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0 the importance of international trade toward China

2.1 the technological expertise

One of the importance of international trade towards China are the technological expertise.
With the help of international trade, the technological expertise had dramatically increasing in China
which had make the China to become more active in international trade. When the technological
expertise in China had increase, the economy in China also increase and their citizen may live in
luxury. This also has enabled China to acquire some highly sophisticated technology helping them to
built a number of advanced manufacturing plants producing a large range of sophisticated
equipment such as satellites and nuclear weapons making China and its domestic firms more
competitive at international level. When the technological had increase, the the production of goods
and services can be increased to a maximum level. When the good and services can be generated in
very large quantities, the price of the goods and services will also be very cheap and this will cause
the people's purchasing power to increase.

2.2 the variety of goods and services

Another reason why international trade is very important towards China are it can increase
the variety of goods and services available to the Chinese consumers, and at the same time it has
also increased the competition level in the local markets. As multinational firms have entered into
the Chinese markets, prices have become more competitive again benefiting the consumers as they
are able to buy products at lower prices. This increase in competition due to trade has also helped
the local Chinese firms to mature, especially the suppliers, as they are now able to support local
firms as well as multinational firms operating in their country or other countries. As an example,
Toyota and General Motors who are operating in China as well as Japan but there supplies are
mainly coming from the Chinese firms.

2.3 source of income

The other importance of international trade towards China is a main source of income of the
China. This because, when there have some goods that had been import to China, there will be huge
tax towards the importer, which can help the China to obtain additional money to improve their
country. Another advantage China has from trade is that it is not dependent on any single country
for its imports and exports which enables it to manage the seasonal fluctuations of demand and
supply of the products by switching sources of imports and diverting exports as and when required.
The same concept goes to Chinas exporter. When China can export their goods and service to
another country, there will be zero problem of surplus goods and service. Which may help China
country to keep growing and compete with other famous country such as America, United Kingdom,
Japan and so on. We can see there have lot of goods in our country which is the good come from

3.0 China globalization trade trend platform

For the import, starting from 2007 had been recorded almost reach 1 trillion and moving to
2008 had increase to 1.15 trillion. At the 2009, the imports trend had decrease to 1 trillion. While at
2010, there have dramatically increasing in their import trend which is 1.25. While at 2011, the
imports trend keep increasing to 1.75 trillion which is the biggest increasing trend. Moving to 2012,
the imports trend had recorded 1.8 trillion. For the 2013, the imports trend had increase to 1.9
trillion. For the 2014, the imports trend keep increase to 1.95 trillion. Starting from 2014 to 2016 the
imports trend had decrease dramatically to 1.55 trillion. And the imports trend had increase at 2017
which is had been recorded at 1. trillion.

While for the exports trend, at 2007 has been recorded at 1.25 trillion and had increase to
1.4 trillion at 2008. At 2009 had been decrease to 1.25 trillion. There had a huge increase from 2009
to 2014 which is from 1.25 trillion to 1.9 trillion. While at 2014 until 2016, the exports trend had
decrease to 1.7 trillion. At 2017, exports trend had been recorded at 2.25 trillion.

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