Activities Earth Sci

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James G.


11 – St. Lawrence

Earth Science

Biblical Cosmology


1. No, because anything everything in our universe is created by God. Because

as a religious being, we believe on our God

Cosmos ends with

the level of both agree on
Dwell the gods,
formlessness. karma, dharma, with Indra as
These spheres moksha and their head
reincarnation, and
manifest moral they are similar in
qualities. architecture. It also
spread on
Southeast Asia.

Buddhist Cosmology Hindu Cosmology

Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence

Graphic Organizer

Strong Nuclear Electromagnetic Weak Nuclear 1.Gravitational

motion in the
Force force Force Force
1. Holds most 1. Binds negatively  1. Converting
charged electrons protons into 2. Molecules are
ordinary matter
to positively neutrons. comparatively
together because
charge. small relative to
it confines quarks
intermolecular or
into hadron 2. The mechanism
particles such as 2.  Captures of interaction betwee
electrons in orbit n subatomic particles forces.
the proton and
neutron. around atomic that is responsible for
nuclei allowing the radioactive decay
2. Created between atoms and of atoms.
nucleons by the molecules to form,
exchange of as well as providing 3. Responsible for
particles called the mechanism for radioactive beta
mesons. generating light and decay.
invisible radiation
across the
3. binding protons
in atomic nuclei

Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence



1. The scientists estimate that the space was essentially an empty vacuum. The
theory says that the universe was an incredibly hot and dense single point in
space that expanded over billions of years. It was dark until light is formed.
Proton and neutrons were colliding to created hydrogen and helium.
2. The super unified force is a theory intended to describe the electromagnetic
force, the weak force, and gravity as a single, unified force. In the other hand,
grand unified force is a concept of Particle Physics, whereby the three gage
interactions of the Standard Model with high energies are merged into one
force consisting of gravitational, weak, and strong forces.
3. It was the period in the evolution of the early universe. According to it, the
universe underwent an extremely rapid exponential expansion.
4. This era had left the universe with roughly 75% hydrogen nuclei, 25% helium
nuclei, and trace amounts of lithium and deuterium nuclei. The plasma of
positively charged nuclei and negatively charged free electrons filled the
universe, trappings photons in its midst.
5. There are some evidences that supports that the Bigbang Theory was true.
Those are: Redshift of Galaxies – it means the Universe is probably
expanding. Microwave Background – it says that in the history, the whole
universe is really hot. Mixture of Elements – as the universe expanded and
cooled down, some elements that we see today were created. Looking back
in time.
Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence

Other Theories

Complete the table of the modern theories of the universe.

Theory Questions Answers

Steady State 1. Who are the 1. Explain evidence that the universe was
Theory proponents of steady expanding but still retain the core idea that
state theory? the universe always looks the same, and
2. What is meant by is therefore unchanging in practice and
Steady State theory? has no beginning and no end. A view that
3. How did the cosmic the universe is always expanding but
microwave maintaining a constant average density.
background debunk 2. A view that the universe is always
the steady state expanding but maintaining a constant
theory? average density.
3. Produced much evidence contradictory to
the steady-state picture and have led
scientists to overwhelmingly support
the big-bang model.

Inflation 1. Who are the 1. Links important ideas in modern physics,

Theory proponents of such as symmetry breaking and phase
inflationary theory? transitions, to cosmology.
2. What are the 2. Inflation theory proposes a period of
similarities and extremely rapid (exponential) expansion
differences between of the universe during its first few
steady state theory moments. Steady state theory is a view
and inflation theory? that the universe is always expanding but
3. What are the maintaining a constant average density.
solutions offered by3. The inflation theory predicts that the ultra-
inflation theory to the fast inflation would have expanded away any
weaknesses of big large-scale curvature of the part of the
bang theory? universe we can detect. The
horizon problem is solved by inflation becaus
e regions that appear to be isolated from
each other were in contact with each other
before the inflation period.

String theory 1. What is the basis of 1. A potential “theory of everything

string theory? 2.  Uniting all matter and forces in a single
2. How strings explain theoretical framework, which describes
the origin of the the fundamental level of the universe in
universe? terms of vibrating strings rather than
M-Theory 1. What is theory of 1. An attempt to unify mechanical physics with
everything? quantum physics and explain everything at
2. What is M-theory? once. 
3. How M-theory is is 2. S
related to string 3. Often described as the leading candidate for
theory? the theory of everything in our universe. But
there's no empirical evidence for it, or for any
alternative ideas about how gravity might unify
with the rest of the fundamental forces.
Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence

Table Completion


Mercury  Molten Iron  Composed  800 degrees  None
mostly of Fahrenheit (430
oxygen, sodium, degrees
hydrogen, Celcius)
helium, and
Venus  Similar to  Sulfuric acid  About 698K  None
Earth’s core clouds and
but somewhat mostly Carbon About 100
liquid. Dioxide times hotter
Composed of Atmosphere than Earth
nickel and iron
Earth  Iron-nickel  Composed of  58.62 degrees  Moon
alloys nitrogen, Fahrenheit
oxygen, and
Mars  Hot liquid core  95% carbon  -80 degrees  Phobos and
made of iron. dioxide Fahrenheit Deimos
Jupiter  Solid rocks,  Made up mostly -234 degrees  It has currently
iron, and of hydrogen and Fahrenheit   has 79
frozen water. helium gas. satellites/moons
, but it has 4
large moons: Io,
Callisto, and
Saturn  Hot hydrous  75% hydrogen  -288 degrees  It has 82 known
silicate rocks and 25% Fahrenheit. satellites.
Uranus  Molten rocks  Hydrogen,  -197 °C  It has 27 known
(Fe – Ni) helium, and satellites/moons
small amount of .
Neptune  Rock and ice.  Made of  -392 degrees  It has 14 known
hydrogen, helium, Fahrenheit. satellites/moons
and methane .
Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence

Find it Out

Find article on how will the universe end and write your reflection/reaction on it.

Based on the article I read recently. It says that the universe will end because
of a dark energy. It says that the dark energy will release a force that can stop the
time, or destroy the universe. I’m shocked when I see about the involvement of black
holes in the article. It’s like a complete deletion if the universe ended like that. I’m
learned that the universe will end more than 6 billion years. Surprising isn’t it?
Imagine having those dark energies are quite scary if it is currently occurring. If it is
the reason why the universe will end, it doesn’t matter to me because before it
reaches up to 6 billion years, I’m already dead.

Ryan James G. Atienza

11 – St. Lawrence

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“A single explosion can change anything”

I believe that the beginning of the universe was caused by an explosion. Because if we look to an
explosion, the material are being shattered or scattered. Like the universe, the scattered material are the stars,
planets, meteorites, comets, galaxies and other heavenly bodies.

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