Automating Our Railways 1604844942

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November 2020

Innovation System design Back to basics

learning from automotive in the digital age telecoms part 2
Automating our railways –
lessons learned from bold
automotive innovators

Tom Jansen and Rick Driessen

This, the second paper in the 2020-2021 roads, more leisure time and higher capacity for
Presidential programme, was presented in our infrastructure. Even if these promises could
Switzerland and online on 30 October. be achieved, when applied to the railway system
they challenge us with complex questions. What
The global demand for passenger benefits do we get by replacing the driver by
transportation is growing (disregarding computers and how do we demonstrate the
the current short-term effects of the safety and integrity of a self-driving train and its
Coronavirus pandemic). In large parts of software? How safe do these innovations need
western Europe demand is outgrowing to be before we adapt them and what will be
supply, with almost 3000km of track the role of the legislator? How can we improve
declared as congested [1], and with only our business case making use of automation
conventional technologies the sector is knowledge and products from other industries?
struggling to keep up. Currently available
technical solutions such as ERTMS have This paper will highlight and discuss the key
“The railway some potential to optimise the utilisation of challenges for further automation of the railway
industry is facing the railway system, creating some breathing industry, in order to stay competitive and to
potentially space, but on its own it is doubtful whether optimise the market share for rail transportation,
ERTMS will provide sufficient capacity while comparing these challenges with recent
existential threats increase in the long term. innovations in the automotive industry. The
from innovative main question is therefore: How can recent
Besides this challenge in capacity, the railway
competing developments in the (autonomous) automotive
industry is facing potentially existential threats industry benefit the railways to ensure safe,
transportation from innovative competing transportation modes.
sustainable, comfortable, affordable, and
modes” The Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
timely means of transportation, to meet the
for cars in the short term, and self-driving cars
predicted growth in passenger transport demand
and even Urban Air Mobility in the long term,
in 2030 - 2050?
are welcome additions to the transportation
ecosystem. Since innovation in the railways has Goals of automation
been very slow in recent history, the question that To be able to understand the benefits of
comes to mind is: How can the railway industry automation, we will first look at the goals the
still be competitive and attractive enough in the automotive and the railway industry are striving
mobility landscape of the future? for. There is a significant difference between what
Luckily, the railway industry has become aware both are trying to achieve and why each industry
of its challenges and has seemingly entered a has taken up automation as one of the leading
period of rediscovery. Soon major choices will drivers for innovation.
have to be made regarding the strategies required
Automotive goals
to tackle these challenges. One of the major
areas of interest has recently been focused on The automotive industry has been innovating
the topic of automation. The great promises of towards automated driving for decades, with
automation, such as the automotive industry has the first automated vehicle concepts being
envisaged, include benefits such as safer public showcased in the early 1920s and 1930s, then

