Scene 1: Scene 1 (Room Doctor'S Room+Patient 1)

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Scene 1

1. Adi Putra (Father 1)

2. Annisa Meisy ( Mother 1)
3. Ahmad Fauzan ( Child 1)
4. Endah Putri ( Nurse 1)
5. Agung Pratama (Father 2)
6. Elshama Rahmi Safitri (Mother 2)
7. Cici Ariska (Child 2)
8. Anggi Kurnia Utama (Nurse 2)
9. Alvin Alberta (Pharmacist )
10. Anisa Marta Ningsih ( Doctor)


Nurse 1 : Good afternoon mrs and mr , how can we help you?

Father 1 : Afternoon sus, we would like to consult a doctor

Nurse 1 : Well before that, mrs and mr, fill in the form first

Mother 1 : Oke nurse

Nurse 1 : What would you like to consult your doctor?

Father 1 :We would like to consult about mental health in our children nurse

Mother 1 : We have previously consulted with a psychologist, but we would like to have
farther consultations with the nurse doctor

Nurse 1 : Oke mrs and mr ,come with me to the doctor's room, to consult directly with

Father 1 : Come nurse

Nurse 1 : Excuseme doctor,here are parents and their children who want to consult a

Doctor : Yes please sit down, may I see the data nurse?

Nurse 1 : Yes this is a doctor

Doctor : Mr and mrs,what is the reason for bringing their child to the hospital to consult
a doctor?

Mother 1 : So you see, doc, we are worried about the behavior changes that occur in our

Doctor : What behavior changes happened to their children?

Father 1 : Previously my child was very cheerful, but lately he is more often meditating,
suddenly crying and laughing, and coming back sad in a relatively short time

Mother 1 : Our children also have frequent sleep disturbances, starting to lose interest in
toys and food

Doctor : Well, I will communicate with your children first

Father 1 : Yes docter

Doctor : Hi sweet sister, can the doctor know her name or not?

Child 1 : My name is diana docter

Doctor : How is your sister feeling today?

Child 1 : Not good doc, I feel weak and sleepy but can't sleep

Doctor : Besides the changes in behavior that his parents mentioned earlier, what other
changes have you felt?

Child 1 : I felt a fast heartbeat and I was sweating a lot

Doctor : It indicates excessive anxiety, is there anything else?

Child 1 : I also feel scared doc, because there is a sound that always annoys and appears
anytime,just that,doc

Doctor : Yes, maybe that voice can only be heard by your children

Child : Yes doc I also often see him talking to himself, does my child have mental
health problems doc?

Doctor : Mental disorders can take many forms, such as behavioral disorders, anxiety,
depression, to Taurette syndrome

Father 1 : What is taurette doc syndrome?

Doctor : Tourette's syndrome is a disorder that causes sufferers to suddenly make

involuntary repetitive movements or speech

Mother 1 : What is the cause of Tourette's syndrome doc?

Nurse 1 : The cause can be due to defects in the nervous system of the brain, genetics and
the environment such as stress experienced by the mother during pregnancy

Fahter 1 : What are the symptoms ?

Doctor : Often doing the same movements over and over, making repetitive sounds,
stressing and anxious

Mother 1 : What are the consequences of this syndrome?

Nurse 1 : Children will experience mood disorders, self-injurious behavior, learning

difficulties and behavioral disorders

Father 1 : How about the treatment doc?

Doctor : Treatment methods such as psychotherapy and antipsychotic and anti-

depressant drugs

Nurse 1 : Symptoms of this syndrome can improve with age, with support can help
relieve symptoms they experience
Doctor : Parents must be good supporters of children with taurette syndrome, nurture
self-confidence by supporting activities that attract their attention

Mother 1 : Well, doctors and nurses thanks for the information

Doctor : Because I saw Diana's younger sister experiencing depression, excessive

anxiety and changing emotions, I will prescribe medicine for your son.

