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Warda Qamar Dar (02-111171-153) BBA-8B


Case Study: Careers of Michele Terry and Joe Francis

1. Career Exploration
a) What specific career exploration activities have Michele and Joe under taken to
gather information about themselves (their values , needs , abilities , interests and
desired life-style ) and their environment (jobs , employees , industries , their
families ) ? What could each of them have done to acquire more information?

Answer: Career Exploration Activities

Both Michele and Joe focused on their personal information to gather information about
 Values:
 Michele values promote her personal goal which was to get promoted as the
president of the bank in order to work for the betterment of the society.
 Joe values were to spend more time with his family as he was working just for the
sake of his family so that they can live a comforting life. He had a good status at the
company but his job was not up to his values.
 Needs:
 Michele need is to become the president of the bank for that she needs a degree of
higher education (MBA) she currently owns the degree of bachelors. She also need
a multidimensional experience in the field with the image of an officer.
 Joe needs before firing were to continue his current job by showing job
involvement in order to stay on his job for the sake of his family and after being
fired from the job his needs changed to get a new job and tell his family about the

 Abilities:
 Michele abilities were she was competent in marketing services having a
bachelor’s degree. She also served as a mentor for younger professionals for the
establishment of their careers.
 Joe’s abilities were having legendary sales performance along with strong
knowledge about the quality of Infotek’s products.
 Interest:
 Michele was interested in the position of president as well as wanted to serve the
society. Her interest were personal as well as social.
 Joe interest were to give his family a comforting lifestyle and show more interest in
his current job.
 Desired Life Style:
 Michele desired lifestyle to able to earn money, status and opportunity to affect
broad policies to serve the community.
 Joe desired lifestyle he wants to give his family a luxurious lifestyle though he isn’t
satisfied from his current job.
 Different jobs:
 Michele couldn’t find another job and wanted the position of President.
 Joe did different types of job in the same organization starting from sales
representative to vice president of sales but still wasn’t satisfied in the organization
and job he was doing.
 Employer:
 Michele was the manager of marketing services at Federal Bank, a medium sized
financial institution.
 Joe was at the current position of vice president of sales at Infotek- a computer
software development firm
 Industry:
 Michele worked at financial service industry.
 Joe worked at service industry.
 Families:
 Michele had a supportive husband and infant grandchild to take care of.
 Joe had a family consist of wife and children going college.
Acquire more information:
 Michele: She should have done self-evaluation of her current performance and re-think
about her goals. She should have pursed for higher education that was needed for her
desired position as well as she spoke with officers of other institutions in the financial
service industry and the environmental exploration has done perfectly.
 Joe: Joe not being satisfied with his current job and showing less interest in the job should
have known about the upcoming consequences he might face for that he should have
looked for other relevant jobs so that he could have a job in hand if he got fire from his
current job that why he do have more information and job security.

b) How much insight do Michele and Joe currently have about themselves and their
Answer: Self-insight:
 Michele has much of the insight about herself but never worked properly on her career. She
is ambitious to be the president and do has a clear career goal but she didn’t develop and
implement career strategies properly and being unaware of working ability of innovative
project, but later discover her ability.
 Joe didn’t have clarity in his goal and ambition. He wasn’t satisfied with his current job
and organization. Furthermore he didn’t go for further career exploration and goal setting,
strategy development and strategy implementation.

Environmental insight:
 Michele knew her environment very well. She had good relationship not only at work place
(managers) but as well as in her house (family). Aware of having a good relationship with
young managers. She gained appraisal from peers and supervisors.
 Joe was not aware of environmental change and the attitude of his employer that why was
in shock when he got the news that he has been fired from the job.

2. Career Goals
a) Does Michele currently have a career goal? If so, what is it and is it different from the
goal she had earlier in her career. Has it helped her achieve preferred work
environment? If not, explain why you believe that Michele does not currently have a
career goal.
Answer: Yes Michele do currently have a career goal which is to serve Federal’s younger
managers as a mentor while she is holding the chair of taskforce of new market development. Her
current goal is quite different from her previous which was to become the president of the bank.
Her environmental insights and gaining knowledge about her current situation has helped her to
achieve the preferred work environment which was done by having discussion with the officers
and therefore broadening the scope of her current position to serve the community.
b) Is Michele Currently decided or undecided about her future career? If decided does
she appear to be vigilant or hyper vigilant? If Undecided, does she appear to be
developmentally or chronically undecided.
Answer: Michele is currently decided about her future career and she is appear to be vigilant by
being careful of her current state which will help her to achieve her career goal of serving the
society and taking care of her family.

c) Did Joe have a career goal throughout his career with infotek? Is so, what is it and
how did he arrive at it? Has it helped him achieve his preferred Work Environment?
If not explain why you believe that Joe does not have a career goal?
Answer: No, Joe didn’t have a career goal throughout his career with Infotek. Joe started his
career at Infotek as a sales representative being a fresh graduate from college with the rapid rise he
became the vice president of sales. Throughout his career he was having aboard trip and lot of
work but still he was unsatisfied with his job as he did not seek for the position of vice president of
sales, but preferring sales to pencil pushing and administration. He was not giving attention to his
work and not enthusiastic, rather he worked only for his luxurious family life. He was not aware of
his employer's dissatisfaction and not tries to develop his work. Being unaware of his environment
left Joe with no such career goal.

