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0 Decision Making

In general, the decision making process helps managers and other business
professionals solve the problem by examining alternative choices and deciding on the best
route or best choice to take action. Using step-by-step approach is an efficient way to make
thoughtful, informed decision that have a positive impact on the organization’s short and
long-term goals.

Firstly, identify the decision. This first step in making the right decision is to
recognizing the problem or opportunity and deciding to address it. This stage also will make a
difference to your customers or fellow employees. As for this case, New Hoong Fatt Holding
Sdn. Bhd. have an issues in service quality where the product that have been delivery to
customer is wrong quantity from the order form. In order to identify the decision, manager
need to take an action or responsiveness on the problem fast.

Next, gather information. This stage where help the manager decision based on facts
and data. This requires making a value judgement, determining what information is relevant
to the decision at hand, along with how it can get it. Regarding to that, manager need to
gather all the feedback and review from the customer and consult a plan to overcome the

Third, identify alternatives. Once the manager have a clear understanding of the
issues, manager need to identify the various solution at the disposal. Manager need to list
down all the different range of the option. This will helps the manager determine which
course of action is the best way to achieve your objective. As for this situation, manager need
to identify the alternatives. For example, manager can double check the order form and make
sure all the order’s is correct in quantity and use the advance of technology to check the
order’s before pack it and deliver it to the customer.

Moreover, weigh the evidence and choose among the alternatives. Managers need to
be able to weigh the pros and cons, then select the option that has the highest chances of
success. When manager make the decision, be sure that manager is understand the risks
involved with the chosen route. Manager also choose a combination of alternative now that is
fully grasp all the relevant information and potential risks.

Furthermore, take action. Managers need to create a plan for implantation. This
involves identifying what resources are required and gaining support from the employees and
stakeholders. Getting others onboard with the decision making is a key component of
executing the plan effectively.

Lastly, review your decision. An often overlooked but important step in the decision
making process in evaluating your decision for effectiveness. Managers need to focus on
service quality dimensions which are tangibles, empathy, assurance and responsiveness in
order to protect reputation of the company.

8.0 Purposed Action Plan

Action plan in managing quality is help guide the Program Manager and project
personnel implementing management activities and quality assurance of the project or
program. Action Plan goal is to explain how quality will be managed throughout the project
life cycle. Quality management plan to create a method for periodic review and improvement,
including how to deal with corrective action when there is something wrong to address the
problem and prevent reoccurrence. Corrections and repairs are the two critical elements of a
quality management system that is often referred to as a corrective action plan. The plan also
set the size to measure performance against targets set. In addition to identifying areas of
improvement, its goals and objectives are reviewed. It's hard to find time to take stock of the
situation and make the necessary adjustments if it is not carried through the pipeline.

Step 1: Project Managers need to develop a diagram or project charter in order to keep the
situation on the right and clearer route. Project Manager also need to develop project
management plan. For example, managers need to identify the problem and gather all the
information or data and develop the project management plan to clearer the problem.
Step 2: Project Scope Management need to plan scope management, collect all the
requirement and define the scope.
Step 3: Project Time Management need to plan schedule management, define all the
activities, sequences activities, estimates activity resources, estimates activity durations and
develop schedule. For example, managers need to develop a schedule to control all the
activities and control all the time framing needed to complete problem without causes any
risk or other problem.

Step 4: Project Cost Management need to plan cost management, estimate the goals and
determine all the budgets needed to overcome the problem. For example, use other
alternatives in order to reduce the surplus cost such as use technology to make sure all the
products are in a good form, in safety packaging and follow all the order’s form.

Step 5: Project Quality Management need to plan a quality management plan, perform the
quality assurance and control the quality.

Objectives Quality Planning Quality Control Quality Assurance
Project develop a diagram or Monitor specific Determine if Increase the
Managers project charter in order to project products to measurement of effectiveness
keep the situation on the determine if they quality is appropriate and efficiency
right and clearer route meet performance by evaluating overall of the project
measurement performance on a when
thresholds defined in regular basis to corrective
the quality insure the project actions such as
management plan will satisfy customer Change
quality expectations Requests are
Project Time Plan cost management, Activity/Schedule Project Execution, &
Managemen estimate the goals and Development Control Phase
t determine all the budgets Resource Estimate Processes Project
needed to overcome the Development Project Execution & Control
problem Delivery Acquisition
Project Cost plan cost management, Use other
Managemen estimate the goals and alternatives in order
t determine all the budgets to reduce the surplus
needed cost such as use
technology to make
sure all the products
are in a good form,
in safety packaging
and follow all the
order’s form.

Project Plan a quality

Quality management plan,
Managemen perform the quality
t assurance and control the

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