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Grammar Mini Lesson

By Tammy Gilliland

Hello and welcome to my grammar mini lesson, my name is Tammy Gilliland. In my

grammar mini lesson, I will be discussing sentence emphasis and variety.
Sentence Emphasis and Sentence Variety
To effectively capture the reader’s attention, it is important to emphasize
certain words and use a variety of words that direct the reader to important
ideas contained within the writing.

Sentence Emphasis Sentence Variety

➔ Coordination ➔ Sentence Structure Variation
➔ Subordination ➔ Vary Sentence Openings
➔ Experiment with Techniques ➔ Inverting Sentences

Sentence emphasis and sentence variety are important components of writing, and if
done correctly can add depth to writing. To capture the reader’s attention it is
necessary to emphasize certain words that direct the reader to the important ideas
contained within the writing. In sentence emphasis we will learn coordination,
subordination, and experimenting with techniques. In sentence variety we will learn
about varying sentence structure, openings, and inverting sentences.
Sentence Emphasis
According to Hacker and Sommers
(1994), “Within long stretches of prose,
you can draw attention to ideas that
deserve special emphasis by using a
variety of techniques, often involving an
unusual twist or some element of
surprise” (p. 129). Emphasizing a point in
a sentence can be accomplished in many
ways. Word placement allows the writer
to place more or less emphasis on a
word, and draw a reader to the idea they
are trying to convey.

Sentence emphasis allows the writer to place more or less emphasis on a word and
draw a reader to the idea they are trying to convey. According to Hacker and
Sommers (1994), “Within long stretches of prose, you can draw attention to ideas that
deserve special emphasis by using a variety of techniques, often involving an unusual
twist or some element of surprise” (p. 129).
Subordination ● Combine Choppy Sentences
Subordination allows the writer to emphasize more than one ○ The use of short sentences should be reserved
idea through a subordinate clause. Subordinate clauses for emphasis. Sentences not important
enough to stand alone should be combined
begin with a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun
with another sentence.
(Hacker & Sommers, 1994). There are many word that can
help a writer achieve subordination. According Reading & Choppy Sentence Example
Writing Center (n.d.) below are some common Venus is the closest planet to Earth. It is the same size as Earth.
subordinators (para. 8). Revised Sentence Example
Venus is the closed planet to Earth, and it is the same size as Earth.

Subordinator Relationship/Meaning ● Excessive Subordination

○ Sentences can become too complicated and
although, even though, though, whereas, while……………………...contrast
hard to read with to many subordinations.
Avoid excessive subordination by dividing
sentences where it makes sense.
since, because…………………………………………………………...cause/effect
● Experiment with Techniques
if, unless…………………………………………………………………..condition ○ Using an element of surprise draws attention
to ideas that warrant appropriate emphasis.
after, as soon as, before, whenever, when, until……………………..time ○ If you emphasize everything, you emphasize

Example without subordination

Cooking can be very hard. I really like it.
Example with subordination
Although cooking can be very hard, I really like it.

Subordination allows the writer to emphasize more than one ideas through a
subordinate clause. In the chart you can see the subordinator and and its relationship
to the subordinator. See the example without the subordinate and with the
subordinate. Combining choppy sentences helps the writing flow. See the example of
a choppy sentence and the revision. Excessive subordination makes sentences too
complicated and hard to read. Dividing sentences where it makes sense to avoid
excessive subordination. Experiment with different techniques such as, an element of
surprise, but remember if you emphasize everything, you emphasize nothing.
For (effect/cause) Jamie is scared to fly, for her father died in a plane
And (addition) Chris works at the hospital, and his friends live nearby.
Nor (addition of negatives) Rob does not want to get up, nor does he
want to to work.
But (contrast) Becky likes to read suspenseful books but prefers to play
Or (alternative) John thinks he wants to study science or he may want to
be a police officer.
Yet (contrast) Joli likes to workout in the morning, yet she hates getting
Using coordination, a writer can draw attention to more than up early.
S (cause/effect) Mike loves cats, so he bought two more today.
one idea equally (Hacker & Sommer, 1994). The use of
coordinating conjunctions allows two sentences to become
one sentence with balance and a sense of equality of the
information. The use of the acronym FANBOYS is helpful Example without coordination
Working out is hard. I still go three times a week.
(Controlling emphasis: Coordination and Subordination, n.d.,
Example with coordination
para.3). Working out is hard; however, I still go three times a week.

Coordination can draw the attention to more than one ideas equally. Using
coordinating conjunctions allows two sentences to become one. The acronym
FANBOYS helps combine two sentences together. See the chart above.
Sentence Variety
According to Purdue Owl (n.d.), “Adding sentence variety to prose can give it life and
rhythm. Too many sentences with the same structure and length can grow
monotonous for readers” (para. 1).

Sentence Structure Sentence Opening Inverting Sentences

According to Academic Guides (n.d.), the Four ● Do not use the same words as ● An inverted sentence does not
types of sentence structures are: openers. (The, It, This, or I). follow a normal
1. Simple-An independent clause ● One change can lead to many subject-verb-object pattern
with no conjunction or dependent changes before and after the (Hacker & Sommers, 1994).
clause. sentence change. ● Be sure the inversion sound
2. Compound-Two independent
clauses joined by a conjunction. Example Sentence
(and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so)
The biggest surprise that day was sitting Example Sentence
3. Complex-Contains one
next to Michelle at the concert. A copy of the file is attached.
independent clause and at least
one dependent clause. Revised Sentence Revised Sentence
4. Compound-Complex-Contains What a coincidence to end up sitting right
multiple independent clause and at Attached is a copy of the file.
next to Michelle at the concert.
least one dependent clause.

Sentence variety according to Purdue Owl (n.d.), “Adding sentence variety to prose
can give it life and rhythm. Too many sentences with the same structure and length
can grow monotonous for readers” (para. 1). There are four types of sentence
structure, simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.
Sentence opening become monotonous when the same opener is used. Avoid using
the, it , this or I excessively.
Inverting sentences do not follow a normal subject-verb-object pattern. When using
inverted sentences is is important that the inversion sounds natural.
Academic guides: Scholarly voice: Varying sentence structure. (n.d.). Academic Guides. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from

Hacker, D., & Sommers, N. (1994). A writer’s reference 7th edition (Seventh Edition). Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Purdue Owl. (n.d.). Strategies for variation. Purdue Writing Lab. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from

Reading & writing center - coordination & subordination. (n.d.). La Positas College. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from,more%20important%20th


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