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Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

The Muslim teacher
is most important in an
Islamic Education system
There are two kinds of teachers.
One is a teacher who teaches as a job
and works for a salary.
And then there is a teacher who is a
Muslim who has the intention to
spread deen. This teacher can be a doctor, business
person, university student or any other person of
society. This kind of teacher does not teach for money.
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Who is an Islamic Teacher?
An Islamic teacher is a person who is
aware of the basics of Islam, they are
aware of the importance of teaching
and also their role in the community.
The first thing that an Islamic Teacher
should have is knowledge.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Abu Umamah (May Allah be
pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said,
"The superiority of the learned
over the devout worshipper is like

t h my superiority over the most

a di inferior amongst you (in good

H deeds)." He went on to say,
"Allah, His angels, the dwellers of
the heaven and the earth, and
even the ant in its hole and the
fish (in water) supplicate in
favour of those who teach people

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
A Muslim teacher should
be able to distinguish between
useful and useless knowledge.
They should be able to prioritize knowledge.
As we have in Islam

1. Fard al Ayn (individual obligatory

knowledge )
2. Fard al Kifayah (community obligatory
knowledge )
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Fard al ayn is that every individual
should have that knowledge.
Fard al kifayah is that as long
as someone in the community
has that knowledge the
obligation is removed from
every individual to have that
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
A Muslim Teacher Correct
Should have… faith

Knowledge University
of Sunnah Degree

Knowledge of Knowledge
teaching of child
methodology psychology Happy Land for
Islamic Teachings
There should be no shirk,
bidah (innovation),
If they have incorrect belief
they will impart it to the
Whatever values a teacher
holds, she will convey.
The best teacher will be one
who practices what he/she
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Qualities of a
Muslim Teacher Patience

Model Sincerity

Righteousnes Happy Land for

Islamic Teachings
A Muslim Justice: The teacher should be just with all
Teacher students. Do not punish or reward a student as
you have a personal liking for them.
Understanding: The teacher should know
the name of a student, his parents name and the
situation at home. The teacher should
understand each student. Sometimes there is a
family problem which is the cause of a student
not concentrating.
Prepare Well for class: The teacher should
prepare her lesson plans properly.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. (Benjamin
Laslty the educator should practice what
she says.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

The teacher should work into their
lesson plans good manners/adab.
The assembly should start with
Basmallah and adhkar.
e nt The teaching environment should be
o n m
v i r permeated with prayer to Allah.
E n
h e Students should feel that there is
mention of Allah.
The school environment should be
based more on Islamic Principle rather
than on academic excellence.
There should be a prize for the best
Muslim in Character/adab. That prize
should be bigger than that for an
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
academic award.
Halal - Haram

Muslims eat to maintain a strong and healthy physique

in order to be able to contribute their knowledge and
effort for the welfare of the society. Muslims are
supposed to make an effort to obtain the best quality
nutritionally. It is mentioned in a Hadith that the prayer
of a person is rejected by Allah if the food consumed is
prohibited (haram).

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Halal - Haram
In general every food is considered halal in Islam unless
it is specially prohibited by the Qur’an or the Hadith .
By official definition, halal foods are those that are:
•Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited
from consuming according to Islamic law (Shariah).
•Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or
stored using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that
have been cleansed according to Islamic law.
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
When a teacher organizes food for kids at
Islamic School

•She should buy only halal certified stuff.

•Only allow fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables in
•Allow home cooked food from
reliable source.
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
1. The most important part of an
Islamic Education system is the teacher.
2. An Islamic Teacher does not work for money.
3. The most important thing a teacher should have is
4. All creatures supplicate for the one who gives people
knowledge. (from Hadith)
5. Sincerity means to be teaching for the pleasure of
6. The best teacher will be one who practices what
he/she preaches.
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
7. Sometimes a family problem
is the reason behind a child’s lack of concentration in class.
8. A teacher in Hijab when scene out side of school
without hijab can cause great harm to a student.
9. There should be no shirk, bidah (innovation) and
confusions in an Islamic Teacher.
10. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
11. The best option is to buy only halal certified food.

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

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