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Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Correct Option

  __________________ refers to all types of

relationship between all the parties concerned Human relations. General relations. All of these.   A
with industry.
Employer and Employee and Employer, employee
Employee and
  The scope of IR does not include employee trade union and trade union   D
customer relation
relation. relation. relation.
   Dominant aspects of industrial relations are Co-operation. Conflict Both (A) and(B). None of these.   C
   Which of the following factor affecting IR? Economic factors Social factors All of these.   D
   Which of the following is not a part of the Labor Employer –
Group Relation None of these   C
scope of industrial relations relations employee relations
Promotion and
Maintenance of
development of
industrial peace Development of
   Main aspects of industrial relations are healthy All of these   D
and avoidance of industrial democracy
manager and
industrial dispute
labor relations
Which of the following factors not affecting Psychological
Political factors Global factors None of these   C
industrial relations factors
Which of the following is the approaches of Gandhian
System approach Oxford approach All of these   D
industrial relation approach
To safeguard To raise To avoid industrial
Which of the following is an objective for IR? None of these   D
mutual trust productivity strike
Temporary closing down the undertaking with
the intention of forcing workers to accept the Lockout Layoff Strike Retrenchment   A
demand of the employer is called
The conflicts and dispute between employers
and employees on any industrial matters are Human relations Conflict relations All of these   A
known as
Workers participated in management has
Economic Psychological Both A& B None of these   C
__________ is the ultimate remedy for the
settlement of industrial dispute through the Voluntary Collective
Conciliation Adjudication   A
intervention by the third party appointed by the Arbitration bargaining
A______ strives to protect maintain and
improve economic, social and vocational Trade union Employer union Both A& B None of these   C
interest of their members
Employee Recognition and
The objectives of trade union includes Working Condition All of these   D
compensation participation
Which of the following is not a type of trade
Craft union Stable union Company union Industrial union   C
Which of the following is the method of trade Mutual Collective
Political action All of these   D
union insurance bargaining
The first union was recognized in 1884 1890 1918 1920   D
Industrial Social
Theories of trade union includes Capitalism approach All of these   D
democracy psychological
On the basis of
On the basis
Structure of trade union is concerned with membership Both A&B All of these   C
off purpose
AITUC was established in 1920 1954 1930 All of these   A
Such union destroying the present economic
system by resorting the revolutionary measures
Anarchist Political union Predatory Guerilla Union   D
. The seek to abolish the wage system and
private property
Which of the following is not the characteristic
Common Goal Individual action Both ( a) and (b) All of these   B
of the trade union
Types of organization to which trade union are The National The federation of
Both ( a) and (b) All of these   C
affiliated Federation union
Which of the following is a function of trade Militant
Fraternal function Both ( a) and (b) All of these   C
union function
Techniques to achieve the objectives of Collective Grievance
Negotiations All of these   D
organization are bargaining Handling
Migratory Homogenous Poor economic
Internal problem of trade union are All of these   D
character character conditions
Which of the following factors are not the Education of Economic and
Effective leadership None of these   D
measures to strengthen the trade union in India workers social uplift
The central trade union in India is/are AITUC INTUC UTUC All of the above   D
Sarabhai and
The first president of AITUC was Gandhiji Lala Lajpat Rai All of these   C
Hind Mazdoor Panchayat(HMP) was
1965 1948 1930 1945   A
established in
All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) has
CPI CPI(M) BJP All of these   A
political link with
__________ denotes the absence of an
Labor turnover Absenteeism Both ( a) and (b) None of the above   B
employee when he is scheduled to work
Recognition of the trade union was made by Trade union act Industrial disputes Factories Act
Code of discipline   B
the provision of ,1926 Act , 1947 1948
Which is not a structure of trade union of
Craft union General union Industrial union Consumers union   D
industrial organization
What should be the minimum number required
100 7 6 All of the above   B
to register a union
To protect and
Acquiring the Imbibing sincerity
promote the To provide cultural and
The basic function of the trade union is control of industry and discipline of A
interest of the recreational activities
by workers workers
Rivalry between
Rivalry Rivalry within the
Intra union rivalry means union and All of the above   A
between union same union
Which of the following is not the principle of The code of Labor welfare The code of
All of the above   C
Industrial relations policy conduct activities discipline
Which are the major causes of the origin in Emergence of Development of
Industrializatio All of the above   D
industrial relations factory system capitalist economy
Which of the following are the major
participants of industrial relations from the Employers Government Unions All of these   D
The international labor organization was
April 19,1919 May 20,1920 09-Apr-19 April 19,1949   A
established in
Which of the following are the main causes of Wage Unreasonable work Non payment of
Any of the above   D
indiscipline differentials assignment Bonus
Machinery for Workers
The main issues involved in industrial Collective
settlement of participation in All of the above   D
relations consists of bargaining
industrial disputes management
Which of the following does not include the Compensation Victimization of Unjust lay off and Leave without
economic cause of dispute like wages workers retrenchments pay
Which of the following are the non economic    Ill-treatment
Sympathetic strike Indiscipline All of these   D
cause of dispute by staff
