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List of Topics

1. General Theme- Analysis of Contemporary Socio-Economic and Legal Issues in India.

a. Covid 19 and Women Rights
b. State of Sanitation Workers in India
c. Jammu and Kashmir aftermath abrogation of Article 370
d. COVID 19 and Domestic Abuse
e. COVID 19 and effect on small Businesses
f. Access to Education and online teaching
g. Human Rights and LGBTQ
h. UGC Vs Final year students
i. Pandemic as a Political Reality Check
j. India-Nepal Border Row: Time to define Laws, build Policies and establish a border?
k. Basic Education Practices goes Online- changes needed in policies and laws

2. General Theme- Emerging public policy issues in India/ Law and Society
a. Analysis of new Education Policy and its implementation
b. Police Brutality in light of the events in Tamil Nadu
c. Chinese app ban and the Indian economy
d. COVID 19 and labour laws
e. CAA and the devaluation of Secular India
f. Affordable Housing Plans and Laws in Inda
g. Increased efforts to combat online hate speech and reduce violence
h. India’s Ailing Health Sector: Metrics shown by Coronavirus and the need for change
i. Reorienting MGNREGA in times of COVID and after

3. General Theme - Law & Society

a. Mob Lynching And The Rise Of Vigilante Justice In India
b. Lack Of Gender-Neutral Laws/ Gender Biased Laws
c. Development of Environmental Laws and Regulation w.r.t. SDG 2030 Goals
d. Hindutva And The Indian Constitution (The Conflict Between The Two)
e. Decreasing Faith In The Indian Judiciary/ Impartiality Of The Judiciary Under Threat
f. Changing Dynamics of the Sociological Interpretation of Constitution & Law
g. Caste Based Violence
h. Delay in Justice delivery system (by courts as well as by police)
i. Evolution of IB code in India
j. Role of international treaties in the governance of India
k. Impact of Agricultural Reforms of 2020
l. The Impact of Female Genital Mutilation

4. General Theme - Public Policy

a. New Education Policy 2020 – Critical Analysis
b. Increasing Isolation And Neglect Of Northeast India
c. PM Cares Fund And Lack Of Transparency Therein
d. Inadequate Funding Of The Indian Army – The Price Our Soldiers Pay
e. India Lockdown - A Masterstroke Or An Ill-Planned Experiment?
5. General theme- Socio-Economic issues and Public Policy
a. Coronavirus and the Access to Education and Opportunities
b. Healthcare Infrastructure in India- A critical Analysis
c. How Safe are Women in India?
d. India and Equal pay
e. The Roadmap Ahead for the Indian Economy
f. The ‘Boycott China Movement’ and its legal viability in International Trade Laws
and how it influences the public policies of Indian consumerism.
g. The “Atmanirbhar Abhiyan Package”: Legality & Viability Analysis

6. General Theme - Public Policy and Law

a. COVID-19 and its effect on the rights of the transgender community
b. A critical analysis of the MTP Amendment Bill, 2020
c. COVID-19 and its effect on Bail Jurisprudence: Boon or Bane?
d. Freedom to criticise the Supreme Court: An illusionary concept (in view of the recent
contempt petitions)
e. Sexual Harassment in the (New) Workplace: Legal framework in place to protect
female employees
f. Laws to regulate internet and free speech on the internet

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