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equity, operating result, and stock price growth.

Diversity in the workforce – A research ganizations that leverage diversity can see benefits in
analysis employee morale, performance, and retention.v
Authored by Tyler H. Bray

Abstract: The importance of Diversity:

Diversity in the workforce is thought to be an HR slo- With these impacts it´s understandable to see why
gan with no measurable impacts on long term prof- firms are increasingly making efforts to assimilate a
its. This mentality in turn transforms any diversity more diverse workforce. Today, most large
initiative set forth by a firm as a fixed cost rather corporations employ diversity consultants in order to
than an investment in its operations. This paper further promote variance in their staff by identifying
shows that there is a positive linear relationship with the cultural and structural barriers that hinder
diversity on higher rates of return on financial assets diverse people to succeed.viThe modern world is far
between 15 to 35 percent and lowers employee more intermingled than ever before due to increased
attrition rates by 20%. These claims are asserted and efficiency in transportation and global
validated through a variety of 3rd party research communication. This brings to light modern issues
reports, case study examples, and published white that corporations are now facing. For example, “In
papers. Using this information, this paper illustrates the U.S. alone, the wide range of people involved in
why diversity initiatives fail and how to correctly both the making and the consuming of products
implement a working diversity initiative. could include [an] Indian automotive engineer who is
helping to take Ford to the next level; the African
American statistician at a Silicon Valley startup; the
65-year-old disabled man who, instead of retiring,
has just been promoted; the Gen Y child of
immigrants from Central America who excels in Web
marketing at Procter & Gamble; the gay woman who
is the mother of two; and so on.”vii Many prominent
corporations have taken official positions on why
they value diversity to better clarify how they are
addressing this obstacle of globalization. One such
example is General Electric, an American
multinational conglomerate corporation, which has
taken the official stance that "as a global company,
our talent must reflect the communities we serve
and with whom we do business."viii


