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The story begins with me going to my friends house.

I had just gotten off the bus and was making my

way down the street where my friend lived and when i got to his house i knocked on the door, but there
was no response. I knocked once again with more force, but still there was no response. Eventually he
heard me nad lets me in. I ask him what took him so long and he said that he saw some people trying to
break into his house but he drove them away. He was very afarid to open the door to anyone and he
made sure it was me and not some thiev. All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door. We peeked out
of the window and saw two hooded figures outside. We called the police but they were far away and.
We decided to do something in the meantime to prevent them getting in. We barred the door with a
broom and closed all the windows blinds. Then we started to make a lot of noise with random things we
found around the house. Apparently we made such a racket that they were scared away. After some time
the police arrived and saw nobody. Luckly we had camera footage to show and they soon started looking
for the robbers. After that i said goodbye to my friend and went home. Although It was a very exiting
evening i would not want a repeat of that evening in my life.

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