Da Vinci - Portfolio 1

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Chapters 1-20



The picture shows a woman with question marks over her head, showing that she wants to
know something. This represents the book because of Pi wanting to learn more from the
religious leaders. In the book Pi goes to the holy place of Christ ianity, even though he is
already a Hindu, because he wants to learn more about the religion. He does the same thing for
Islam, and after he learns about the religions, he decides to join them. Pi has many questions
and talks to the religious leaders of both religions for many days. It is because he asked so
many questions and learned so much about them that he decides to join the religions.That is
how the picture above represents Life of Pi.

The above picture shows a man being outside and being with animals. The guy obviously has a
good relationship with the animals if they all trust eachother enough to be next to eachother.
This represents Life of Pi because since Pi grew up in the zoo, he understands a lot about
animals. We know this because hw talks about the animals thoughts, so that must mean he
understands tha animals. He also grows up to be a zoologist. Only a person who understands
animals would want to be a zoologist. That is how this picture relates to and represents Life of


The picture above is an arrow going over a brick wall. I chose this photo because it represents
overcoming obstacles. An obstacle that Pi deals with is that students tease him about his name,
and he is too embarrassed to even answer a question from the teacher. To overcome this
obstacle, when he moves schools, he tells everyone that his name is Pi. After he tells everyone
his new name, nobody laughs at him, because they think Pi is actually a pretty cool name. Pi is
now able to participate in school, and is not sad anymore. That is how the picture relates to and
represents Life of Pi

Artistic piece 1:
Title and Artist: Noah’s Ark on the Mount Ararat by Simon de Myle
APA citation: Simon de Myle (n.d). 1570. Noah’s Ark on the Mount Ararat.(n.d).Retrieved
October 27, 2020, from

Paragraph of discussion:
The story of Noah’s ark is about the corruption of humanity and god making humans
repent for all that they have done. He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and had one of his
trusted children construct a boat to house 2 of every animal and keep them safe in his Ark. Pi
has stated many times in the text about how he's fascinated by the overlap between zoology
and religion which reminded me of Noah’s Ark. Pi preaches that zoos are like religion in terms of
freedom and the safety it provides. Religion may constrain you to certain beliefs and whatnot
but it protects you from the outside world much like a zoo. Noah’s Ark is an example of what Pi
is talking about. The animals without their enclosure (which is the Ark) would have drowned
without out which is a direct comparison between zoos and religion.

Artistic piece 2:
Title and Artist: Zima Blue, Directed by Robert valley and originally a story by Alastair

1:44 second clip of Zima Blue

APA citation: Robert Valley, (R.V.). 2019. Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue - Zima completes
his final work.(n.d). Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://youtu.be/iPZHyzx7I9s

Paragraph of discussion:
Zima Blue is about a cyborg artist who’s been getting more and more ambitious with his
art which consists of a single shade of blue with canvases getting larger and larger that end up
encompassing space. After spending many years trying to find meaning in his art he reveals his
final work which is him diving into a pool and regressing to a pool tile cleaning robot that he
started off as hundreds of years ago. Zima Blue’s story of going through great lengths to find
meaning within art and instead finding it within a simple purpose like cleaning a pool is a major
part of how people find themselves to be religious. Pi has gone through something that hasn't
been explained yet in the story but it is obvious that it had deeply impacted him. I am connecting
Zima Blue’s and Pi’s struggles that they faced and how they both found solace in a simple task
at the end of their journey’s. For Pi it was his journey on the ocean and for Zima Blue it was
traveling across space to unveil bigger and bigger art works. They had very different journeys
but they both returned to religio at the end or at least something similar to it like zoology or
cleaning a pool.

Artistic piece 3:
Title and Artist: Maternal Love by Hugues Merle

APA citation: Merle, H. (n.d.). Maternal Love Art Print by Hugues Merle. Retrieved October 27,
2020, from https://fineartamerica.com/featured/maternal-love-hugues-merle.html?product=art-
Paragraph of discussion:
This piece called Maternal Love is what I believe the physical representation of Pi’s view on
religion is. The piece itself isn’t very complex or complicated at its surface level since it's just a
mother caring for and loving her child much like Pi believes religion is. For Pi all religion has to
have a simple meaning centered around love. Love is what connects this painting with Pi’s view
on the religions he's been a part of. Much like the mother in this piece the gods of their
respective religions love and care for their followers. The followers are then expected to treat
each other with love and their children’s children with love. All religion (at least popular religion)
has to be found on the basis of love much like a mother loves her child.