A heterogeneous work force is shown to have many

Net Impacts:
net economic benefits when implemented correctly.
Social diversity is defined as “variations and With the proliferation of organizations becoming
differences in individual backgrounds, personal more immersed in the global community a heteroge-
identities, intellectual approaches and neous workforce is showing to be the next step in
demographics.”i In accordance to this, “social meeting the demands that come with globalization.
diversity sees a level playing field and thus its It is imperative not to forget the bottom line; how
recommendations re-devoted to increasing and does diversity affect our organizations performance
driving the numbers of the [organization’s] in terms of sales, return on investment, and
population, where all are expected to assimilate to customer gains? If having a multifarious staff is not
an existing mainstream culture.”iiPromoting showing a positive impact on these variables then it’s
individuals who hold diverse backgrounds a range of highly likely that the organization in question has
input to be put forth for consideration to meet mishandled how to correctly implement a diverse
company goals. When implemented correctly, workforce. When utilized correctly the impacts of a
employees of organization feel more connected heterogeneous workforce are transparent. The net
which further retains employment.iii The impacts for impacts are as follows:
a firm to have a diverse set of input have time and
time again shown to have a positive impacts on long
term decision making that result in higher returns on
This demonstrates how an organizations entire diver-
 “In 1988, only 4% of the 134 firms that went sity implementation can be undermined by this men-
public in the U.S. had women in top manage- tality. When upper management views diversity as a
ment positions. Of 2009’s 19 high-tech IPOs, all mandated requirement rather than an economic
but two had at least one woman officer.”ix incentive then all investment in promoting diversity
 “Embracing diversity and inclusion (D&I) bring[s] becomes an expenditure to the firm which then acts
a broader range of mindsets and backgrounds as a fixed cost rather than a return on investment.
into the organization, leading to more effective
decision-making or drawing in a wider customer
base.”x Two major problems arise when a firm views diver-
 “Women-operated, venture-backed high tech sity as a mandated requirement. The first being that
companies average 12 percent higher annual white males feel excluded which breeds bad
revenues.”xi employee morale and encourages the notion that
 “Companies in the top quartile for racial and eth- diversity is “a new, politically correct term for special
nic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have treatment.”xx This resistance is destructive to the
financial returns above their respective national firm’s homogenous work culture as diversity
industry medians.”xii initiatives set out to unify employees with different
 “Companies in the top quartile for gender backgrounds. Second, “framing a diversity initiative
diversity are 15 percent more likely to have only in terms of legal or regulatory compliance tends
financial returns above their respective national to focus the firm’s attention improperly. Instead of
industry medians.”xiii combating institutional racism and sexism or
 “In the United States, there is a linear relation- maximizing employee output, equating the plan to
ship between racial and ethnic diversity and bet- legal guidelines signals that the firm is only
ter financial performance: for every 10 percent interested in meeting a metric objective associated
increase in racial and ethnic diversity on the sen- with hiring or retaining diverse people.”xxi These
ior-executive team, earnings before interest and policies only exacerbate division within the firm and
taxes (EBIT) rise 0.8 percent.”xiv need to be addressed first and foremost before any
 “In the United Kingdom, greater gender diversity progress can be made.
on the senior-executive team corresponded to
the highest performance uplift in our data set: S.C. Johnson, a manufacturer of household cleaning
for every 10 percent increase in gender diversity, supplies and other consumer chemicals, reorganized
EBIT rose by 3.5 percent.”xv its internal affairs committee by making it more au-
 “CEB research found that in a more diverse and tonomous over daily operations.xxii The intentions of
inclusive workforce, individual discretionary ef- this initiative were to more efficiently respond to
fort improves by 12% and intent to stay im- internal problems such as diversity issues.xxiii
proves by 20%. Team collaboration and commit- However this shift in self-governance resulted in less
ment improve by approximately 50%.”xvi collaboration when regarding race and gender
issues.xxiv The end impacts of this initiative that was
set out to identify and rectify any systematic errors in
diversity led to four black employees suing the
company on the premise of team-based systematic
Why Diversity Initiatives Fail: discrimination towards black employees in
opportunities for advancement, wage increase, and
Firms often meet resistance when implementing di- daily work conditions.xxv However this case is non-
versity measures. This resistance stems from the mis- unique as team-leadership initiatives require
communication that the main driving force for diver- transparent communication on a regular basis. Susan
sity initiatives is for mandated compliance with equal Sturm, a Columbia Professor of Law and Social
employment opportunity (EEO) laws and Affirmative Responsibility, has found that interactions regarding
Action regulations.xvii,xviii One such example can racial and gender relationships and perceptions can
been seen when a consumer goods executive states be shaped by preconceived biases within the firm.