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

anticipate nearby vehicles, even when there is no

visual information available. On the other hand,
vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication
will allow the vehicles to anticipate, for example,
traffic signs and traffic congestion. Additionally,
telematics and infotainment services will further
improve the car’s operation while increasing
comfort by letting the passengers, for example,
stream their favourite movies to the car’s displays.
Third is the functionality of autonomous driving
itself. As the technology develops towards full
automation, commonly referred to as SAE level 5
(the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) defines
six levels of driving automation ranging from 0
(fully manual) to 5 (fully autonomous) [5]), the
driver’s tasks will diminish to no more than setting
the destination. Thus, the now already historic
promise to free up time with comfortable and safe
autonomous transportation is still very much alive
and seems closer than ever.
Another dominant idea that the public and
lawmakers seem to share is that the introduction
of self-driving cars will optimise the use of the
available road capacity, which is a major goal
for urban environments. When all road users
maintain a uniform speed and when automation
prevents incidents from happening, the number
of traffic congestions should significantly reduce.
However, the driverless car can also create new
target audiences that will significantly increase
the overall road use and may thereby lead to
additional congestion. For example, the average
acceptable commuting distance and time may
increase since commuting is no longer seen
as wasteful time. Driverless cars can also be
beneficial for the elderly and for people with
physical disabilities or for parking cars on the
Figure 1 – A futuristic more commonly known as the “phantom auto” [2]. outskirts of the city. Driverless taxis are expected
advertisement of leisure While these cars were not driven by computers as to become more affordable and may gain terrain
time in a self-driving is the concept in current times, the idea behind
car, from America’s
over public transportation. Unfortunately, impact
the telegraph-operated remote-controlled system studies for the Netherlands [6, 7] show that
Independent Power
Companies, 1956. was that the occupants of the vehicle would be these effects may well negatively impact urban
able to use their voyage in a more leisurely way. environments, if policies do not actively address
At the time, cars were quite dangerous to operate, autonomous vehicles in the near future. It is
and traffic rules were less developed and less well therefore of great importance that we decide in
enforced than they are now. Scholars and justices what way these vehicles should be implemented
were even debating whether the automobile to benefit society as a whole, and that we
was, perhaps, inherently evil [3]. Automating the implement effective mechanisms and legislation
driver’s tasks would make travelling by car safer, that guide our urban transportation in the socially
which would improve the public opinion of the desirable direction.
“The driverless automotive industry. It was then that the big
car will dream of self-driving cars was born, promising Railway goals
to free up time for the occupants of the vehicle In the railway industry however, completely
significantly to spend any way they like, while travelling in the different goals are driving the automation of trains.
increase overall comfort and safety of their private vehicle. Since passengers on our railway network already
road use and Nowadays, the European Commission foresees
have their hands free to do (almost) whatever they
may thereby lead please, the automotive driving factor of freeing
that autonomous cars will focus around three
up time is not relevant. Considering safety and
to additional primary themes [4]. The first mentioned theme
accident statistics, rail is also one of the safest
is safety. With the introduction of ADAS, the
congestion” driver is already greatly assisted with automatic
modes of transportation (as we will show later in
this paper). Even though there is always room for
braking, lane keeping, collision protection, and
improvement, improving passenger safety should
emergency assistance. The evolution towards
therefore not be a main driving factor either.
further automation aims to further improve safety
by preventing even more potential accidents. Instead, automation is mainly seen to optimise
Secondly, autonomous cars will be equipped the capacity of our railway network. This could
with connectivity features. Vehicle-to-vehicle provide considerable savings for the railway
(V2V) communication will allow the vehicles to industry, by saving the infrastructure managers

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

from costly expansions to their infrastructure to An interesting practical example favouring the risk
cope with the expected growth. The promise of homeostasis theory, is the effect around Dagen H.
automation here is that a computer would be able In 1967, Sweden switched from driving on the left
to drive a train more predictably and accurately side of the road to the right side (on the so-called
according to the planned path compared to a Dagen H). While many expected an increase of
human driver. Indeed, in a recent pilot project accidents during the time drivers needed to get
this has been demonstrated to be plausible, familiarised with this radical change, the number
although there are still some technical challenges of accidents actually went down [10]. The risk
that need to be overcome to truly obtain the homeostasis theory would have expected this
benefits in this area [8]. Such challenges include decrease, because drivers perceived a higher level
the automated operation of existing train series, of risk and subsequently adjusted their behaviour
automation for legacy signalling systems (as by driving less aggressively.
ETCS is not yet widely deployed), the reliability
Thus, the person will decide on an action when
of telecommunications and positioning, dealing
the perceived risk level is lower than the target risk
with objects and level crossings, etc. Further on
level, while the target risk level is influenced by
in this paper we will discuss such challenges of
the benefits and costs of alternatives. All in all, this
“People can be automation in more depth. However, as several
theory states that people can be encouraged to
encouraged current (IRSE) papers already focus on the
change their mode of transportation by lowering
challenges of railway automation, we will instead
to change focus on what we can learn from the emerging
their perceived risk level, by increasing the benefits
their mode of of the alternative mode of transportation, and
automotive approach.
by increasing the costs of the current mode of
transportation” Now that we understand the difference in goals transportation.
the automotive and railway industry are striving
Since perceived risk affects the choice in mode of
for, we can better analyse how both industries
transportation, or at least theoretically, it would be
can learn from each other’s progress, and how we
interesting to understand the relationship between
can use the available technology and solutions
different modes of transport. A Norwegian study
for the benefit of railways. In the next section we
investigated the differences in risk perception in
will elaborate on safety as a potential driver for
transport among Norwegians in 2004 and 2008
automation, and why for the railway sector this
[11]. Its objective was to examine differences in
should not be a main driving factor.
perceived transport risk, worry, priorities, and
Safety in transportation demand for transport risk mitigation. Perceived
transport risk was expressed in the combination
Before any changes to the railway system are
of the probabilities and severity of consequences
made, a certain level of safety must be guaranteed.
regarding transport accidents and it was measured
But how high does this level have to be? Is it an
among ten modes of transportation. As shown
absolute number or is it arbitrary, based on the
in Table 1, the airplane has the lowest perceived
passengers’ or other road users’ perception?
probability of an accident, but its consequences
The risk homeostasis theory argues that people are perceived the worst. The train is perceived
adjust their behaviour based on their perceived second lowest on account of probability, but its
levels of risk [9]. People have an ideal, or target, perceived consequences are significantly lower
level of risk and act on it by engaging in aggressive than that of the airplane. The private car has
behaviour when feeling safer than their target level both a significantly higher perceived probability
and engaging in risk avoidance behaviour when as well as more severe consequences than
feeling less safe than their target level. There are that of the train.
Figure 2 – The four
factors influencing the four factors that influence the target risk level,
target risk level. these are shown in Figure 2.

