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English Comp.

Process Essay

Oct. 3, 2020

Lisa Gonalez

How to Make the Best Cake Ever

If you could make your favorite cake, what would it be? Vanilla or Chocolate? If you are

unsure, I found the most amazing cake recipe that has now become my favorite cake. It is

actually called The Most Amazing Chocolate Cake! It is incredibly easy to make, is moist and

fluffy and the taste is out of this world! In this essay I will explain to you what you will need to

have on hand to make this cake, how to combine the ingredients and bake and, finally, assembly

and decoration. This will inspire you to give it a try one day whether you feel you are a baker or


For the first step, you will need to gather all of the supplies needed to make this cake

come out successful. Make sure that your oven is turned on and heating to 350 degrees. You will

need 2-3 baking pans depending on your preference for layers. Make sure that you have mixing

bowls and spoons, or an electric mixer if you have it. For the cake ingredients, there are two

different types. The dry ingredients that include flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking

powder and salt. The wet ingredients will be the eggs, water, buttermilk, oil and vanilla extract.

Other than an apron, that should be everything that you need to have with you.

The second step is when you combine all the ingredients that you gathered. Dry

ingredients should be mixed together first. Next, you add the wet ingredients. Mix the batter at a

medium speed for a few minutes until the mixed batter is smooth and lump-free. After all
ingredients are fully combined, you will divide it evenly among the cake pans for baking. Place

the pans in the oven and start time for 30-35 minutes. You will know the cakes are done when

you can insert a toothpick into the center of the cakes and it comes out clean. Remove the cakes

and allow them to cool off for 15-20 minutes.

The third and final step is assembly and decorations. For stacking the layers together it is

best to have something that will help the layers adhere them to together. Fruit filling or frosting

whichever is your personal preference! After you cover the cake in the frosting, it is time to

decorate. I love to cover the top with sliced strawberries. It helps to bring in some color and

freshness to my chocolate covered dream cake!

In this essay I covered the three simple steps to create The Most Amazing Chocolate

Cake. I have covered all of the supplies and ingredients that are needed, how to combine and

bake said ingredients and different ideas to stack and decorate your beautiful new cake. If you

take on the challenge of making this wonderful cake I know you will fall in love with it too. This

dark, delectable dessert will become your favorite as well!

The Most Amazing Chocolate Cake. (2020, August 27). Retrieved October 04, 2020, from

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