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Honored the French Republic’s Human Rights Prize

Urgent Statement

The Center for Trade Union and Workers Services “CTUES” (14 February 2011):
The Egyptian people wrote with letters of light and blood new eternal pages in its modern history.
Its youth filled with courage inspired all the peoples of the region and of the whole world who
aspire for freedom, dignity, justice and equality.
The corrupt and tyrant regime collapsed and took with it all the bonds which surrounded all the
sectors and categories of our society and prevented them from expressing their interests and
defending their rights.
The way is wide open in front of the workers, the employees and all those who were oppressed.
They poured with full enthusiasm calling for their rights. The cover which kept the accumulated
pressure was removed, and the pressure was released at once.
Tens of movements in all sectors call for holding the tyrants accountable for what they did and for
regaining the workers tights. Tens of thousands of temporary workers call for permanent
employment. Tens of thousands of workers call for equal pay for equal work. Others call for the
enforcement of court sentences issued in their favour. Other workers rose against the local
administrations calling for their right to proper housing. The same calls were repeated very strongly
before 25th January 2011, but nobody listened to them or negotiated with them. They cannot wait
any longer.
Announcing our solidarity with the legal demands of these workers, we emphasize the following
The method of treatment adopted by some administrations against the workers are of no
avail because they pour fuel to the existing fire. This is what happened with the employees
of the National Bank of Egypt who were not allowed to go in strike and with the workers of
the social insurances who were threatened by some thugs to burn them with sulfuric acid 1.0F

Realizing the difficulty of immediate response to some demands which were accumulated
throughout the past years, we emphasize the urgent need for conducting serious negotiations
with the protestors in all the establishments and sectors based upon the legitimacy of the
demands and the need to reach documented collective agreements with time frames to
respond to the fair demands of the protestors.
The absence of the mechanisms of dialogue and collective negotiations in the past helped
deprive the workers of their right to organize freely and impose the official governmental
trade union organization was one of the causes which led to the current explosion of the
situation. It has become necessary to change such conditions drastically and to introduce the
necessary legal amendments and remove all the restrictions imposed on the right to
association and the right to organization.
Perceiving that the development of trade union organizations which should start now
requires a long time in order to be effective, we call to remedy the current crisis as follows:

Egypt/Helwan - Mohammed Said Ahmed st.- Petrogas buildings- Alexandria building-

1 Second Floor – Apartment No. (2) P.O. Box. 114 Helwan
Police and army soldiers arrested those thugs.
Tel& Fax: +202 255 93 929 / + 202 255 93 932 /+202 276 53 491 Mobil: +2012 0532 488
E-mail:, Website:
To announce that the present trade union organizations are incompetent to represent
their workers or express their demands unless their members accept them as
representatives of their interests.
To form a consultative council to facilitate and organize collective negotiations
processes with the different sectors and help them reach fair agreements with the
concerned parties which include clear time frames and have sufficient guarantees to
solve the workers problems and preserve their rights.
It is suggested that such a consultative council comprises in its membership a
number of trust worthy persons from the Committee of the Wise, persons from the
judicial authority, experienced legal advisors and labour leaders.

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