Expected benefits of
Expected costs of
comparatively risky alternatives
comparatively risky alternatives
With a motorcycle you reach your
On a motorcycle you will get wet
destination faster than by a safer
when it rains
risk level
Expected costs of
Expected benefits of
comparatively safe alternatives
comparatively safe alternatives
You are bound to a timetable when
You can work during a train ride
planning a train ride

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

Mode of transport Perceived probability of accidents Perceived consequences of accidents

Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
Plane 1.64 1.14 6.04 1.83
Train 1.88 1.20 5.03 1.73
Ferry 2.08 1.22 4.66 1.74
Coaster 2.44 1.41 4.90 1.79
Bus 2.75 1.40 4.71 1.52
Walking 3.81 1.70 5.04 1.74
Bicycle 4.38 1.53 5.02 1.68
Private Car 4.53 1.61 5.44 1.47
Motorcycle 5.38 1.45 5.81 1.87
Moped/scooter 5.18 1.47 5.58 1.88

Ratings given on a 7-point scale from (1) very unlikely/certainly non-fatal

to (7) very likely/certainly fatal.

Table 1 – Differences in Thus, on the notion of safety, the train is perceived trillion revenue passenger-kilometres [12]. In the
perceived probabilities to be superior to the plane or car. However, the same year, a total of 11 scheduled commercial air
and consequences of choice of a certain mode of transportation also transport accidents resulted in 514 fatalities, thus a
accidents by different
depends on other characteristics. The researchers ratio of 0.0062 deaths per 100 million-passenger-
means of transport in
2008 [11]. examined the public’s priorities when choosing a kilometres [13]. To place this in perspective; on
mode of transport. They found out that availability, average, one fatality occurs every flown distance
passability (i.e. the ease of use), and travel time are equivalent of 402,941 laps around the Earth.
more important than safety. However, economy Additionally, for decades the number of fatal
and comfort are less important. The study also accidents has been decreasing while the number
shows that gender, age, education, and having a of kilometres flown has kept increasing. A total
driving license have significant individual impacts of 54 accidents occurred in 1989, 43 in 1999,
on the relevant variables. and 23 in 2009. In 2019 there were 14 passenger
flights involved in a fatal accident, resulting in 268
After these conclusions, we can focus on the
fatalities [14].
actual risk of travelling, since it is conceivable
“The choice of a that the actual risk is an influencing factor on Rail traffic is also considered relatively safe. In
certain mode of the perceived level of risk. The most suitable contrast with aviation, where international bodies
indicator of safety in this research is the number like the International Civil Aviation Organisation
transportation of fatalities per travelled distance per passenger. (ICAO) are able to keep track of each fatality on
also depends The notion of a fatality is more clearly defined a global scale, in rail it is more difficult to register
on other and its occurrence often better registered than each fatality, especially those on regional lines
an injury. The distance a passenger travelled in less developed countries. Organisations like
characteristics” makes it possible to objectively compare different the International Union of Railways (UIC) are
modes of transport. Still, statistics around this dependent on data received from its members.
topic are not always exhaustive and measuring That being said, the UIC’s members reported 45
methods and the interpretation of definitions fatalities amongst rail passengers in 2018 [15] and
differ per research. This also applies to fatalities a total of 2.8 trillion passenger kilometres [16]. This
outside of the accident vehicles (e.g. suicides or gives a ratio of 0.0016 fatalities per 100 million-
collisions with pedestrians). To refine the scope passenger-kilometres globally.
of this study, the choice has been made to leave
In contrast, the European Union (in combination
out any fatalities outside the vehicle and focus on
with Norway and Switzerland) reported a rate
passenger fatalities.
of 0.004 passenger fatalities per 100 million-
Figure 3 – Train passenger When comparing several common modes of passenger-kilometres in 2018. In other words,
fatalities per 100-million-
transport, airplanes are generally considered to one fatality occurs each 25 billion passenger
passenger-kilometres in
the EU over 2010-2018
be relatively safe. In 2018, airlines worldwide kilometres. For several years, this number seems
[17]. carried around 4.3 billion passengers, logging 8.3 to steadily decline, as shown in Figure 3 [17].


