Are Societies in The World Becoming More Similar (Homogenous) or More Different (Heterogeneous) ?

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Process Question

• Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more

different (heterogeneous)?
In my own opinion the world becoming more Homogenous because as of now is
greater mobility and the use of technology. Because Homogeneity refers of the
increasing sameness in wordl as cultural inputs , economic factors and political
orientations of societies expand to create common practices , same economies, and
similar forms of government. Homogeneity in culture is often linked to cultural
imperialism. This means , a given culture influences other culture like our country which
Spaniards came to our country to brought their beliefs , culture and knowledge . Their
Religion who makes us become religious , also their culture and knowledge for example
is about technology and science who make our society interested to learn and gain
knowledge together with the American they brought their knowledge about technology
and science to make our economy and society developed and become advanced.

• What do you think are the a dvantages and disadvantages of

homogenization of culture? How about heterogenization?

• Easier and likely better quality communication (although arguably difference forces
one to examine one’s own culture more carefully , and may actually enhance how
well you communicate it's values ).
• More global cooperation due to shared understanding of the world, shared goals,
shared methodologies of achieving these. Arguably global cooperation requires a
degree of similarity, values are shared in similar cultures.
• Larger market for content (music, television etc) which is appealing to common
interests and fads. Economies of scale achieved. More choice for consumers.
• More predictability of others actions.

Disadvantages (HOMOGENIZATION)

• Less diversity of ideas. Different cultures are powerful experiments in seeing how
else a society could work and provide examples to challenge existing norms and
status quo. They provide inspiration for changes within any given culture.
• Less ability to escape one’s own culture if you don't like it.
• Blandness in uniformity. Most of us are fascinated to understand how a totally
different system works.
• There may be some aspect of “specialisation” that comes out of having different
cultures. So there could be a net economic loss from this factor in isolation.


• Variety
• Increased learning opportunities
• Broad-mindedness
• humility

• Stupids fighting with each other

• Which of the aforementioned views of the history of globalization you find

most appealing? Why?

Globalization is a process that started with the first empires - the

Achaemenid/Persian held together 44% of the human population of that times; Roman
and Chinese empires plus India had even more, but the connections between them were
not strong (if it was any). The first step toward globalization was made by the Mongols -
the short-lived empire of Genghis-Khan was spread from Russia to China, almost all the
Eurasian continental area. Then China and the West got connected (Marco Polo the first
Westerner to get there). Vasco da Gama reached India; Columbus reached a new
continent, believing that is India; and the Age of Discoveries open the road to the Age of
Colonialism. After WWII the European hold on colonies ended; but the connections
between colonies and their ex-metropolis did not ceased completely. The English ones
formed the Commonwealth, the French kept the contact with France, and the Spanish
ones did the same with Spain. The future skeleton of globalization was put in place.
Modern transportation communication technologies - air companies and the Internet -
did the rest.
This is the history of globalization, plain and simple. But the real engine of
globalization is not the economic one - the economic aspect is the symptom, not the
cause. The real cause of globalization is the natural development of human society,
which is based on unity of mankind. Family, clan, tribe, polis, empire, nation-state, were
all levels that were achieved at certain moments in history. Today only one level
of unity must be achieved: the last. A World Commonwealth, a global socio-political
entity to manage the affairs of the human race in the interest of human race - not in the
interest of a social class or a nation. The problems mankind is confronted with - climate
change, emergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution - robotics+AI+3D printing,
emergence that might make a lot of people loose their jobs, the danger of a pandemic,
either natural or man-made, cannot be tackled at nation level, no matter how strong a
nation may be.

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