1.project Title: 2.objective and Main Purpose of This Project

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Project title : Aquarium

2.Objective and Main purpose of this project :

In this project, the objective and main purpose of this project is to deliver
aquarium fish and food to people.

3.Project Description :

A. Home Page: The home page will show different kind of aquarium
fish and food.All project should have price tag.When customer click
the item,they saw the project details in the screen.If the customer
purchase product then they have to register with client side
validation next time will order they have to log in to this site with
valid email and password.

B. Order Page: The order page will show product details,price and
quantity.this page will also show total price and total item.

C. Admin page: Admin page will have an option that adds the product
with price,items and details for every product,when customers order
any products that show this page with customers and product
4.Flow chart and ER Diagram :
5. Technologies used :

Django3 , Python 3, ATOM

6.User Guide :

User can view Homepage with websites address without registration.If the
customer want to purchase product then they have to register with client side
validation.When customer press the button to confirmed order then take him to the
order page and then he has to give his address and make payment.

7. Future improvements :

Add more features.

8. Acknowledgements:

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