Passenger fatality rate
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

The passenger fatality ratio reported by the EU that innovation in rail transport is slowed down
is significantly higher than the ratio reported by by the high level of safety that we, the rail-
the UIC based on its global members. This is engineers, uphold? And do we encounter the
remarkable because the EU also reports that its same challenges?
rail passengers enjoy a relatively lower risk than
in South Korea, Australia, USA, and Canada. A Challenges in safe automation
possible explanation is that a different method is As transportation is moving towards higher
used to calculate the total number of passenger degrees of automation, developments in the past
kilometres or a different interpretation of the term few years have shown that there are still many
passenger fatality is used. challenges that need to be overcome before
the mass deployment of autonomous vehicles
The number of road traffic deaths is estimated
becomes a reality.
to be significantly higher. However, accurate
and comprehensive numbers are lacking. It is One of the main challenges in vehicle automation,
estimated that a total of 1.35 million people besides the business case and lagging legislation,
lost their lives in 2016 while driving a vehicle, remains demonstrating vehicle safety. While
“Driverless motorcycle, bicycle, or while walking [18]. The the functionality of these vehicles has been
vehicles might United States reported a fatality rate of 0.29 deaths claimed to have been solved by many stock-
per 100 million-passenger-kilometres among light listed tech-enterprises, the sad reality remains
well introduce duty vehicles (passenger cars, light trucks, vans, that their safety has not. More recent forecasts
a whole new and sports utility vehicles, SUVs) in 2018 [19]. by automotive manufacturers highlight that the
category of The share of autonomous cars (SAE level 3 and
challenges of autonomous vehicles have proven
to be significantly more difficult to solve than
accidents that up) on public roads is relatively small and often
expected, both for big tech and for automotive
would have been involves experiments. At the time of writing this
manufacturers [23]. Thus, exhausted by the race to
paper, there have been five fatal accidents with
easily prevented a car driving in SAE level 2 and none in level 3 or
put the first fully automated SAE level 5 consumer
vehicle on the road, we now see a move towards
by human up [20]. With so little available data, we cannot
partnering [24]. The task at hand appears to be too
drivers” estimate the number of fatalities per travelled
large for even the biggest, smartest, and wealthiest
distance per passenger in autonomous cars.
organisations out there to tackle alone.
However, a study estimated a vehicle crash rate
of 2 crashes per million kilometres driven by the Proving the safety of these vehicles is indeed
Google Self-Driving Car project (the study only challenging, especially because driving a vehicle
included crashes that involved personal injury is such a dynamic task. While it is claimed that
and significant property damage). This number autonomous vehicles can prevent up to 90
was compared with the United States’ crash rate percent of all crashes which are caused by
estimated that control for unreported crashes, human error [25], what is often left out is that
with a value of 2.6 crashes per million kilometres these vehicles might well introduce a whole new
[21]. This would give the premature indication that category of accidents that would have been very
autonomous cars are only somewhat safer than easily prevented by human drivers (as illustrated in
human driven cars. Figure 4). Such accidents are already seen today,
often caused by issues in properly detecting or
The absence of uniform data makes it complex to
interpreting the environment, illustrated by lethal
compare the safety of different modes of transport
crashes failing to detect a truck semitrailer [26]
on a global scale. The EU created an overview [22],
and failing to interpret faded highway lines [27].
as shown in Table 2, however as it is dated, the
Thus, autonomous vehicles may not improve
table is supplemented with data discussed in this
safety as much as we would like or may perhaps
paper, which shows significant progress in safety.
even deteriorate the current status quo.
At this point it is fair to say that rail transport
Table 2: Deaths per
The main challenge that we now see in the
is extremely safe when compared to other
100-million-person- autonomous vehicle sector, is that there are
modes of transportation, based on the fatalities
kilometres [22, p. 12] nearly endless scenarios and conditions that the
per passenger kilometre. Yet, innovation in the
supplemented with car would need to handle, which have become
additional data. automotive industry seems to move faster than
quite natural to human drivers. There are vast
in the aviation and rail industry. Is it possible

