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TPACK Template Jessica Miller

Online Learning Synchronous (PowerPoint lesson) and

Asynchronous (simulation)

Grade Level
2nd Grade
Learning Objective 2.4 The student will
a) name and write fractions represented by a set, region,
or length model for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths;
b) represent fractional parts with models and with
symbols; and
c) compare the unit fractions for halves, fourths, eighths,
thirds, and sixths, with models.

Online Activity During a class Zoom meeting, we will review fractions by the
teacher sharing the screen to share the PowerPoint lesson.
During this lesson, the students will be active participants,
helping the teacher complete the demonstrations and shared
learning experiences. After the lesson, this PowerPoint lesson
will be made available to the students for review.

After the students have reviewed fractions as a whole group,

they will follow the link provided by the teacher to a fractions
simulation found at Phet Interactive Simulations,
fraction/latest/build-a-fraction_en.html. Students will select
Build a Fraction and complete lessons 1-5 with fraction
pictures. These lessons are a self-assessment tool to allow
students to gauge how well they understand fractions. If they
are having trouble, the teacher will review during math small

Technology Zoom link provided by teacher

PowerPoint lesson:
YouTube video in PowerPoint:

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