Nurse 1 : Mr and mrs can redeem the medicine at this hospital pharmacy

Father 1 : OK, doctor and nurse, we will say goodbye

Nurse 1 : Yes mr

( At the hospital pharmacy)

Pharmacist : excuse me mom, can I help you?

Mother 1 : I want to make up for the medicine the doctor gave me

Pharmacist : OK mom, wait a minute I will take the medicine. This is the medicine, I will
explain the use and dosage of this medicine

Mother 1 : yer sir

Pharmacist : So there are two kinds of drugs, there are anti-psychotic drugs (haloperizol) and
anti-depressants (fluoxetine). I will explain one one. The first is haloperizol, which is a drug to
treat behavioral disorders in children and control the symptoms of taurette syndrome. The form
of the drug is tablets and the initial dose is 0.25 mg per day. Second, fluoxetine is a drug for
treating depression. The form of the drug is tablets and the initial dose is 10 mg per day

Mother 1 : yes sir,iam understand

Pharmacist : the medicine is taken once a day, either before or after meals, ok

Mother 1 : yes sir,thankyou sir

Pharmacist : your welcome mom


Nurse 2 : Good afternoon, how can we help you?

Father 2 : At noon, we want to consult a doctor

Nurse 2 : Well, before that, fill in the data for consultationbuk, on this formbuk

Mother 2 : Fine sus

Nurse 2 : Consulting about why?

Father 2 : Consultation regarding our child's mental health is successful

Nurse 2 : Beforehand, have you ever consulted the problem that happened mother's child?

Mother 2 : Yes, we have previously consulted with a psychologist, but we do still worried
about the changes occurring in our absence

Nurse 2 : OK, for further consultation, take a look directly to the doctor's office

Father 2 : Fine

Nurse 2 : Excuse me doc, someone wants to consult a doctor

Doctor : Yes please sit down

Nurse 2 : Here is the patient data is dodgy

Doctor : Fine, thank you here it is explained that children experience changes in
behavior, behavior change like what happened?

Father 2 : Lately I have looked sad, dreamy, and not much talk

Mother 2 : After school, our child goes straight to the room and sometimes crying, when
asked our child is always silent, scared, looks worried and cry doc
Doctor : Can the doctor know who your name is?

Child 2 : My name is Cici Dokter

Doctor : How can you look green and not excited? What do you feel at the moment this?

Child 2 : I ... I ... I just wanted to tell the doctor (looks worried and Fright)

Doctor : All right, don't be scared, try the story! The doctor will help you
Scene 2
Mental health nursing

One day Debi & her husband Aldi come to the hospital consulting about mental health nursing. They
want to know about it, before they bring their child to the hospital. They tell about the child behavior.
After that, you give them solution and how to deal with Tourette syndrome.

Aisyah : excuse me sir, thump before you enter the hospital you are required to wash your hands first
after that you have to check your body temperature

Aldi : oh ok, where is the washing place next to?

Aisyah : next to this room

Debi : Then where will you check her temperature?

Aisyah : After you wash your hands later, you come back here and I will check your temperature

Aldi : okay

After washing their hands, Miss Debi and Mr Aldi checked their temperature

Debi : what is our temperature?

Aisyah : Your body temperature is 36.2 C and your husband's body temperature is 36.5 C, now you are
allowed to enter

Aldi : ok thank you

At the reception

Nadia : Excuse me, can you help me?

Debi : yes we want a consultation about our child's mental health care

Nadia : oh okay, have you guys consulted before?

Aldi : No, this is the first time we will have a consultation

Nadia : okay, now I will register you first, then later I will deliver the files to the nurse who will do the

Debi : ok nurse so now we go straight to the nurse's room, nurse consultation?

Nadia : no, you have to wait about ten minutes but you can wait in front of the consulting nurse's room

Aldi : OK nurse, thank you

Nadia : you're welcome

Debi : excuse me, can you show me the nurse consultation room?