Chapters 21-40

Artistic piece 1:
Title and Artist: Rough Sea at a Jetty, 1650s by Jacob van Ruisdael

APA citation: Jacob van Ruisdael Kimbell Art Museum. (n,d). 1650. Rough Sea at a Jetty.
Retrieved November 04, 2020 from: Rough Sea at a Jetty
Paragraph of discussion:
In the painting above it shows very few colors but it makes you feel as if you are
there in the storm. We can see that a few boats are already in the water far away from the
docks. We see dark clouds which gives a feeling that a bad storm is coming and we also see an
opening in the sky where the dark clouds are gone. There is a ship in the middle which is where
Ruisdael has the sails in a different color around it. Ruisdael wants us to focus our attention on
this boat because it is the last boat on the dock that needs to leave. Pi and his family are
moving away from Pondicherry,India and moving to Canada. In Indian things are getting worse
and Pi’s Dad decides that they need to leave Pondicherry as soon as possible. Pi and his
family leave on boats just like in the art piece and like the storm around the boat in the art piece.
Things are getting worse in Pondicherry which represent the dark cloud or storm building up and
in the sky there is an opening a light shining down on the boat. This is like a new hope or
chance for Pi’s family to live in a country free from the danger that is building up in India.

Artistic piece 2:

Title and Artist: No title by Oleg Shuplyak

APA citation: Shuplyak, Oleg. (O.S) (2012). 1992. Hidden Images: Optical Illusion Paintings by
Oleg Shuplyak. Retrieved November 04, 2020 from:

Paragraph of discussion:
The painting is an optical illusion of two images of a man. The painting is of Jesus. We
know this because of the little Halo of the nose of the man with the grass being his beard. The
people who look like commoners are making a path for Jesus or giving they’re attention to
Jesus. A huge event occurred in this section we see that Pi isn’t just practicing one religion but
three Catholicism , Muslim, and Hinduism. In the section Pi’s parents figure out he is practicing
all three religions at the same time. They bring Pi to a Priest, Imam, and Pandit the three wise
men as Pi calls them. All three wise men get mad at Pi and argue over which religion is better.
Pi jumps in and out of the three wise men argument and all three wise men came to the
conclusion that Pi needed to choose one religion and just practice that religion. Pi doesn’t see
why he can’t practice all three at the same time and continues to go to each place of worship in
each religion. Pi is alone in this argument but his love for God prevails over his parents and the
three wise men wishes. I choose this art piece because it shows an illusion of two men but we
know that it is just Jesus. This is like Pi, Pi’s beliefs in three totally different religions that
disagree with each other in which religion is better and which religion will help bring people
towards salvation. However despite these differences they still have Pi, a teenage boy just
wanting to love God. In the image we see two different men but it is just Jesus. In this section Pi
believes in three different religions but Pi hasn’t changed, he is just being himself.

Artistic piece 3:
Title and Artist: Feeling Lonely by boy pablo

Apa citation: Pablo, boy. (B.P) (2018). Feeling Lonely. Pablo boy. (2018). Retrieved from:

Paragraph of discussion:
In the song it shows a boy by himself with a guitar. The song goes over and over saying
that they feel alone. This is like when a female black leopard escaped from her captivity and
ventured into the wild for 3 months in the winter. The leopard manages to survive in the wild
during winter without harming anyone. When thinking of alone Martel the author could be
foreshadowing that Pi will have to survive on his own in the pacific ocean. Pi is leaving India and
we know that the bulk of the book is about him on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. Pi will have to
survive the long and grueling months at sea with no help from anyone. Just like the leopard Pi
will have to endure the storms, having no water to drink , and a tiger watching his every move.
All these hardships and no one to help him for miles. The reason why I chose this piece is
because it foreshadows the remaining parts of the book and tells us that Pi will go through a
storm before he can reach asylum.


The picture above is a drawing of a fish going in the opposite direction of all the other fish. I
chose this picture because it represents how Pi when he participates in multiple religions.
Everyone wants Pi to choose one religion and give up the others. Pi refuses and continues to
be part of all three religions. The picture also shows the fish who is attempting to go in the
opposite direction of the others is being surrounded and pushed in the direction that the other
fish are going. This relates to Life of Pi because Pi is yelled at by the religious leaders because
they do not want him to choose only one religion. That is how this drawing relates to Life of Pi.

The drawing above is a person jumping from one point to another. I chose this drawing because
it represents moving from one point in life to another. This relates to Life of Pi because Pi has to
leave India. This starts a new chapter of his life. The drawing also shows that the man is
jumping. This also relates to the story because Pi’s family has to move to Canada suddenly and
has to go quickly because they are on a boat. That is how this drawing relates to and represents
Life of Pi.


