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PG19042 PGDM 1ST SEM “B”

1) What is the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing?


Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketers can easily reach their target local audience. Not only target local audience can be reached, but as well as
the audience from all around the globe.

Traditional marketing has a more personal approach since Since it can reach a finite audience, getting more popular is
marketers can have a person-to-person relationship in easy. There is no need to be physically present in introducing
informing the public about their brand’s name. the brand’s name to the audience.

The public can have a hard copy of materials of which they The public can also have access on different content on
can read or browse through over and over again. websites and videos on Youtube or video sharing websites.

It can be easily understood by the public because they are Strategies implemented can reach target market with
already exposed to this kind of strategy. It is something Internet connection. Most target audience is groups of
that most people can have access on. people who have digital devices and are always online 24/7.

There is only a little interaction between the medium used Interaction is very possible especially with the use of social
and the customers. It is more of providing information to media networks. Marketers take advantage of the
the public that the brand exists with the hope of these convenience of communicating with their target audience
people patronizing the brand. aiming to get positive customer feedback.

Print or radio advertisements can be very costly. Printing Digital marketing is cost-efficient. The use of social media
materials can be expensive and you need to hire people to websites is free of charge. Though some invest on paid ads
distribute these. Businesses have the need to invest money online, the cost is still cheaper if you compare to traditional
for this marketing strategy. marketing.

Results on this marketing strategy cannot easily be Data and results are easily recorded. With Google Analytics,
measured. Marketers need to conduct survey and finding a specialists can easily check if the strategies are working. If
statistician to interpret results is a must. not, they can easily create better content for better

2) What is ooogle ads?

Ans) AdWords (Google AdWords) is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to

display ads on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords program enables businesses to set
a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is largely focused
on keywords.

Businesses that use AdWords can create relevant ads using keywords that people who search
the Web using the Google search engine would use. The keyword, when searched for triggers
your ad to be shown. AdWords at the top ads that appear under the heading "Sponsored
Links" found on the right-hand side or above Google search results. If your AdWords ad is
clicked on, Google search users are then directed to your website.

3) Which type of campaign we can run with the help of google ads?
Ans) Google Ads (Adwords) allows you to choose between Five different campaign types.
They are: Search Network, Display Network, Video (YouTube), Shopping, and Universal

4) What is google ad structure?

Ans) Google ad structure is divided into 5 parts:

 The Campaign Level: Laying the Foundation

 The Ad Group Level: Building Your House
 Keyword Selection: Interior Decorating
 Ad Copy: Exterior Design
 Ad Extensions: Adding a Backyard Pool

5) What is campaign level setting?

Ans) The campaign conversion setting lets you override the account-level “Include in
“Conversions’” setting and specify conversion actions for a particular campaign (or group of
campaigns). The “Conversions” column shows the action you want to optimize for and is also
used by Smart Bidding. Other conversions not included are still reported in the “All
Conversions” column, and are not incorporated into bidding models. 
The campaign-level conversion setting is available for Search and Display campaigns.

6) What is ad extension?

Ans) Ad extensions are additional pieces of information about your business, like a phone number or
a link to a specific page on your website, you can add to your ads. Ad extensions are free to add to
your ads, with the usual charges for any clicks you get. Including ad extensions can improve the
visibility of your ads, which can lead to more clicks and improve your ROI.

7) What is budget delivery method?

Ans) When you create a campaign, you set an average daily budget. This determines how
much, on average, you'd like to spend each day for this campaign (it's possible that you'll be
charged less, or sometimes up to twice as much as your average daily budget amount on a
given day).

For most advertisers, budget is used whenever a potential customer clicks your ad. The more often
your ad is clicked, the faster you'll use up your average daily budget. Your campaign’s ad delivery
method determines how how fast your budget is used.

Your ad delivery method is relevant if your campaign is limited by budget since it allows you to
decide how quickly you want your budget to be spent. If your campaign isn’t limited by budget, the
ad delivery method won’t be useful since your budget is high enough to enable your ads to serve
throughout the entire day.

8) What are targeting available in search network?