Mode of transport EU (ETSC, 2003) Calculated data (2018)

Road (total) 0.95
Motorcycle/moped 13.8
Foot 6.4
Cycle 5.4
Car 0.7 0.29 (US)
Bus and coach 0.07
Ferry 0.25
Air (civil aviation) 0.035 0.0062 (global)
Rail 0.035 0.0016 (global) / 0.0040 (EU)

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

New and unforeseen

accidents caused by
autonomous vehicles, which
human drivers could have
easily prevented
Current motor vehicle accidents,
caused by human error
Complexity of sce nario

Accidents autonomous vehicles

could prevent

Total number of accidents

Figure 4 – Autonomous databases of scenarios being built by big tech achieve. We might at some point think we have
vehicles could introduce and automotive companies, collecting data on captured all scenarios, having all the unknowns
a whole new category of all encountered scenarios in shadow mode. One at least made familiar, but, this task is simply too
example is Tesla, collecting all real-world data large to fathom. There are too many unknown
from their ever-growing clientele of paying test unknowns (Figure 5).
drivers [28]. The idea behind this approach is to
Thus, the problem in the current approach to
ultimately collect every single possible scenario
demonstrating safety is exposed. We simply
coupled with the appropriate driver response
cannot predict every single event that might
“We simply into one big database. Thereby solving the
ever occur, not even if the brightest and biggest
automated driving challenge by replicating this
cannot predict desired response.
corporations have a go at it. Nor do we currently
have a suitable approach to test and validate our
every single However, will these cars really have seen every designs for all these events (although most of the
event that might corner of the world? Encountered every single industry agrees that the solution is in simulated
ever occur” possible variable in every possible combination? environments). Further challenges apply as
Every single weather condition on every single well, such as for validating the rapidly changing
intersection of every single street in the world, at software versions and in artificial intelligence that
every possible time of day? Best guesses on the may be present in the vehicle control systems.
distance that test-vehicles have to drive in the real
What if we could change the approach to
Figure 5 – A major world, to meaningfully demonstrate the failure
demonstrate safety, to better align with the
challenge of automation rate of autonomous vehicles, are in the range
inherent uncertainty of current emerging
are the ‘unknown of 14 billion kilometres [29]. This is something
unknowns’ (Rumsfeld technologies? What if we would be able to
which even a fleet of 100 test vehicles, driving
Matrix). monitor all relevant data from all operational
24 hours a day, would take over 400 years to
autonomous vehicles (perhaps even obligate
the publication of this data by law), and would
leverage techniques such as big data analysis and
artificial intelligence to recognise and predict
Scenarios that Scenarios that dangerous situations? If we can define what a
engineers engineers safe and healthy vehicle is, in terms of data points,
Known anticipated and the anticipated but the we could then identify the outliers in our data set
(perhaps even before they pose any real threats),
vehicle is able to vehicle is unable to
take immediate corrective actions and investigate
handle handle why the fault has occurred. This would enable
us to achieve a closed loop feedback on design,
testing and implementation, which in turn can
Scenarios that Scenarios that be used to ensure the safety of our vehicle fleet
engineers did not engineers did not while potentially reducing the burden of our
Unknown anticipate but the anticipate and the current up-front safety approach. Additionally,
vehicle is able to vehicle is unable to this would enable us to better cope with the
ever-increasing rate of change in hardware and
handle handle
software designs in a much more efficient and
nimble way. Of course, challenges such as around
Knowns Unknowns data privacy and commercial concerns apply [30]
and we would still need to reduce risks up front as