The photo above is of someone reaching out and most likely saving someone from falling. I
chose this photo because it is similar to Pi’s situation. Pi is on a sinking ship when he is saved
by some people who help him. If they did not help Pi, he would have probably died. In the photo,
the person on the right helped the person on the left. If they didn’t, then the person on the left
would have probably fallen and gotten hurt or died. It also represents how Pi tried to save his
family and alert them that they were in danger. That is how this photo represents and relates to
Life of Pi.

Chapters 41- 60

Artistic piece 1:
Title and Artist: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano on trial by The Jedi Council
By Harlen Quinzel

Apa citation: Quinzel,Harleen. (2015). Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano on trial by
The Jedi Council. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK-09Tce2s8

Paragraph of discussion: In the video Ahsoka Tano is on trial for a crime she is accused of
committing. Ahoska tries to defend herself but the Jedi council has already made their decision
and the verdict is Ahsoka is guilty. Ahsoka’s Jedi privileges have been taken away and she now
has to leave the Jedi temple. In Pis case he was on a sinking ship and was thrown into a
lifeboat and the boat fell into the ocean and Pi drifted away from the ship. In both the video and
Pi they are in trouble or something unpleasant has happened to them but later we see that
when order 66 happened Ahoska has already left the Jedi temple, which is where most of the
Jedis are killed. Ahsoka is safe and later tries to find other Jedi. Pi is thrown into the lifeboat
because three men wanted Pi to get rid of the hyena that was hiding under the tarpaulin. The
three made tried to kill Pi in order to save themselves but instead the boat fell into the water and
the three men couldn’t get on the boat. Pi releases later that even though the three men tried to
kill him, they instead saved him from sinking with the ship. The video and Pi both show that their
situation is a blessing and a curse.

Artistic piece 2:
Title and Artist: O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Apa citation: Poetry Foundation. (n,d). O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman. Retrieved
from: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45474/o-captain-my-captain
Paragraph of discussion: The poem is about a Captain being transported by a ship or some
kind of transportation. This Captain is loved by all and the narrator is a close friend with this
captain. The captain is dying and they only need to make it to this place in order for their trip to
be done. The Captain in this poem is Abraham Lincoln the president during the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln’s body is in a coffin and Abraham is on a train traveling through all the states
and his family is letting his followers or people that supported Abraham see him for one last time
before being buried. With Abraham Lincoln being gone America is lost and needs a leader. This
is like when Pi out in the ocean with no one to help guide him or rescue him. Pi needs to figure
out how to survive on his own and try to avoid being killed by the other animals on the boat. Pi
says that he feels like he is “without a driver this bus is lost.” Pi is lost with no parents, brother,
or adult to show him what to do to survive in the ocean.

Artistic piece 3:
Title and Artist: Pirates of The Caribbean Funny Pistol Fight by Love Fun
Apa citation: Fun, Love. (2014). Pirates of The Caribbean Funny Pistol Fight. Retrieved from:
Paragraph of discussion: In the image above or if you watched the video the pirates in the
movie Pirates of the Caribbean they have survived from the cold arctic and just made it in time
before being stuck in a different time period. Once the pirates are in the real world they decide
to have a standoff in order to determine who will move on to see this meeting with all the pirates
in the world. The 5 pirates in the image draw guns at each other and Jack pulls the trigger but
nothing comes out of the gun because the gunpowder is wet. This is like when Pi is on the boat
and the storm around him disappeared. Pi sees Richard Parker, both of them are on the boat
but the tiger doesn’t attack Pi they are at stand off. I choose this image because it shows what
will happen in the next few chapters Pi and Richard Parker will eye each other but neither will
attack the other. This is why the image above shows the pirates in a standoff with each other.


Munch, E. (1893). The Scream [Painting]. The National Gallery, Olso, Norway.
While this may be an extremely cliché painting, the man or thing in this painting shows a
very primal, pure fear, even terror. Pi fears much, especially since his shipwreck. He fears the
animals. He fears for his survival. He speaks on how fear is man’s greatest enemy, how it
clouds our minds. It makes Pi shortsighted, viewing for a period of time that his only option was
to kill Richard Parker, the tiger. His fear is like that of the man in the painting. Unobstructed,
prevalent, and not pretty.

Bondome, G. (1306). No. 46 The Seven Virtues: Hope [Painting]. Capella Scrovegni,
Padua, Italy.