Ayunda : from here you go straight, there will be an intersection 3, you turn right and keep going straight
next to the eye poly room you will find a consulting nurse room

Aldi : can you deliver us?

Ayunda : Yes, I can, so I went to the consulting nurse's room

Debi : ok

After arriving in front of the consulting nurse's room ...

Ayunda : We've arrived, now you can wait here until your name is called by the consulting nurse

Aldi : ok nurse, thanks for escorting us

Ayunda : you're welcome

Waiting room ...

Fadil : hi, do you also want a consultation?

Aldi : yes

Fadil : Who do you want to consult for?

Aldi : we want a consultation for our child

Debi : do you also want to consult your child?

Diana : yes we want to consult our child, how old are your children?

Aldi : Our children are 6 years old, and how old are your children?

Fadil : Our child is 7 years old, and have you consulted here before?

Debi : No, this is our first time consulting, and how many times have you consulted?

Diana : This is also our first consultation

Fadil : excuse me, our name has been called by the nurse, we'll excuse me first

Aldi : yes, see you next time

Fadil and Diana: see you

After Mr Fadil and Miss Diana did the consultation, now it is MR. Aldi and Miss Debi in
Novi : excuse me, are you Mr Aldi and Miss Debi?

Debi : yes nurse

Novi : now let's enter the consulting room nurse for a consultation

Debi : ok nurse

Naya : what are your complaints?

Aldi : We want to consult about our child, our child likes to move out of control

Naya : How old are your children?

Debi : our nurse is 6 years old

Eza : Then is there any other complaint besides your child moving out of control?

Debi : our child also often does repeated speech that is accidental and out of control

Fathan : From the characteristics you mentioned earlier, it is possible that your child has Tourette's

Aldi : what is tourette nurse syndrome?

Novi : Tourette's syndrome is a disorder that causes sufferers to suddenly make involuntary and out of
control repetitive movements or speech, called tics. This condition usually starts at the age of 2-15, and is
more common in boys than girls.

Aldi : what causes Tourette's syndrome nurse?

Naya : Until now, the exact cause of Tourette's syndrome is still unknown. However, there are some
allegations that this condition is caused by:

 The nervous system of the brain. Several studies have shown that children with Tourette's
syndrome have defects in the structure, function, or brain chemicals that transmit nerve impulses
(neurotransmitters), including serotonin and dopamine.
 Genetic. In many cases, a genetic abnormality that is inherited by parents in children is thought to
be the cause of Tourette's syndrome.
 Environment. Disturbances experienced by the mother during pregnancy and childbirth are
thought to trigger Tourette's syndrome in children.

Eza : risk factors that can cause a person to develop Tourette's syndrome, namely:

 Gender. Men are 3-4 times more likely to develop this condition than women.
 Family history. A person who has a close family with Tourette's syndrome or other tic disorders
is more at risk of developing Tourette's syndrome.

Fathan : The common symptom of Tourette's syndrome is tic. Tic can be classified into several types,
 Motor tics, namely doing the same motion over and over again. Motor tics can involve a limited
number of muscle groups (simple tics), as well as several muscles at once (complex tics). Some
of the movements that are included in simple motor tics are blinking, nodding, shaking their head,
and moving their mouths. Whereas in complex motor tics, sufferers generally repeat movements
such as touching or kissing an object, imitating the movement of an object, bending or turning the
body, jumping, and stepping in certain patterns.
 Vocal tics, which are making repetitive sounds. Just like motor tics, vocal tics can also occur in
the form of simple tics or complex tics. Some examples of simple vocal tics are coughing,
clearing their throat, and making animal-like sounds such as barking. Meanwhile, in complex
vocal tics, the symptoms that appear include repeating one's own words (palilalia) or other
people's words (echophenomena), and saying harsh and vulgar words (coprolalia).

Stress, anxiety, fatigue, or conversely too excited, can exacerbate tic. In addition, tic can also worsen in
early adolescence, and develop during the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Novi : The diagnosis of Tourette's syndrome is done by knowing the history of the patient's symptoms.
Some of the criteria used to get a diagnosis of this syndrome are:

 Tics begins before the age of 18.