d) Is Joe Currently decided or undecided about her future career? If decided does she
appear to be vigilant or hyper vigilant? If Undecided, does she appear to be
developmentally or chronically undecided.
Answer: Joe is undecided about his future career. As he is fired from his job he wasn’t expecting
that his employer will fire him for his dissatisfaction towards the job. He appears to be chronically
undecided as he appears to be clueless about his firing and also doesn’t know how to break the
news to his wife and kids who have been living a luxurious life and now have to suffer from

3. Career Strategies
a) What specific Career Strategies has Michele implemented? Were they effective? Why
or Why not?
Answer: Michele has implemented following career strategies and they were effective:
 Developing Skills: Michele developed various skills through attending training
sessions, seminars on community development.
 Building Relationship and Image: Michele maintain her relationship with the
younger manager in the organization building an image. She also started spending more
time with her family, she was relaxed on her current position. Her performance was getting
better at work and was making progress in task force.
 Competence in the current position: Michele wanted to broaden the scope of her
current position. She wanted to influence the bank’s approach to community reinvestments.
 Development of Mentor and other Supportive Alliances: Michele also began
to serve as a mentor to several Federals younger managers, helping them get their careers

b) What specific Career Strategies has Joe implemented? Were they effective? Why or
Why not?
Answer: Joe didn’t implemented any of the career strategies showing ineffectiveness in his career
because of which he faced the consequences of getting fired from his current job. He didn’t
implanted career strategies for several reasons:
1. He wasn’t satisfied from his current position of being a vice president of sales.
2. He never wanted the position he was at he preferred sales to pencil- pushing and administration.
3. He was working just give He always wanted to give his family a luxurious life not for
making his career.
4. He never kept eye on his employer observation on his dissatisfactory behavior on job.
5. He didn’t had any backup plan that he gets fired which he did what will he do after that
being a jobless and keeping up a luxurious lifestyle is hard you must have a backup plan
regarding your career and job.

4. Career Appraisal
a) To what extent has Michele received useful feedback regarding her career? Why?
What has she done or not done to receive feedback?
Answer: Michele did received quite useful feedback from her seniors that were regarding her
career and she was also very well aware of her environment. She did efforts to receive feedback
from her company management, peers, supervisor and her husband and changed her career
strategies accordingly. She discussed with her assistant vice president which informed her about
her retirement. She got feedback which was negative feedback at least 15 times from other banks
during last five years which helped her to understand her mistakes in the interview. Her husband
and also federal officers suggested her to give up on her desire to become the president of the bank
as she didn’t had relevant education MBA she only did bachelors and also the image needed for
that certain position so she did changed her strategies started focusing on her current job and
taking care of her family.

b) To what extent has Joe received useful feedback regarding her career? Why? What
has she done or not done to receive feedback?
Answer: Joe never refused any useful feedback regarding his career as he done nothing to receive
the feedback from his employer, peers or his family. He showed dissatisfaction in his work and
was only working for the luxurious lifestyle of his family. He never discussed his problem of
disinterest in his current position to his employer so that he might have helped him he stayed quiet
kept showing disinterest until he got fired. Getting himself in a situation where he doesn’t have
any job and family living with luxurious life style. He doesn’t know how to break the news to his
wife as he never discussed the problem and his disinterest in the current as well.

5. Overall Effectiveness of Career Management

a) Who is more effective in Career Management, Michele or Joe? Why do you believe
Answer: Michele is more effective in Career management than Joe.
 Michele had career goal and was ambitious.
 She had a desired lifestyle and was working to get that which was to become the president
of the bank and serve the community.
 She changed her career strategies according to the environment.
 She got career feedback from her peers, managers, and her husband to know about her
current stage and will she be able to attain her desire position.
 She kept the feedbacks in mind and changed her goals accordingly that means she kept her
goals flexible and changing with time.
 She showed satisfaction in her job.
 She spends time and took care of her family.
 She attended training sessions, seminars on community reinvestment and development.
 She showed competency in marketing services and trained her younger managers.

On the other hand, Joe never knew about his career goals and strategies. He wasn’t satisfied in his
position as a vice president. He never discussed his problems with his employer nor with his wife.
He showed dissatisfaction at work and because of that he got fired so he had ineffective career

b) What personality characteristics enable individuals to manage their careers

effectively and what characteristics prevent individuals from managing their careers
effectively? What personality characteristics did you observe for Michele and Joe,
and how have they helped or hampered them in managing their careers?

Answer: Characteristics for Effective Career Management:

 Clear goal and ambitious.
 Planning and strategic thinking.
 Mentoring the performance.
 Getting Feedback.
 Aware of personal and environment insights.
 Decision maker.
 Problem solver.
 Communication and motivation.
Characteristics for Ineffective Career Management:
 Lack of self- knowledge.
 No self-promotion.
 Doesn’t excel.
 Mismanagement visibility.
 No future planning.
 No clarity of the direction.
 Dissatisfaction from current state.
 No goals and demotivated.
Characteristic of Michele:
 Ambitious.
 Good planner.
 Organized and keep up with the time.
 Worked to achieve her goals.
 Changed according to the situation.
 Made and implanted strategies.
 Got feedback from the environment.
 Self-Knowledge.
 Self-promotion.
 Family oriented.
Michele characteristics did helped her in managing her career being ambitious and continuous
improvement made her good in his career as well as being family oriented just had a good work
life balance.
Characteristics of Joe:
 Dissatisfaction at work.
 Not a good planner.
 No ambition.
 No clarity of goal.
 Confused.
 Mismanagement of time.
 Demotivated.
 Indecisive.
 No work life balance.
 No feedback.

Joe characteristic showed how indecisive and unaware he was about his career and not being a
good manager of career he got fired as he was not working with attention and enthusiastically.

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