VBA Quiz Code With Auto Results

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Dim UserName As String

Dim numberCorrect As Integer

Dim numberWrong As Integer

Sub YourName()
UserName = InputBox(Prompt:="Type Your Name!")
MsgBox "Welcome: " + UserName, vbApplicationModal, "Sample Quiz"
End Sub

Sub Correct()
MsgBox " Well Done! That's The Correct Answer " + UserName, vbApplicationModal, "Sample Quiz"
numberCorrect = numberCorrect + 1
End Sub

Sub Wrong()
MsgBox "Sorry! That's The Wrong Answer " + UserName, vbApplicationModal, "Sample Quiz"
numberWrong = numberWrong + 1
End Sub

Sub Start()
numberCorrect = 0
numberWrong = 0
End Sub

Sub Results()
MsgBox (" You Got " & numberCorrect & " Correct Answers, " & numberWrong & " Wrong Answers " & UserName), vbApplicationModal, "Sample Quiz"
End Sub

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