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

much as reasonably practicable, but after a very ParkShuttle (as shown in Figure 6), which has
controlled and gradual introduction, continuous been operational since 1999 (but is currently
monitoring could become an essential part of our being upgraded) and has been transporting
safety regime. This enables us to embrace new approximately 2,500 passengers per day from a
technologies, automated driving in particular, with nearby metro station to a business park which
much more confidence, without trying to identify would otherwise have been cut off from public
all our unknown unknowns beforehand. transport. The technology can help us make
public transport more attractive to a wider
Solutions in automation audience, by improving the first and last mile
Looking at the previous identified goals for railway experience, which has traditionally been hard to
automation, there have been recent advances in provide quality service in, especially in rural areas.
automotive innovation that are available on the While the technology is currently still stretched
market today, that can help us achieve the rail when operating in full mixed traffic conditions,
industry’s ambition. In this section we will provide governments around the world have found
a brief overview of selected key enablers. ways to pilot this technology within their cities
“There have been in ‘living labs’.
Technology for obstacle detection
recent advances Obvious examples of relevant technology in the
Essential for these pilot implementations is the
collaboration between the authorities and the
in automotive automotive domain are increasingly cost-effective sector, in which the Netherlands has paved the
innovation ... sensors such as GPS/Galileo, radar, lidar and way with specifically tailored ‘Experimenteerwet’
(3D)-cameras, that could help us automate our
that can help legislation and its predecessors. This legislation
trains in certain conditions. Example applications opens a clear path for applicants to apply for
us achieve the for these sensor sets are fully driverless operation individual implementations of autonomous
rail industry’s (for infrastructure that is not completely closed technology on public roads in a dialogue
ambition” off), shunting operations and city trams. So far, we between applicant and authority, while more
have seen advancement in ADAS implementations generic legislation is still under development.
for light rail [31] and pilots that utilise computer This enables all involved parties to learn on a
vision obstacle detection systems [32]. However, small scale and ‘fail fast’, then implement these
enabling heavy rail driverless operation with lessons in developments for the long term.
level crossings remains a major challenge, with Something that seems to be less common in the
research on this topic being scarce. To improve railway sector, where legislation needs to be fully
the usability of this technology, further work is developed beforehand.
needed on demonstrating the suitable sensor
set for heavy rail operations, either on-board, Vehicle-to-vehicle communication
in the infrastructure, or a combination, and in enabling capacity increase
demonstrating the reliability of the sensors in all Ultimately, the goal of achieving optimum capacity
(weather) conditions. will lead us towards what we call virtual coupling
in rail, or platooning on roads (as visualised in
Processes that facilitate experimentation Figure 7). While virtual coupling is still quite a novel
Figure 6 – Rivium
ParkShuttle 2.0 in One interesting application of automation in the concept for rail, with many associated discussions,
commercial operation. automotive domain, can be found in autonomous it has been assessed to offer significant benefits
Photo 2getthere. shuttle buses. One such example is the Rivium over moving block signalling [33], potentially