This image symbolizes hope, or receiving something from an outside source. In the
novel, Pi is stranded. He is starving. He soon finds many supplies, including water to quench his
unbearable thirst. These supplies have been given to him, similar to the crown in this painting
has been given to the person in it. In both instances, the gift has been accepted graciously,
causing hope. His thirst has been quenched, his need has been lessened now. For here there
was fear and despair in his immense thirst, happiness and hope filled him, along with an
unknowing gratitude, being thankful for the water.

Michaelangelo. (1512). The Creation of Adam [Painting]. Sistine Chapel, Vatican City.
While this may be titled “The Creation of Adam”, I can view it as communication between
2 beings, one in power, and one not. While trapped on the smaller boat with Richard Parker, Pi
begins to fear Richard Parker. This puts Richard Parker in control and above Pi. However, the
tiger makes quiet, friendly noises attempting to communicate said friendly feelings. These show
the lack of hostility, like God in this painting. Both the tiger in the book and God in the painting
could choose to not be friendly, as they are in a position that they can easily make that choice,
but choose hospitality over hostility.

Chapters 61-80

Piece: The 9th wave

APA Citation: Aivazovsky, I. K. (1850). The Ninth Wave [Painting]. State Russian Museum, St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Connection: Pi is in a dire situation, similar to these men. While the metaphorical and literal
storm has passed, the aftermath is no easier to deal with. The waves are vast, but the sun
appears in the clouds. The bright colors of the sky may represent hope, But the only way for
these people, these characters to reach it is to survive. They have in the past, and must still,
much like Pi. The darkened water surrounding the men can be viewed as a parallel to Pi’s
current circumstances. Bleak, But not overtaking them for now.
Piece: Pollice Verso
APA Citation: Gérôme, J. (1872). Pollice Verso [Painting]. Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix,
Connection: Bloodstained ground is all that’s left. This is a battle for the survival of the winner.
To lose means death. As is the nature of Pi’s situation, and his attitude. While a gladiator may
not just go around killing, in the ring it’s different. Pi parallels this in how he interacts with
animals. He was vegetarian before. No longer. His third brings him to a point where he is willing
to drink turtle blood, a prospect he would have been disgusted at and never considered if he
was not fighting for survival and the win.

Piece: Saturn Devouring His Son

APA Citation: Goya, F. J. (1819-1823). Saturn Devouring his Son [Painting]. Museo de Prado,
Madrid, Spain.
Connection: Much earlier, Pi debated how to kill Richard Parker. He planned to remove the
tiger’s existence out of fear for his own life. As is done with Saturn. Fear of death drives
characters to consider unreasonable actions. The background is embodied in Pi’s mind.
Darkened, clouded. While Pi may have not committed this atrocious act, his desire to survive
nearly lead him to make a regrettable decision, just like Saturn.


Option 1:
Oh often have I washed and dressed
And what's to show for all my pain?
Let me lie abed and rest:
Ten thousand times I've done my best
And all's to do again
Piece: Yonder see in the morning by A.E. Houseman

Citation: Houseman, A. E. (n.d.). Yonder in the Morning. Poettree.


Explanation: I feel like this poem describes how Pi is living right now. He is doing everything that
everyone does every day and just to repeat it in the morning. He isn’t doing anything special
and he isn’t doing anything exciting. He is just there right now waking up, eating, and surviving
like the whole population. The regular things people do in the morning is hard for Pi right now
though. He is having trouble with water sources and it is tough to live without the basic needs
you have to have.

Option 2:

Piece: Neanderthal Hunt by Jerry LaFaro

Citation: LaFaro, J. (n.d.). Neanderthal Hunt. Fine Art America.


Explanation: This piece is quite literally for my explanation. Pi is trying to survive with everything
he has at this point. He is even having to hunt even though he is a strict vegetarian. He is
having to do things out of his comfort zone to survive. It is all about survival now. Nothing else is
more important than that. This artwork just to show how he is fishing and hunting animals to
stay alive. He is trying his hardest to but he needs a miracle to happen to live the rest of his life.

Option 3:
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger
Piece: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

Citation: Survivor. (n.d.). Eye of the Tiger. ST lyrics.


Explanation: This song talks about a tiger. What he does, how he does it, and the way he is
characterized. A tiger is a very fierce animal and Pi is with one every day he wakes up. Richard
Parker is a very good example of a survival animal. He is a strong tiger that is surviving with Pi. I
have realized how dependent they are on each other even though Richard Parker can go on his
own and stay alive. But he has stayed all this time with Pi. Even the toughest animals need help
in the world.

