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Assignment 1(Self-Profile)

The following is the modality of the assignment :(It will be done,roughly ,in 3 stages, across
the entire semester).


Create a fact file of your native place(where you were born, or where your parents originally belong
to)-The name of the place,population,weather,means of livelihood, places of interest/importance in
and around the place; important landmarks

1. Prepare 1-2 slides that describe a typical person in your own culture (for example, a typical
Gujarati,Marathi,Bengali,telugu,Tamil,Keralite,etc) . Be sure to include personal characteristics such
as dominant traits, family life, work life, social life, hobbies, and leisure activities.

2. Prepare 1-2 slides that describe the extent to which you are similar or different from the typical
person in your culture.

Stage 2.
1.Share these slides with your team .Then discuss similarities and differences in cultural prototypes of
the team members,Explore reasons for these similarities and differences.

Discuss the extent to which a typical member of your culture fits the expectations of other team

Explore differences in expectations.

Explore reasons for these similarities and differences.

Now,together ,all groups will create the profile of a typical Indian living in any state other
than his own state.

Discuss the extent to which a typical member of your culture fits the expectations of other
team members.

Explore differences in expectations.

Team Presentation: Prepare your team presentation containing the following parts :

a. Part 1 - Team Composition: prepare 2 slides presenting the team composition based on
the individual slides by analyzing the similarities and differences among the group

b. Part 2 - Cultural Value Comparisons (1-2 slides). Compare the cultural values of each
team member's home culture on a table/graph, using the scores of the typology by Hofstede
or House.( ).At the end of this
exercise, go to the link for Hofstede's Insight and then, calculate your own matrix based on
the six dimensions of culture-Power Distance, Masculinity/Femininity, Short term/long term
orientation, Uncertainty avoidance,Indulgence,individualism/collectivism. Then calculate
group matrix(first Statewise,then,India )separately. You may refer to the link :
c. Part 3 - Analysis & Summary (2-3 slides). These slides should integrate what you learnt in
your own analysis of team composition and what you learned from the cultural values'
comparisons, and suggest to what extent the similarities and differences can be explained
by your cultural values or your individual characteristics.

d. Please also add your individual slides as an appendix.

5. Once you are done with this, and before you present the outcomes of this exercise, read
the article uploaded here

You will submit a final presentation at the end of the semester around 25th November;
Also ,from time to time I will share some Research Papers to help you understand,
further, how this activity is important in your lives.

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