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

Wireless V2V Link

Following vehicle Leading vehicle


Figure 7 – High level further reducing headways for high-speed and performance of Wi-Fi-P applications vary
overview of the EcoTwin segments from 74 seconds to 11 seconds. depending on conditions, but real-world studies
truck platoon. However, actual tests in operational conditions in railway environments have already shown the
still remain scarce. Meanwhile, platooning has viability of a stable link up to 2000 metres, with
already been demonstrated successfully for both little negative effects reported for speeds of over
passenger cars and heavy-duty trucks multiple 200km/h [39, 40].
times on public roads [34, 35]. In fact, these pilots
Technology, then, no longer seems to be the
have been so successful, and their business case
limiting factor for virtual coupling. However,
so appealing for logistics operators, that there are
difficult decisions need to be made. Especially in
ongoing developments in this regard, aiming to
signalling, the status quo is hard to debate. One
solve challenges such as interoperability, safety
of the most prominent discussions around Virtual
and standardisation, enabling further commercial
Coupling for example, is what to do with our
implementation of the technology [36].
switches? And what about the risk of derailment?
Of course, many would argue that the difference Moving forward from this status quo requires
in braking performance between platooning on bravery. What if we could engineer a switch that
roads and virtual coupling trains is significant. has a uniquely high reliability? Again, technology
Perhaps somewhat unexpectedly though, this is does not have to be the limiting factor, since
not of immediate interest for the inter-vehicle such a concept has already been demonstrated
distance we can run at, as long as the vehicle by Loughborough University with their Repoint
with the best braking performance is in the rear. switch [41], but it appears there is hardly any
What the platooning system effectively does, is uptake from railway infrastructure managers. But
directly communicate any acceleration/braking what if we would realise the true benefits of such a
“Innovation and information from the leading vehicle to the trailing reliable switch? What if it would enable us to think
safety do not vehicle, enabling it to react to any changes almost differently within our signalling principles, and
instantly and initiate similar acceleration or braking throw a switch right before an approaching train?
always easily go
promptly. In this case, that would mean that the
hand in hand” distance between both vehicles needs to be
Coming back to the concept of virtual coupling,
a simple thought experiment comes to mind. Say
sufficiently large to allow for the delay in braking
we have two trains operating on the same line
to be absorbed in the gap, taking into account
with 100 passengers each, while the leading train
possible differences in braking performance
is heading to a faulty stretch of infrastructure.
between the vehicles and foreseen variations due
The trailing train will keep the minimum distance
to external conditions. With inter-truck distances
needed to be able to stop, at any time, without
as low as 0.3 seconds at highway speeds, during
colliding with the leading train. By keeping this
the EcoTwin III demonstrator it was illustrated
braking distance, up to 100 passengers are
that the communication could be made reliable
exposed to the risks of derailment or collisions. On
and fast enough to platoon with sufficient safety
the other hand, it is common practice to physically
mitigations built in for real-world operation
couple trains. By doing so, we then have 200
on public roads.
passengers at risk, which is completely acceptable
Having such ultra-reliable and low-latency in today’s operations. Yet, the concept of virtual
communication is essential when driving vehicles coupling, letting go of that sacred absolute
at relative braking distances, as would be the case braking distance and letting the computer
when virtual coupling trains. While progress is dynamically determine the safe minimum distance
being made on ultra-reliable and low-latency 5G between the trains, may have the same effect on
technology, current 4G network architectures risk as a physical coupling, but is much harder to
dictate latencies around 20-50 ms in best discuss. Why is that? Because of our belief that
case scenarios [37]. Alternatively, the 802.11p innovation should always lead to a safer system?
based wireless communication used for truck
Ultimately, innovations such as these can bring us
platooning, also known as ‘Wi-Fi-P’, already can
the much-needed capacity and efficiency, which
achieve the required low latencies through a
would otherwise lead us to costly expansions of
direct vehicle-to-vehicle link (2-3 ms has been
our railway infrastructure. If only we would dare
achieved in test track trials [38]). Practical range
to embrace them.