his views on diversity, “Diversity is another way of This in turn will bleed into the relationships of a
saying affirmative action and we are forced to sup- newly set committee.xxvi
port it in order to protect our brand in the trade and
amongst our consumer audience. Diversity has no Another pitfall to be wary of is that firm’s too often
real value tangible to the growth of our business.”xix parallel worthiness to competence without giving se-
rious consideration to how a potential candidate will
succeed in a new role.xxvii For example Alcoa, a
leading corporation in aluminum manufacturing,
representative of how those of other denominations
actively sought to promote women into upper man- may choose to express their concerns when discuss-
agement positions without due consideration to their ing the importance of diversity. To avoid this equal
qualifications. This in turn was decreed by the South- weight should be considered to all employees.xxxi
ern District of Indiana as a discriminatory policy as Al-
coa was “ignor[ing] candidate information and ne- When assessing the success of corporate diversity
glected the importance of a fair interview pro- policies there is a constant factor: dedicated re-
cess.”xxviii Holding a candidates minority status sources to a diverse committee or task force. The
should never overshadow other true qualifications composition of this team is critical to its ability to
for a position. A firm must always make an effort to perform with successful teams being composed of
clearly demonstrate why one candidate was selected different departments, professional backgrounds and
over another. managerial levels.xxxiixxxiii This conduit of diverse
opinions affords the committee to conduct inquiries
across multiple departments which increases
transparency within the firm. However, its ability to
Implementing a Working Diversity Initi- act plays a pivotal role in its success. The committee
ative: itself may be charged with designing the initiative in
addition to being tasked to perform other functions
such as brainstorming remedies and monitoring pro-
There are many pitfalls to be aware of when consid-
ering how to effectively optimize a diverse work-
force. First and foremost the executive committee of
Despite all these precautions having a reliable con-
any organization that sets out on this endeavor must
flict resolution and diversity training will help resolve
be in agreement on how to implement a diverse
any issues that may arise during this transition. “It is
workforce and why it is important. Otherwise these
important to keep in mind that issues of
investments diminish to fixed costs to the firm. As
discrimination and harassment are sensitive subjects,
with any project, the leaders hold the most influence
and many victims may be unwilling to file formal
in its success as they are the ones who drive the
complains because of fear of stigma or
finances, support, and influence. Furthermore
retaliation.”xxxv When drafting policies to deal with
leadership involvement largely influences how a
conflict resolution it’s important to keep these issues
diversity initiative will be received by the firm. As Pat
in mind.
Harris, the Global Chief Diversity Officer at
McDonald’s says, “the first requirement [in
A two-tracked method of informal mediation
formulating a diversity strategy] is a commitment
followed by a more formal stage when the prior
from senior leadership to diversity as a core value of
method fails is seen to be an effective and popular
the organization. Top management must be
method of addressing these issues.xxxvi The first
determined that diversity [is] a cornerstone of how
approach is to conduct an informal meeting between
you do business.”xxix
the alleged abuser and the victim with a mediator
present. This in turn treats the situation as an
Before a plan is implemented, it’s necessary to un-
isolated scenario and in turn addresses the conflict as
derstand how a firm’s workforce will receive changes
a private matter between the two which leads to
in its workforce composition. One method would
confidential resolutions if they can be reached.
consist of open ended questionnaires aimed at
“Overall workplace culture, institutional policies and
gathering opinions on diversification. It is important
general patterns of discrimination are not considered
to give due consideration to these inputs and give
a focal point of the mediation. Rather, the emphasis
equal consideration to what they mean and whether
is placed on working out a solution that is acceptable
or not it is in the company’s best interest to
by both parties and obviates the need for
intervention by other actors.xxxvii
Additionally it would advisable to make these ques-
If however a situation cannot find solution during the
tionnaires non-mandatory as a means of gauging
first stage then the conflict should be managed in
how concerned its workforce is with diversity. As a
more formal manner.xxxviii At this stage of conflict
final precaution when implementing diversity
resolution firms conduct formal investigations and
questionnaires it is necessary to carefully design the
adversarial hearings in the presence of authority fig-
polling process as to not imply favoritism. When
ures. These investigations treat the conflict more
attempting to gather viewpoints on diversity within a
broadly bringing in witnesses, supervisors, and other
firm it should be noted that upper management is
firsthand accounts that can be kept on record in the
largely homogenous and thus not
event of a court hearing. Furthermore, “part of the
Preference Process [JPP].xliii The JPP controlled for
investigation should inquire about whether the firm’s hiring biases by filtering candidates through a neutral
conflict resolution procedure was accessible, if the process. “The individualized information is used to
investigation was thorough, and if any sanctions im- assist in matching candidates to positions they favor,