Ans) Audience Targeting

 Demographics: Target your ads based on how well your products and services trend with
users in certain locations, ages, genders, and device types.
 Affinity: Advertisers with TV campaigns can extend a campaign online and reach an audience
using Google Search or the Display Network.
 In-market: Show ads to users who have been searching for products and services like yours.
These users may be looking to make a purchase, or have previously made a purchase and
could still be interested enough to interact with your ads.
 Custom intent: Choose words or phrases related to the people that are most likely to engage
with your site and make purchases by using "custom intent audiences." In addition to
keywords, custom intent audiences lets you add URLs for websites, apps, or YouTube
content related to your audience's interests.
 Similar audiences: Expand your audience by targeting users with interests related to the
users in your remarketing lists. These users aren't searching for your products or services
directly, but their related interests may lead them to interacting with your ads.
 Remarketing: Target users that have already interacted with your ads, website, or app so
that they'll see your ads more often. These users can be in any stage of conversion, as long
as they've visited your site or clicked on your ad before. These users may even return to
complete a purchase.

Content targeting

 Topics: Target one ad to multiple pages about certain topics at once. Topic targeting lets you
reach a broad range of pages on the Display Network. Google Ads analyzes web content and
considers factors such as text, language, link structure, and page structure. It then
determines the central themes of each webpage and targets ads based on your topic
 Placement: Target websites on the Display Network that your customers visit. If you select
this type of targeting, we'll only look at your chosen sites (managed placements) when
searching for relevant sites. Unlike contextual targeting (automatic placements), placement
targeting doesn't require keywords. A placement might be an entire website or a subset of a
 Content keywords: Choose words that are relevant to your product or service to target
users making searches using those same terms. You can tailor a set of keywords to manually
reach certain demographics or meet specific goals. For instance, you can change your
keywords to reflect seasonal interests or make the most of a sale.
 Display expansion for search: Let Google Ads find users for you with a combination of
automated bidding and smart targeting. Display expansion works for both Search and
Display campaigns, targeting high-performance moments for the best results.

9) What is your CPC?

Ans) Cost per click, or CPC, is the amount you pay for each click on one of your PPC ads in
platforms such as Google AdWords or Bing Ads.Your cost per click is determined by several
factors, including your maximum bid, your Quality Score, and the ad rank of other
advertisers bidding for the same keyword. Your CPC is an important metric because those
clicks, and costs, add up fast. If your CPC is too high, you won't be able to achieve return on
your advertising investment (ROI).

10) What is CTR?

Ans) PPC click-through rate is the rate at which your PPC ads are clicked. This number is the
percentage of people who view your ad (impressions) and then actually go on to click the ad
(clicks). The formula for CTR looks like this:

(Total Clicks on Ad) / (Total Impressions) = Click Through Rate

Generally, you can view your click-thru rate within the dashboard of your PPC account. A high CTR
means that a high percentage of people who see your ad click it.

11) What is quality score?

Ans) Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and
PPC ads. It is used to determine your cost per click (CPC) and multiplied by your maximum
bid to determine your ad rank in the ad auction process. Your Quality Score depends on
multiple factors, including:

 Your click-through rate (CTR).
 The relevance of each keyword to its ad group.
 Landing page quality and relevance.
 The relevance of your ad text.
 Your historical Google Ads account performance.

These are the core Quality Score components. No one outside of Google knows exactly how much
each factor “weighs” in the Quality Score algorithm, but we do know that click-through rate is the
most important component. When more people who see your ad click it, that’s a strong indication to
Google that your ads are relevant and helpful to users. Accordingly, Google rewards you with:

 Higher ad rankings
 Lower costs

12) What is ad rank?

Ans) Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of a pay-per-click (PPC) ad on a search

engine results page (SERP).

The position of this ad depends on  the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is
determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality

All other things equal, the more relevant your keywords, ad text and landing pages, the higher
your Quality Score, and the higher your ad ranking.

Higher ad ranking typically results in greater exposure for your products or services as a result of
experiencing higher click-through-rate on your ads.

13) What is actual CPC?

Ans) Actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click. You're
often charged less -- sometimes much less -- than your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
bid, which is the most you'll typically be charged for a click.

Actual CPC is often less than max. CPC because with the Google Ads auction, you only pay what's
minimally required to clear the Ad Rank thresholds and beat the Ad Rank of the competitor
immediately below you. And if there are no competitors immediately below you (for example, if no
competitors other than you have cleared their Ad Rank thresholds), you only pay the reserve price.

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