 Tics are not caused by drugs, substances, or other medical conditions.
 Tics are experienced several times a day, most days or alternately, and occur for more than a year.
 Experiencing both motor and vocal tics, although not always at the same time.

Naya : People with Tourette's Syndrome generally experience one or more certain conditions. It is not
yet known why these conditions occur when a person experiences Tourette's syndrome. Some of these
conditions are:

 Behavioral disorders, experienced by 8 out of 10 children with Tourette's syndrome.

 ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). This condition occurs in 6 out of 10 children with
Tourette's syndrome.
 OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) or OCB (obsessive-compulsive behavior). 5 out of 10
children with Tourette's syndrome are known to have this condition.
 Self-injurious behavior. This condition affects 3 in 10 children with Tourette's syndrome.
 Mood disturbances. 2 in 10 children with Tourette's syndrome are depressed.
 Difficulty learning. 3 in 10 children with Tourette's syndrome have this condition.
 Conduct disorders are experienced by 1-2 children out of 10 sufferers of Tourette's syndrome.

Aldi : how is the treatment of Tourette's syndrome nurse?

Eza : Tourette's syndrome with mild symptoms generally doesn't require treatment. However, if the
symptoms you are experiencing are severe enough, interfere with daily activities, or endanger yourself,
there are several treatment methods you can do, such as:

 Psychotherapy. Therapy that can be undertaken by patients includes cognitive behavioral therapy.
 Medicines. Until now, there is no medicine to treat Tourette's syndrome, but there are some drugs
that can help patients control tics, such as antipsychotic drugs.
 DBS (deep brain stimulation), This procedure uses electrodes implanted into the patient's brain, to
stimulate deep brain reactions.

Debi : how about support for this nurse's syndrome sufferer?

Fathan : Some things you can do to help people with Tourette's syndrome include:

 Always try to get accurate information about Tourette's syndrome, both for the sufferer and the
 Keep in mind that tics will peak when you reach adolescence, but the condition will get better
with age.
 Cultivate the confidence of those with Tourette's syndrome, one of which is by supporting the
sport of their choice, or other activities that catch their attention, and maintaining good
relationships with their playmates.
 Be a good supporter for sufferers, by helping to educate others around the child on a regular
basis. Children with Tourette's syndrome do better in smaller learning environments or through
private lessons.
 Join a support group that fits the sufferer's needs.

Novi : later you can come back with your child and have your child checked by a doctor who is an
expert on Tourette's syndrome

Aldi : OK nurse, thank you

Novi : you're welcome

Scene 3
Jihan : Assalammualaikum ms Vinda, I am a nurse who will take care of your mother,

My name is jihan. May I know whose mother's name?

Vinda   : My mother's name is Mifta Nurse ,.

Jihan : Good Morning Mom mifta, how can I help you? any complaints?

Mifta : yes,good morning

Vinda : Look, nurse, my mother is often restless and pacing at home, for 2 weeks I haven't been
able to sleep well, because someone asked her to talk.

Jihan  : I see ma'am, fine ma'am, then we will review your mother first yes, please ma'am please
help me take her mother to the examination room

Vinda : okey nurse

(anaknya mendampingi ibu ke dalam ruang  perawatan)

Velya : Sorry mom please wait outside first yeah

Vinda : Ohh okey nurse

Velya : good morning mrs.miftah

Mifta : morning nurse (whit a flat face)

Diya :  what’s your name mom ??

Mifta : my name  miftah

Diya : Who are you happy to call?

Mifta : just call me mifta.

Velya : How's Mom feeling today?

Mifta :my feelings,I’m afraid,ms

Diya : what’s your complain ?

Mifta : I am often disturbed,there is a strange sound that I don’t know where

Velya : lets talk what's a bothering you

Mifta : okey

Diya : Are you comfortable here, you will be examined by 4 of my colleagues?