Chapters 81-100

Piece 1:
'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Title and artist: Fighter by Christina Aguilera

Citations: Aguilera, C. (2002). Fighter. Genius lyrics. https://genius.com/Christina-aguilera-


Explanation: Pi has been through a lot on this journey of him in the ocean. He has been through
so much trouble and pain in these adventures. He is a true fighter because he got through these
things. He thought about giving up several times but he pulled through. It was hard but he did it.
He starts to get worse with vices in his head and sleeping a lot of the time. He fought for his life
and he fought his hardest he ever has.

Piece 2:
Title and Artist: Lost hope by Greta West

Citations: West, G. (2013, November 16). Lost hope. fine art America.

Explanation: Pi loses hope towards the end. If you see in the picture it is a person getting
through obstacles and looking at how he is going to get through it. It is very hard to get
through tough times when you are losing hope. It feels like you can’t go on anymore and you
just give up. You think to yourself that it is too hard or it is impossible but you can give up.
Hope is the more important thing when you are in a tough situation. Pi got through his hard
times but you have to keep pushing and carryon.

Piece 3:
Come with me and you’ll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you’ll see
Into your imagination
We’ll begin with a spin
Trav’ling in the world of my creation
What we’ll see will defy

Title and Artist: Pure imagination by Roald Dahl

Citations: Dahl, R. (n.d.). Pure imagination. Small reads. https://laurasalas.com/poems-for-

Explanation: In the end, the true colors are revealed that he fakes the story and it was all mostly
in his imagination. The imagination is a very powerful thing and it can lead to many different
conclusions. Mine is the imagination had made of a story of a guy and the potential and survival
skills he has. He had to go through a lot just to survive. It was a detailed story on a brave
adventure with Richard Parker and how tough being alone and stranded is. Pi’s imagination
took him on this story and when he tells the officers, it is tough to believe when you truly think
about it, and that’s why I think it was the imagination and how things were made up.


Artistic piece 1:

Title and Artist: Charon by Alexander Litovchenko

APA citation:Dmitrievich, A. (1889). AllArt. Retrieved December 07, 2020, from
Paragraph of discussion:
This piece of art depicts Charon or his more recognizable name, the ferryman of the river styx.
Charon is widely infamous for being the man that leads souls to the land of the deceased in
Greek mythology. I chose this piece because at this point into the book it's almost as if Pi is
ferring himself into the land of the dead. Pi and Richard Parker have been at sea for as long as
they can bear and they won’t last much longer if nothing changes. Pi has two options in front of
him. Face the fact that he is rowing himself into the afterlife or keep hope and pray that the boat
he's rowing will lead to a future where he can be human again. The fact that Pi has also killed a
man now makes this piece more real. Having killed someone he’s sent someone to the afterlife
already and now he’ll soon find out if his next passenger is himself.
Artistic piece 2:

Title and Artist:Saturn by Francisco Goya

APA citation:Goya, F. (1820). Saturn - The Collection. Retrieved December 07, 2020, from

Paragraph of discussion:
This is Saturn eating his son. It’s gruesome but it highlights the relationship between Pi and
Richard Parker in an interesting way. Breaking the painting down Saturn eats his son which is
something most people don't do. There is a familial bond between the two that should be
stronger than anything but still in the process of eating his son, Saturn loses his humanity. Why
is this important? This is the relationship Pi has with Richard Parker. He could easily kill a weak
and starved tiger with a weapon and eat well for a while but he doesn't. This is because he sees
Richard Parker as his family so he refuses in contrast to Saturn who does.
Artistic piece 3:
The Cast Away movie
Title and Artist:Cast Away by Robert Zemeckis
APA citation:Zemeckis, R. (2000, December 22). Cast Away. Retrieved December 08, 2020,
from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162222/
Paragraph of discussion:
A lone survivor of a freak accident leaves an unfortunate protagonist stuck in the middle of an
ocean with a friend that can't reply to anything they say. This is the plot of The Life of Pi, it is
also the plot of Cast Away. Pi and Tom Hanks are stranded and receive no outside help other
than a friend in the forms of a beach ball and a tiger. Both of them even lose their partners while
returning to their homeland near the end of their respective stories. The world they come back
to is also different from the world they left behind. Tom Hanks' wife has remarried another man
and Pi lost the animal he had spent so long at sea with. Looking at both of these stories
together they almost have the exact same plot. However the themes are much different, one of
which was about surviving and the other about religion.

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