  Salary and Discontinuity in Wrongful discharge
Which of the following can not be a cause of Dissatisfaction with
incentive services due to or dismissal of B
strike company policy
problems overage workmen
Which of the following measures prove to be   Strong and
participation in Mutual trust All of the above   D
fruitful in improving industrial relations stable unions
Generating co-
  Giving Providing better
operative Ensuring close interaction
Which of the following cannot be categorized greater opportunities
atmosphere for between labour and B
as the main aim of works committees participation to outside the
negotiation between management
workers organization
Recognition of trade union is made by the     Trade union Industrial dispute   Factory Act of
Code of discipline   C
provision of Act 1926 Act 1947 1948
A trade union should be registered as per the    20% of the Minimum 17
150 workmen None of the above   D
law must have workers persons
Which of the following not a characteristic of Voluntary   Individual
Inter Mediary Common Goals   D
trade union Association actions
PF act is applicable to an establishment engaged in Hazardous Industries
any industry specified in Schedule II List Schedule IX Schedule I   D
Minimum persons must be employed in as
establishment for the 15 20 35 50   B
The term “Appropriate Government” is defined in
which section of the PF Act? Section 2(a)    Section 2 (b) Section 2 (d) Section 2 (e)   A
Section 2(aof the PF act defines the term …………… Basic Wages Authorized Officer Government None of these   B
The term “Basic Wages” is defined in which
section of the Provident Fund Act? Section 2(g) Section 2(d) Section 2(b) None of these   C
    The term contribution is defined in the section
……… Section 2-bb Section 2-bc Section 2-cc Section 2-c   D
  Section 2(of the Provident Fund Act defines ……… Process Employee Employment Controlled Industry   D
  Identify Section 2 (g) of The Minimum Wages Act, Scheduled
1948. Child Employer Prescribed Employment   D
If any Gratuity is payable to an employee on
discharge, would it be included in wages? Yes No       B
"Cost of living Indez number" is defined under
which section of the act? 2(b) 2(c)   2(d) 2(e)   C
Which section of the act defines Employer 2(d) 2(e)    2(r) 2(g)   B
"Wages" is defined under which section of the act? 2(g) 2(h) 2(i) 2(j)   B
The term “Adult” is defined in the section ………. 2(a) 2(ad) 2(aa) None of these   A
Adult is a person who has completed ………… 21 years 14 years 18 years 20 years   C
Section 2(c ) of the act defines …….. Child Competent person Adolescent None of these   A
A person who is not 15 years old is a ……….. Kid Adolescent Child All of the above   C
A person has turned 17 yesterday. Which of the The person is a The person is a child The person was an All of the above   C
statements is true with respect to that person? child. as well as an adolescent 1 year
adolescent. back.
Section 2(cof the Factories Act defines …… Child Labour Labour Process Hazardous Process   D
A person who is either a child or an adolescent will Competent
be considered a ….. as per the factories Act, 1948. Person Young Person Productive Person Casual Labour   B
  According to the Factories Act, 1948 “Week” There is no such
starts at midnight on Night Monday Sunday Saturday mention   C
“Worker” is defined in which section of the
Factories Act, 1948? Section 2(l) Section 2(m) Section 2(p) None of these   A
The term “Factory” is defined in section ……… of
the act. 2(s) 2(p) 2(v) None of these   D
Which one of the following is not a welfare
provision under Factories Act, 1948? Canteen Crèches First Aid Drinking water.   D
First Aid Boxes is to be provided for____ of persons 125 135 150 160   C
Crèche is to be provided if ____or more lady
employees are engaged. 25 32 30 40   C
If any employee found violating the section 20 of
Factories Act 1947 shall be fine up to Rs.10 Rs.5 Rs.15 Rs.20   B
Payment of wages of establishments employing
not less than 1000 employees shall be paid within
of the wage month on 7th day 15th day 2nd day 10th day   D
Who among the following has the responsibility for
employee welfare? Employers Central government State government All of the above   D
Which of the following benefits is covered under Retirement Compensation
social security schemes? benefit facilities Medical facilities All of the above   D
In which year was the Employees' State Insurance
Act enacted? 1948 1976 1923 1961   D
The primary purpose of employee safety
programme is to preserve the employees' ... Mental health Physical health Emotional health All of the above   D
Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the Factories Act, Payment of Wages Equal Remuneration Industrial Disputes
employees is the primary purpose of the 1948 Act, 1936 Act, 1976 Act, 1947   A
Deputy Provident Fund Commissioner is an
authorized officer. TRUE FALSE       A
   Bonus is part of Basic Wages as defined in the
respective section in the PF Act. TRUE FALSE       B
  Employment in Oil mill is a scheduled
employment. TRUE FALSE       A
  Employment in public motor transport is a
scheduled employment. TRUE FALSE       A
  As per Section 2 (h) of the act, "HRA" is not TRUE FALSE       B
included in wages.
  As per Section 2 (h), the value of "house
accommodation" is included in wages. TRUE FALSE       B
“Day is a 24 hours period that begins at 06:00 AM
as per the act. TRUE FALSE       B
“Power” also means energy generated by human
or animal. TRUE FALSE       B
Preserving an item in cold storage is considered as
Manufacturing Process. TRUE FALSE       A
  A person employed through a contractor is not
considered as a Worker as per the act. TRUE FALSE       B
A railway running shed is a factory as per the
Factories Act, 1948. TRUE FALSE       B
A restaurant is not a factory as per the Factories
Act, 1948. TRUE FALSE       A
A mine is a Factory as per the definition of Factory
given in Factories Act, 1948. TRUE FALSE       B
"Welfare" is not part of the Factories Act, 1948. TRUE FALSE       B
The first union was recognized in 1884 1890 1918 1920   D
Industrial Social
Theories of trade union includes Capitalism approach All of these   D
democracy psychological
On the basis of
On the basis
Structure of trade union is concerned with membership Both A&B All of these   C
off purpose
AITUC was established in 1920 1954 1930 All of these   A

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