IRSE News | Issue 271 | November 2020

Discussion and conclusions near unlimited budgets and with relatively less
As we have demonstrated in this paper, safety is emphasis on safety, the railway sector has long
an important factor in the push for automation. been struggling to innovate, perhaps paralysed
However, innovation and safety do not always by our praised safety culture. This calls for an
integrated level of risk management for our
“Would the easily go hand in hand. The question that we
might ask ourselves is: how safe does any transportation systems; a notion that has been
railways maybe addressed before [42] though seemingly has
innovation in the railways really need to be
not be just a little before we adopt it? never found its way into the management of our
bit too safe?” railways and roads. Meanwhile, impact studies
When asking anyone involved in the railway at for autonomous vehicles show us that indeed a
point blank, many would answer something similar significant number of respondents would trade
to – “absolutely safe of course” or – “we are in public transport for future self-driving car
striving for zero casualties!”. These are of course alternatives [6, 7].
very socially desirable answers. But what if we
had to trade off this safety in the railways, versus With a new era of technological innovations
safety on our roads? closing in on us, we must therefore ask ourselves:
what exactly will happen if we fail to innovate? Will
We have shown in this paper, which should not society be better off, because we have allowed
be news to most readers, that the railways are, in ourselves to become hostages of our own safety
terms of fatalities per passenger kilometre, still a culture? Could we instead perhaps allow ourselves
much safer means of transportation than cars and a little slack, and go on this innovative adventure
even airplanes. Travelling by train is also perceived one step at a time, all the while closely monitoring
by the public as very safe. Though, interestingly, and feeding back the results of each pilot, making
the perceived safety of travelling by car is not sure that ultimately we indeed will remain one of
nearly the same factor lower as the difference in the safest modes of transport, but also become
accident rates would lead us to believe. Apparently more competitive as a sector?
travel by car is generally still perceived as safe
enough by the public. Overall, the authors believe society would be
better off, with fewer casualties overall, if more
This leads us to pose a difficult question for people find their way to public transport. Even if
anyone in the railway industry – would the we need to temporarily loosen the reigns on our
railways maybe not be just a little bit too safe? safety mechanisms ever so slightly, in favour of
The very high safety standards we have imposed innovating towards more capacity, efficiency, and
on ourselves stifle innovation and raise costs. less costs. Is that higher level of awareness not
“Society would Thus, for every passenger that boards a train, something we must ultimately keep in mind when
more passengers are pushed away onto other, providing transport for the public?
be better off, with
less safe modes of transport. The total risk across
fewer casualties all modes of transport is thereby increased. This So, let us learn from what is out there. Let us
strive to move forward and use what is available
overall, if more scenario was illustrated, unfortunately effectively,
in the aftermath of the October 2000 Hatfield in other sectors. Committing ourselves to take
people find their steps towards meaningful innovations one small
derailment. Here the severe imposed reductions
way to public in operation led to an estimated 5 additional step at a time, learning from each other and
transport” casualties due to the induced modal shift towards from other industries. Let us make the railways
road travel [42]. more competitive, efficient, and affordable, so
that in the distant future, our preferred mode of
This, essentially, is what we might see happening transportation will still matter!
in the future if we, people of the railways, do not
strategically plot our route ahead. Working in both References
the automotive and the railway sector, the authors The reference list for this article can be found at
of this paper see dangerous precedents being set.
While the automotive sector is innovating with

About the authors ...

Tom works for Ricardo plc leading the companies’ global After earning a degree in Electrical Engineering and in
connected and automated vehicles activities. He has over Management of Technology, Rick started his professional
ten years’ experience in engineering, commissioning and career at Ricardo plc in 2017 as a consultant in ERTMS.
verification of complex, electronic safety systems and is In this field of work he was involved in several train track
experienced in the functional safety domain related to integration campaigns and in ERTMS data analysis. Rick has
transport systems, having a degree in embedded electronics gained valuable experience working on safety analyses for
and a professional background as railway signalling engineer automated people movers such as for Bluewaters Island and
and as certified independent safety assessor. His recent Rivium Parkshuttle 3.0. Currently he is supporting the Dutch
experience includes multiple truck platooning projects (in Railways as a requirements engineer for the ERTMS retrofit
the Netherlands, Belgium and UK), autonomous shuttles on of the VIRM trains, where, in the coming years, a fleet of
Brussels Airport (BE), WEpods, ParkShuttle Rivium, Bluewaters 176 passenger electrical multiple units will be provided with
autonomous shuttle, multiple heavy rail ATO pilots and several ERTMS onboard equipment.
speaking tasks at leading conferences and universities.

Automating our railways –
lessons learned from bold
automotive innovators
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