Exercise 1. Reading Comprehension Task Name: Kennette C. Cayabyab Course/Section: Ged104-A1

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Exercise 1.

Reading Comprehension Task

Name: Kennette C. Cayabyab

Course/Section: Ged104-A1

Instructions: After reading Hickel’s article on the concept of de-development, answer the following
questions in two to three sentences.

1. What is the framework of de-development of rich countries all about?

The framework of de-development is all about the improvement moving of thought from the economic
growth for the human being’s life that creates their bliss and desire in one institution to brighter. The
"de-developing system" is pointing to create the wealthier nations to capture down a poorer nation
instead of catching up for wealthier economies.

2. How is the de-development framework different from traditional frameworks of development?

The difference of these two frameworks is that the traditional framework focuses on how the
community itself must become better and improve the life of the citizen on the community. While the
de-development framework focuses on sharing of ideas and thoughts from the economic improvement
to the contentment and expectations of a certain citizen.

3. According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

According to Hickel the wealthy nations can be de-develop by diminishing the utilize of their resource
because there are so numerous individuals who obtaining any things or items that can appear off their
status in life. That's why for Hickel, it is something that they ought to anticipate since it’s not good for
one institution

4. Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such as de-growth, zero growth, or de-development
in describing an alternative framework?

Hickel needs us to get it that the truth is de-development isn't losing, get a handle on to grow nor seize
to memorize or assign but for us to think of our claim advance. Too, Hickel think that the own language
of an person gives a few individuals an off-base comprehension almost the genuine meaning of de-
development particularly those who doesn't realize that they can consider as ignorant of it.
5. Some people might think that de-development is about giving things up. How does Hickel explain that
this is not the case?

It isn't around giving things up because it isn't controlling humankind from improvement but instep it
permits each and everybody of us to adjust our economy and to develop more with each other. Hickel
portray it by saying that it is about the recently found learning that produces us to understand the way
each of them appears how they live and why do we ought to consider each of them. I accept that it is
approximately how ready to reach higher level of understanding, how we become conscious
approximately our possess presence and uncommonly what is our reason in life.
Exercise 2. Personal Consumption Audit

Name: Kennette C. Cayabyab

Course/Section: Ged104-A1


Product/Food Average daily, No. of hours/ day Impact of this de-
weekly, or I reduce/ Do developing on
monthly away my
amount consumed with everyday lives
Eating of foods (meat, 4 times a day 3 times a day with a By reducing my daily
vegetables. Fruits etc.) proper diet consumption of food
can help me to become
physically fit and
become healthier than
my previous
consumption of food.
Watching movies and 3-5 hours per day 1-2 hours per day By minimizing the hours
anime I spent in watching
movies or anime, I can
do more things daily
like household chores.
Doing school works or 5-8 hours per day 3-5 hours per day By minimizing the hours
activities I spent when doing
school works or
activities, I can reduce
my stress and focus
more on my health.
Online gaming and 3-5 hours per day 1-2 hours per day By reducing the hours I
Social media usage spent in online gaming
and the usage of social
media, I can rest
properly and help our
family business.
Money I spend 3000 pesos per week 1000 pesos per week By budgeting properly
my allowance. I will gain
or save more money
and can buy things
without asking money
from my parents.
Assignment 6. Documentary Film Analysis

Name: Kennette C. Cayabyab

Grade/ Section: Ged104-A1

1. Why was C.S Lewis very much a skeptic and critic of scientism ?

Was he against science?

Lewis state that genuine logical endeavor and enchanted genuine logical endeavor are like the
same or twins. Concurring to him science is critical and can provide us thinking around the
understanding of the reality and he accept the belief system that science has the leading clarification
about the truth of anything in this world. He isn't against science really Lewis think that science is good
but he is exceptionally much a cynic and scientism since he considers that human being is easily believed
the reasoning under science that cause of denying to adjust disclosures that's not scientific beliefs. He
accepts that it is impacting other individuals and it can be the reason for other individuals to push a
battle for their claim beliefs.

2. How did C.S Lewis explain the following:

a. 2.1 Science and Religion

Consider the crowd of atheists that attended the national Reason Rally, science giving
meaning to people’s lives, and Darwin Day celebrations. This is what religion does!
Is that all religion is community, meaning, and celebration? No, the supernatural is
fundamental to the meaning of religion. Indeed, this supernatural free caricature of
religion seems insulting to believers.

b. 2.2 Science as Credulity

Science discourages skepticism and encourages gullibility. And what is it built on? C.S.
Lewis said, “If my own mind is a product of the irrational, how shall I trust my mind
when it tells me about evolution?”

c. 2.3 Science as Power

Much of science is devoted to power over nature. Unlike magic, you actually can control
people with science. Eugenics, drone aircraft, bar codes, trans humanism, and
surveillance cameras are some of the many technologies that have downsides.
3. Why did C.S Lewis think that modern science is far more dangerous than magic?

C.S. Lewis think that cutting edge science is distant more unsafe than the enchantment since
science can work but enchantment doesn’t. Whereas considering of it, ready to say that they
both similarly unsafe for us in their claim purposeful and objectives.

4. Why did C.S Lewis become increasingly concerned about the scientocracy? How does
scientocracy relate to scientism?

C.S. Lewis ended up progressively concerned almost the rise of scientocracy since the abuse of
science that he was concerned of. Scientocracy is all around the exertion hand over the rule of
political and social control to an tip top bunch of specialists claiming to talk within the title of

5. Based on what you learned in the documentary film, how does scientism pose a threat to the
human person flourishing in science and technology? Why should science be guided by an
ethical basis that is not dictated by science itself?

Science has the control to alter our life that causes us to restrain our recognition to the work of
religious convictions. Science ought to be guided by an moral premise since the rules and
direction help science to guarantee the securely of utilizing the logical information that solid to a
particular work or theory. I accept that science offer assistance us to form an moral choice but a
few of the variables of it must be considered as well.

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