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Explain how Apple’s Customer Quality Feedback program helps the firm hear the
voice of the customer?

Apple has developed a program called Customer Quality Feedback (CQF)

which provide Apple engineers to communicate with potential end users. The
participants will be provided early prototypes of Apple products and they are asked to
give their feedback and suggestions. CQF allow info goes directly to engineers and
have testimonials of product’s final design. In addition, it will select participants based
on special criteria to have a more precise feedbacks and provide early prototypes of the
products. But the most important, it is open to everyone so this will help Apple to hear
customers’ voices. Although the program is open to anyone, it is clear that Apple wants
well-informed participants who will stick with the program. The program integrates
many of the features of a focus group but is sustained on an ongoing basis.
In addition, customer feedback is information provided by clients about whether
they are satisfied or dissatisfied with a product or service about general experience they
had with the company. Customer feedback is very important to your business as
customer will help you to strong up and build up your brand’s name. Their opinion is a
resource for improving customer experience and adjusting your actions to their needs.
Other than that, customer satisfaction and loyalty is a crucial factor that
determines company’s financial performance. It is directly linked to many benefits such
as increased market share, lower costs or higher revenues. The best critics of your
brand, products, and services are your customers. By asking them about what they
liked and hated about their experience with you, you would be able to identify the
weak spots in your products and/or services. As a result, you will be able to address
these weak links and you will be able to improve it immediately before it can destroy
your business. Furthermore, Apple is an innovative company that opens its doors up to
just about anyone, they select the prospective employees based on special criteria.
Apple provides early prototypes of their products. This allows for testimonials of their
product’s final design, allowing all of that information to travel directly to Apple
2. In your opinion, what are the most important aspects of Apple’s program? Would you
make any changes or modifications?

One of the most important aspects of Apple’s program is how they select their
participants. They generally people of interest with the ability to provide timely
information. They committed to work with the Apple personnel and they have a
suitable computing environment as it relates to Apple’s. There are many types of
customer of participant. One of customer that will give benefits in long-term of
business environment is a user’s or loyal consumer. This is because a user or loyal
consumer will give an honest feedback about the company product either meet up
their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Early prototype of the product will give the
participants a first impression or first view about all the features and function about
the product.

From this program, I would to modify the feature of the product. Customer
Quality Feedback Apple program will able to collect all the data and feedback from
their customer. As we know earlier, customer feedback is very and absolutely
important to run a long-term business as it linked with customer satisfaction and
customer retention. In the times of social media, consumers do not trust commercials
or expert advice so much. Opinion provided by other customers who have already
used a product or service are more reliable source for information these days. In my
opinion, this program will help Apple to create more quality and high in technology in
future based on feedbacks and comments from the customers.
3. If you were an Apple user, would you enjoy participating in the Customer Quality
Feedback program? Why or why not?

Yes, I would enjoy to participate in the Customer Quality Feedback program.

This is because our feedback will be improve the overall quality of Apple products
and absolutely the program will accommodate me with the new skills. Moreover,
CQF program will allow me to gain new knowledge, experience and skills in
computing field. This Customer Quality Feedback program will help Apple to
understand the customer insights and focus on our needs and wants as a customer.
Every customer feedback such as my feedback is valuable source for such data, but
Apple must learn how to listen to it and how to translate it into actionable takeaways
for their business. If Apple want to stay on top of things Apple should put their
customers in a centre of your business and treat our feedback as the most valuable
source for information in their company. They are the ones who use your products and
services, so they know best what could be improved to make them even happier. In
addition, Apple’s CQF program is a good example of a proactive approach to
satisfying customer needs. It is also evidence of the company’s willingness to
listen to the voice of the customer in its products development and design.

Lastly, if I participate the Customer Quality Feedback program, all my ideas

or suggestion can make an impact on Apple products in future. At the end of the day,
we as a customer will be an Apple user as all the characteristic is meet up with our
needs and wants. Even though the high or price of Apple’s products is expensive,
people or customers is willing to purchase and uses it in their life. As all the products
required all the customer needs and wants. The products has its own specific values as
every product that produced is involve ideas, feedback and opinion from the customer
like me.

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