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Socio-cultural dimensions of

India in English as a Second

Language and Advertisement
Prepared by
Asha Dhedhi (Sem-3)
(Department of English - MKBU)
Objectives of the Presentation

● To analyse how English language used with

Social and cultural dimensions of India
● This presentation also tried to highlight how
Advertisement using hybridized form of English
to attract audience in India
Language and Culture
“Language is a part of culture and culture is a part of
language: the two are intricately interwoven so that one
cannot separate the two without losing the significance of
either language or culture.
(Douglas Brown - Principles of Teaching and Learning Pg.

● Language is not isolated entity

● Language is deeply rooted in socio-cultural concepts of
native speaker’s life
Interconnection between
English Language and Culture
● Close association between the Form of English Language and
Cultural activity
● To speak a language is to take on a world or a culture

A man who has a language consequently

possess the world expressed and
implied by that language.
(Frants Fanon)
Difference between Foreign Language and
Second Language
Foreign Language Second Language
● Not one's own language ● It is reformed form of one's
● Purpose of absorbing the own language
culture of other nation ● Alternative way of
● Produce bilingual with expressing a culture of one's
passive and receptive own
attitude ● Produce bilingual with
active and creative interest
English as Second Language in India
● Indianized form of English in India
● English as a second language (Manipulation of language)
● Socio-cultural codes of Indian culture are deeply infused in
Indianized form of English
● Creative writers have native control of the linguistic codes
within the area of English Language
● Words from native language are directly absorbed into
Hybridization in the Indian Media
“We live in a socio-cultural, economic and political environment
dominated by Media, whose influence, manipulative role and
power of shaping values, beliefs and behaviours has long been
noticed and acknowledged”
(Loredana Fratila and Hortensia Parlog)

● Linguistically, Hybridization is the merging of two languages to

form a new one.
● Fusion of English and Indian languages in media
● Creative mixing of languages to produce deep effects

Ching’s Secret to own ‘Desi Chinese’ place:
Advertising Journey
● 4-5 restaurant in 1987 to 10K Chinese Food Stall in 1990 only in
● Great challenge to convince multilingual audience
● Elements of Hybridization helps to bridge the barriers among
different languages
● Concept of ‘Desi Chinese’ for Indians
● The brand started its journey on the platform in the year 2013
onwards providing a mix of content to its followers(100k) on
The strategy was
simple, Speak in
the language of
your consumer
and be where
they are.
(From Article on ‘Social
YouTube Page Facebook Page Twitter Handle
● To connect with target audience Hybridization of language
plays vital role
● To infuse Socio-cultural codes of native language in second
helps to attract larger audience
● This how a manipulation of English Language happen
within native language being as Second Language
● This is how the Language is manipulated to express
antithetically the context and culture of India
“single language has become so widespread that it can
serve as a global lingua franca to speakers of many different
languages. The first stages of the spread of English were
also a product of colonisation, but today English has found
new ways of spreading its influence, mainly through
technological developments, economic globalisation and the
improved global communications”
(Graddol, 1996)
● Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching: a Course in
Second Language Acquisition. Pearson Education, 2014.
● Christophersen, Paul. Second-Language Learning: Myth and Reality. Penguin
Education, 1973.
● Gupta, Kooshna. “Linguistic and Culture: The Issue of Hybridization in Indian
TV Advertisements.” ResearchGate. August, 2017.
● Official website: Capital Goods:
● Raka, Riturani. “Principles and Methods of ESL/EFL Teaching.” International
Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, vol. 3, no. 9, 0AD.
● Yadav, Sneha, et al. Brand Saga: Ching's Secret- The 'Desi Chinese' Recipe for
Winning Hindustani Hearts. 11 June 2020,

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