posed on the abusive party are appropriate given identify race and gender gaps and increase the
their behavior.”xxxixExpanding on preventative overall effectiveness of the personnel system.”xliv
measures of disunity as a byproduct of diversification
it is logical to conclude that not all employees have Banco Bilbao VizcayaArgentaria [BBVA] a Spanish
the skillset to deal with a diverse group setting and bank consisting of over 107,000 employees, made
that the responsibility to educate these employees forward progress for developing women’s careers
falls on the organization. One resolution that would within the organization by supporting women return-
be proposed for someone convicted of intolerance of ing from maternity leave and through establishing a
a multicultural workforce, in the first informal stage mentorship program for women. However, the
of conflict resolution, would be to attend diversity company took notice that in 2010 only 20% of senior
training. leadership positions were women. BBVA
implemented a very simple mechanism to control for
A firm should take an official stance on what it de- possible discrimination when considering candidates
fines diversity as to better address issues when and if for senior level positions. BBVA omitted information
they arise. Once an organization establishes its such as age, gender, and name from all assessment
definition of how it quantifies diversity the next step of candidates being considered for promotion. After
would be to identify what needs need to be one year after this method was introduces there was
addressed. “Organizations can differ greatly an increase of female executive level staffing.xlv
depending on location, workforce composition,
function, and size. For example, a multinational “McDonalds, who serves 56 million customers a day
corporation with employees from all around the across 118 countries, is considered a leader in diver-
world, such as Microsoft, will likely have different sity hiring and retention.”xlvi During the early 2000’s
needs and concerns than a small, regional law firm. McDonalds was under intense scrutiny over
Similarly, an office located in a heavily diverse area America’s obesity epidemic and underwent a cultural
like Sacramento, California may need a different overhaul in response to its heated criticism. The
program than an office in Lincoln, Nebraska.” company implemented a diversity training a
development program aimed at emphasizing
leadership development, identifying candidates for
advancement, and by monitoring entire restaurant
Case Study Analysis: crews.xlvii In addition to these reforms McDonalds
also created learning labs in order to identify which
To illustrate what methodologies have been success- tactics were more effective than others. These
ful this paper will examine multiple case study exam- changes in tactics transformed McDonalds into a
ples. Using these examples firms will be able to strong example for the business case rationale.xlviii
“mitigate transaction and start-up costs associated
with implementing a new or amended initiative.”xl But in the early 2000s, McDonalds was at the center
of a nationwide debate over America’s obesity epi-
The Hewlett-Packard Company [HP], an American demic. McDonalds underwent a “complete cultural
global information technology company, took multi- change” in response to the intense scrutiny. They
ple initiatives in an effort to diversify. This tech implemented a diversity training and development
corporation began actively recruiting at historically program that called for mentoring entire restaurant
black colleges, hosting diversity leadership summits crews, emphasizing leadership development and
in India, Costa Rica, and Bulgaria, holding annual identifying employees with the most potential for
talent reviews, and succession planning.xli advancement. They also created academic-style
learning labs in order to conduct internal studies to
Home Depot, an American retailer of home improve- uncover which tactics were working and which ones
ment and construction products and services, took were underperforming. These tactics helped
similar initiatives to meet its consumer needs as it transform McDonalds into a strong example for the
marketed itself as a family-oriented company.xlii To business case rationale.xlix
better address their recruiting methods, Home Depot
implemented an automated hiring and promotion
system dubbed the Job

Diversity is shown to benefit firms though increased

financial returns on investment and by lowering
employee attrition rates. Diversity initiatives fail
when upper management is not truly supportive of
the initiative, by miss-framing the reasoning for
wanting a more diverse workforce, by not including
white males, by seeing a more diverse workforce as
compliance with Equal Employment opportunity
laws, and by employing or promoting minority works
based on their minority status.
Tyler Bray, Data Specialist
To correctly implement a diversity initiative a firm Bremen, Germany | 16/11/2015
must first define know where its employees stand on
the issue to see if it is truly ready for the transition.
Once this has been established a committee or
taskforce from various departments must
collaborate to ensure the best methodology of
approach. The firm must also have a two-step
approach to dealing with diversity issues as they
arise. To ensure transparency a firm that sets out to
establish a working diversity initiative should make it

clear why it values diversity and what diversity

means to the company. This will give it a clear goal
that the firm can work towards.
Diversity advocates mush continuously push for ef-
fective policy reforment and periodically reevaluate
existing policies to ensure their effectiveness. After
all, if diversity isn’t impacting a company’s bottom
line then why do it.

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