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2,400yearsago 1,500y ear sago

2,200yearsago - 800yearsago
- 2,000yearsago - 500y ear sago

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Prisoners,soldiers,and other people
:';rrt built the wall. They transportedthe stones
tr and bricks by hand.This work was hard
and dangerous.About three million people
About 2,400 yearsago,there were many died building the wall. Later, more than
small countries in China. There were often one million soldiersguardedthe wall, but
wars.Peopledidn't want enemiesin their it was hard to stop the enemies.Peoplealso
country, so they built big walls to keep them used the wall as a road. Today, tourists like
to walk along the wall.

out. For more than 21000years,peoplebuilt
walls, destroyedwalls, and built new walls.
'.S/ Formanyyears,peopte
The Great\7all of China is really many walls.
Togetherthey are about 7,000 kilometers the GreatWal.tof Chinafrom
long. The walls are about 7 meters high. the moon,butthisis nottrue!
There are also many taller towers.
Goto pages28-29for activities.

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