. Use a statement to explain my procedural expectation for each

of the following:

a. How are students to signal that they want my attention and help?

I would let my students know that I expect them to call my name once and hold their

hand up until I am ready to attend to them. I would utilize a different strategy during

activities such as a group project that required for me to sit with a group of students

to provide guidance or assessment. At this time,

I would implement a system that were they would put up a sign that indicates they

need my assistance. If the student is completely stuck, they would have available a

choice board folder with activities to occupy their time until I am available to help.

b. How will I call my students during question and discussion sessions?

In order to give my students an equal opportunity to participate, considering that

some students are more eager to participate than others, I would implement a

random system such as names in a grab bag. I like something completely random
instead of going by rows because students will be more likely to remain more

attentive if they have no idea when they will be expected to answer.

c. How and when are students expected to enter and exit the classroom?

First of all, I will follow any rules or safety procedure implemented by the school.

Students will enter and exit the room in an orderly fashion by forming a line. To exit

the classroom for lunch or to switch classes I will call students by groups to line up

and exit only when I am when everyone is quite and ready and I am ahead. Dismissal

time, I will use for assessment. I will have students gather their belongings and sit in

the rug. I will ask questions of material that was learned that day and as students

answer they are to line up to get ready to exit.

d. How are students to obtain materials for instruction?

If they are working in groups, each group has to choose a monitor in charge of

materials. Otherwise I will pass it around.

e. How are students to store their personal items?

Each student will have an assigned cubby with a hook and a small crate each labeled

with the student’s name. This is the place where they are expected to store the

belongings that are not required for working in class such as their lunch, jackets, etc.

f. What are my procedures for students going to the drinking fountain or restroom?

Before establishing any rules, I would consider what are the school’s protocols. Since

I will be teaching older children my main concern is that they are using this time to

stay are of class. To avoid this from happening, after students let me know that they

are going (I am ok with them doing so verbally), I would give them “the bathroom
daily pass” where students are to write their name and the time they go and come

back. This procedure will help me keep track of the amount of times and how much

time they spend in the bathroom or water fountain. Doing this, I think will be a

deterrent for them to try and misuse they time.

g. What are my procedures during class interruptions?

I would stablish non-verbal cues that signal the students letting them know they are

being disruptive. When it happens, I will stablish eye contact and signal them to pay

attention, wait their turn, or be quiet. If this doesn’t work, I will issue speak to the

student privately to avoid embarrassment and make expectations about behavior

clear. I offenses continue I would issue reminders of different colors. The first one

has no consequence, the second one will escalate to the loss of a privilege and the

third will result in a parent call. Most importantly, I would try to avoid all this by

incentivizing good behavior by highlighting expected behavior and rewarding it.

h. What are my procedures for tardy or early dismissal?

To avoid classroom interruptions, I will have a sign in sheet which student will know

to sign in or out in these circumstances.

i. What are my procedures for turning in homework?

I will request each group of students to gather the groups homework and the

group’s monitor will bring it to the front of the room where I will have a homework


j. What are my procedures for turning in late homework?

If the student lets me know that the reason that homework is not completed is

because they are stuck, I would encourage for them to turn incomplete homework if

possible, with a set of questions about what is confusing to them. I will then return

it with feedback, or if necessary, schedule some extra time with the student for

guidance. If that is not the case, then I would still expect them to hand it in at a later

time together with the most recent assignment utilizing the same procedure. I

wouldn’t deduct points if it is a random occurrence. If it is a repetitive offense, I will

deduct points off and contact their parents. If they want to make up for the points

lost, I will give them the opportunity to do so with extra credit.

3. List of student behavior expectations that I will present to my class:

Rule 1 You are expected to try your best.

Rule 2 Participate regularly.

Rule 3 Respect: Listen intently when someone else is speaking, and expect the same for


Rule 4 Respect other people’s opinions and abilities.

Rule 5 Respect personal space: keep hands and feet to yourself.

4. Explanation of consequences of broken rules:

Like I mentioned above for class interruptions I would issue reminders. These will

escalate in consequences depending on if is a first offense or a recurrent. These

consequences would be a verbal reprimand privately, loss of a privilege, and contacting

parents. For more serious offenses, like the use of offensive language, or any physical

inappropriateness depending on the seriousness of the matter I would seek principal’s

intervention and decide if detention or suspension is necessary along with contacting


5. I don’t think consequences will vary according to grade level since I expect to be

teaching middle school aged children. If I was teaching in a team, of course, I would

work with my colleague and come up with a plan that we may agree on to avoid any

contradicting messages to students.

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