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So to test the hypothesis survey was done in which the sample is taken of 297 full time

employees from Australia who has more than 5 years of experience. Out of 297 employee only
187 employees participated. Employees were from different sectors i.e. service, manufacturing.

The questionnaire used in this study includes three sections.

The first section is about background information and information about the average number of
hours worked in a day. The “hours worked” was used as a measure to study the relation between
overwork and work–life balance.

The second section of the questionnaire includes three dimensions of the social harm of work i.e.
work restrictions on the family domain, negative impact of social harm and reduced role

The third section includes three dimensions of the work recovery experience namely,
psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during leisure activities.

Both 2nd and 3rd section of questionnaire was measured on the likert scale having 6 point (1
being strongly disagree to 6 being strongly agree)


From the table we can see the R square change value which shows the significance of the
dimensions. From hypothesis 1 we conclude that overwork has a significant role in predicting
only the work restrictions on the family domain dimension as its R square change was found to
be significant. Therefore its partially supported.

In Hypothesis 2, relaxation has been found to have a significant negative role in predicting work
restrictions on the family domain, negative impact of social harm, and reduced role facilitations.
As all these dimensions are significant. But there is no significant relation between psychological
detachment and mastery experience with each of the social harm of work dimension therefore
this hypothesis is also partially supported.

In hypothesis 3, effects between overwork and psychological detachment with work restrictions
on the family domain, negative impact of social harm and reduced role facilitations were found
significant. Whereas other combinations were not having any significant interactions between
them. So hypothesis 3 was also partially supported.
As through bridal makeup salon genarates maximum amount of revenue so we asked umangi
ma’am to do demographic marketing for the bridal schemes and posts. After engagement people
generally update their facebook relationship status with title “engaged”. So newly engaged
people will be our target market. We can trace them through facebook.

In facebook when we do the post boost we got the options of Location i.e. at what diameter of
area the post should be targeted so it will be 15-20km area from the salon.

Age of the people we are targeting is from 20-40 years. as along with brides, side brides will be
their like sister, mother and other close relatives of the bride and groom

Gender will be both male and female.

The next option we get is of demographic segment in which we choose the people who has
uploaded their relationship status as “engaged”.

Generally the reach of any post stays for 5 days. therefore we kept it for 5 days. Through this we
will be directly targeting the brides and groom for their bridal makeup.

Good morning everyone,

Our group is going to present on the topic – Credit rating agency

So the question arise is what is credit rating agency. A credit rating agency is an entity which
assesses the ability and willingness of the issuer company for timely payment of interest and
principal on a debt instrument. Agencies analyse the debtor’s ability to repay the debt or if there
is any credit risk associated with it.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) reserves the right to authorise and regulate credit
rating agencies according to SEBI Regulations, 1999 of the SEBI Act, 1992.

Credit rating agencies have the authority to rate companies, state governments, non-profit
organisations, local government bodies, and special purpose entities. Many factors are
considered while settling with a rating such as financial statements, type of debt, lending and
borrowing history, repayment capability, past credit repayment behaviour, and many other

The credit rating agency does not provide any decision to financial institutions on whether an
entity should get credit facility or not; rather it provides the report and additional inputs making
it easier for the lender to analyse and make decision.

Registered credit rating agencies in India are- CRISIL Limited, ICRA Limited, CARE,
Brickwork ratings India Pvt. limited, SMERA Ratings limited

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