Mifta : already,okey nurse

Gia : Fine, ma'am. Maybe not long, it only takes about 30 minutes. How? Do you agree?

Mifta : yes nurse,  I agree.I was scared if I hear those voices

Rery : Calm down ma'am, I'm with you. I'll help you later if you hear strange noises again

Mifta : yes nurse

Gia : Before we start, please take a breath, Mom to be more relaxed

(Pasien menarik nafas 3x)

Mifta : already nurse

Rery : Good mother. Did you hear or see anything?

Mifta : yes nurse,I often hear strange voices that I don’t know whose voice and where they come

Gia : Did this experience happen continuously or at any time, ma'am? or almost every day

Mifta : I often hear it

Rery : When did you experience that?

Mifta : If I’m alone nurse,with my child without my husband

Gia : How many times a day do you experience this? and under what circumstances was the
voice heard?

Mifta : If how many times I don’t remember nurse,which is clearly very ofter

Reza : Is it on your own time?

Mifta yes nurse, when I want to sleep I heard the voices that invite me to talk,I became insomnia.

Riska : How about the daily ma'am activities, is it not disturbed?

Mifta :yes clearly disturbed, I am often anxious and difficult concentration. I can’t be free with
my child because I honestly scared,If I harm my child.

Reza : do you usually accompany your child?

Mifta : yes I’m very close to my child,sometimes I’m afraid if I harm my child.

Riska : What kind of voice do ma'am hear, may I know?

Mifta : yes the sound of the voice is like inviting me to talk continuously nurse.I’m afraid and
confused where his voice .I felt the voice told me to do evil.

Reza : well then the mother will be examined by a fikri doctor. My colleague riska will escort
me to the doctor's office

Riska : come ma'am, follow me

Mifta : yes nurse

(diruangan dokter)

Riska : nurse oin ,our has finished conducting the initial assessment with Ma'am Mifta,
Oin : thank you nurse riska, doctor this is mrs miftah

Fikri : morning ma'am miftah

Mifta : morning doctor

Fikri : May I know how old your child is, ma'am

Mifta : my child Is 3 years old doctor

Fikri : May I know all this time what you were doing when you heard that voice?

Mifta : I can only be istighfar.I’m worried I can’t control myself doctor.

Fikri : good, I want to tell you all this. Until now, the mother's self-protection against the sound
is maintained. you can ask for my help whenever you want. family or friends can all help, as well
as busy themselves with other things that can minimize the voice response

Mifta : oke docter,thank you for suggestion of doctor

Fikri : One way to eliminate or prevent these voices is to rebuke them. "

Mifta : how to rebuke docter ?”

 Fikri:  like this when you hear these voices, you can go in another direction or another place and
then you scream out loud "I don't want to talk to you!" so keep on mom repeatedly when the
mother hears voices inviting to chat. Do you understand my explanation?

Mifta : yes doctor, I understand now, thank you doctor.

Fikri : How did your mother feel after we talked?

Mifta : yes I am sure that the sound I heard was not real and inppropriate I trusted.

Fikri : How did your mother feel after we talked?

Mifta : yes it’s okay doctor .

Fikri : Where do you want us to talk about?

Mifta : here also does not matter doctor

Fikri : well, you can go home. Don't forget to always ask for help from your family and carers

Mifta : okey doctor

rery : nurse on, help me please, accompany this mother to meet her family

Oin: Okay nurse rery, let's Mrs. Mifta

Fikri : Oh yes, nurse, this is the result of the first day's examination, yes, for the next therapy you
can already prepare

Oin : Okay doc, so what's the diagnosis of Mrs. Mifta doc?

Fikri : Mifta's mother does experience auditory hallucinations, and experiences forgetfulness
because she doesn't remember how old her child is and thinks her child is still a toddler.

Oin : Well doc I'll give the results to nurse jihan

 (in the waiting room)

Vinda : Was it during the nurse's examination?

Jihan : yes ma'am, your family will continue to do outpatient care until they recover

Oin : Excuse me, this medical care is requested for Mrs. Mifta come home and resume therapy tomorrow

Jihan : thanks nurse oin

Oin : Here are the files for the examination

Vinda : What is my mother's illness, nurse?

Jihan : From the results of the examination, your mother is schizophrenic with symptoms of
auditory hallucinations. Where your mother will experience confusion, often forget and hear
strange sounds

Vinda : Yes, nurse, my mother experienced that

Jihan : so later your mother will get therapy for healing

Vinda : thank you nurse I hope my mother gets better soon

Scene 4

Mental health nursing

Meta, tesa, vivi dan ayu went to the psychiatrist for consultation regarding their father’s
condition. Their father often forget the way backhome, doesn’t know his name, and others.

Meta : assalamualaikum, excuse me nurse

Welly : waalaikumsalam, sit down please ma’am

Windy :what can I do for you mom?

Tesa : Well Nurse, we want a consultation about our father's condition

Welly : what is the problem with your father’s condition

Meta : I feel that my father often behaves unnaturally

Yola : How long has your father been experiencing it?

Tesa : It's been the last month a nurse

Windy :any unusual behavior your father did?

Vivi : I've seen my dad talk to himself sus

Yola : Then what else did he do?

Ayu : my father's mindset has started to mess up nurse, even now it's often forgotten memories

Meta : Yes, my father has difficulty remembering the names of his family members

Tesa : Even, my father was lost because he forgot his way home

Yuli : From my mother's explanation, it can be concluded that your father suffer from

Ayu : what does that mean nurse?

Welly : schizoprhenia is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to thunk, feel and behave

Vivi : what causes it can occur nurse?

Yuli : The cause is not known for sure, but the combination of genetics, environment and the
structure and chemical compounds in the brain that change may play a role in the occurrence of
Ayu : what about the symptoms he experienced, nurse?

Windy : such that mom metion ealier, those are some of the symptoms which can be experienced
like hallucinations, delusions, and chaotic in thingking and speaking

Yola : well, if the patient experiences some of these symptoms including delusions,
hallucinations and confusion in speech, then the patient is diagnosed with schizofernia.

Vivi : Is this schizofernia a risk to my father??

Yuli : if not treated immediately, the patient will experience several other complications.

Meta : what are the nurse?

Welly : the patient experiences depression, phobias, self-harm, aggressive and agitated behavior,
even the worst possibility is suicidal thoughts

Tesa : then what is the proper handling for my Father nurse ?

Windy : for further treatment will be explained by the doctor mom

Vivi : alright nurse

Sandra : Mother is welcome in, because the doctor is waiting in the room
Ayu : thank you nurse

Sandra : excuse me doc, this is the result of the history of the patient's family
Zahra : thank you nurse

Meta : excuse me doc

Zahra : sit down please. According to the result of the history that I read, your father was
diagnosed with skizofrenia

Tesa : yes doc

Zahra : have you explained about skizofrenia?

Vivi : already doctor

Zahra : so, you understand about your father now , right

Ayu : yes doc. Then how is the handling doc?

Zahra : treatment can be done by drinking the drugs, then psychotherapy to control the
symptoms experienced

Meta : can my father immediately do doctor treatment?

Zahra : next week,you can go here with your father to check up

Tesa : okay, thanks doc

Sandra : is it finished ma'am?

Vivi : already nurse

Yola : Are you familiar with the treatment ma'am?

Ayu : already nurse, the doctor has also explained the treatment, nurse

Sandra : When did the doctor ask the mother to bring the father to be examined?

Meta : in a week nurse

Welly : okay ma’am, this is a doctor’s letter for examination next week

Tesa : yes nurse

Yuli : well, next week, my mother can immediately bring her father here to be examined

Vivi : thank you nurse

Windy : you are welcome mom

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