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sumshg abeiog MEoua| 9605 aN ‘ABboqouyoay Moov3 waemauey | 6508 NN ‘Sueuyadea yo ubseq | S608 3M Tuumaejnuen ween] _eS0S IMM bq onpo7g 0) mearg | ySOS BVM Suyaeubu3 Reyes easnpui| 250s aM wous9g wosouog | S08 30M ‘S3N1L9373 NAdO ‘SRIIEA BySOduOD ja SoNRIDAN| S105 INN Soeysey ames | p10s IM jeynuew 20) 08seq | 6105 3M ‘SoRNeURG ping Ruoneeu09 | pos INN ‘suman ou | 108 am sommes | 7105 am Bag pur SUIsTEYDANY paauENY | LOS aMT ‘SaNILO3Ta WWUDOUd z[o]o]o [ma s[ofolo spo 1d | 86003 PPS nner’ no nF wRAO | SONS IAN z[slele FSA ofo arr av | 65163000 efolele zagoarg vedo ve EE ET vfolrfe ana fe ‘O70 7 BuyepoR omeWoRD | C815 SIAN vlo[rle emoae fe sromewo abies | eaisanw | | rlo[rle TeNoa8 fe SUORERANRYERA pT | 1815 3A. sdumnog jo voneauar ope rtey tle Sureoerevonrouary | cazsann | @ | ¢ | 0 | Irqwoa, ove AStopouon yareesy | #845 WN rlo[rle sroumn wouen way | eeesann [> [0 [+ |e Spay eum paneey | S51S.LAW un walang p09 ag aiiiy au aang 2909 008 eee PEE (sprenuo uotsswupe 602 04 agearddy) aumannig wesBo1g NOISIO ® SISATVNY G3I¥ HALNdWO9 ‘YoaL'W eéqueW L/W "DNIY33NIONA DNIUNLOVINNVW ® WOINVHO3M 40 LNAWLHYd30 156 Sa MAT 5155: APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS [3 10 4} Interpolations, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Solution of [near and ooninear system of equations: direct methods and erative methods, Eigen values & Eigen vectors using Power Method, Numerical Soluton of Ordinary Diferental Equations, ill Value Problems: Single step methods. Mul step methods, Boundary Value Problems: Fite Giference methad, Numerical Solution of Partal Ditrental Equations, Elite PDE, Parabolic PD-E. Hyperbolic PDE. Relerences: 1. diknson K. E: An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, edn 2, John ‘ey and Sons (1983), CCamehan Luther and Wikes: Applied Numerical Methods, TMH, New ection (1869) Hiderband FB: Invoduton to Numerical Analysis, Edn 5, Tata NcGraw Hil, Now Deli, Now elton Conte $0 and Be Door, nraduction to Numerical analysis, MeGraw Hi Gerald C.F and Patrck D. Wheatley: Apoied Numerical Anaysis, Srdedn, 1984, Addison Wesley 4 W, Thomas, Numerical Partial Deen Equations: Finte Ditterence Methods, Springer Verlag. 6. D. Smith, Numerical Solution of Paral Dterentil Equations, Dxlord Univeristy Press. sin, yengar and Jin: Numerical methods for Scenic end Engineering Computations, New Age Publishers. 2, 3 HUM 5151: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND TECHNICAL PRESENTATION [1 032] Mectanies of Research Methodology: Basic concepts: Types of research, Signicance of research, Research framework. Case study ‘method, Experimental method, Sources of data, Data collection using ‘questionnaire, Interviewing, and experimentation, Research formulation: Components, selection and formulation of a research problem, Objectives of formulation, and Criteria of a good research problem. Research hypothesis: Citron for hypothesis construction, Nature of hypothesis, need for having a working hypothesis, Characteristics and Types of hypatesis, Procedure for hypothesis testing, Sampling mmethods- Inteduction ta. various sampling methods and thei applcatons, Data Analysis: Sources of data, Collection of data ‘Measurement and scalng technique, and Diferent techniques of Data analysis, Thesis Writing and Journal Publication: hess wing, journal and conference papers wring, IEEE and Harvard styles of reerencing, Effective Presentation, Copyrights, and avoiging plagiarism. ces Dr Ranft Kumar, Research Methodology &Step-by-Slep Guide for Beginners, SAGE, 2005. GeottreyR. Marczyk, Davi DeMatteo & David Fetinge, Essentials of Resear Designand Methodology, John Wey & Sons, 2004, Join W. Craswel Resear Design: Qualitative, uantttve, and MiedMlthods Approaches, SAGE, 2004 Suresh C. Sinha and Anil K. Dhiman, Research Methodology (2 \Vals-Set), Vedam Books, 2006 ©. R. Kolhr, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age ternational Publisher, 2008, Donald R Cooper & Pamela S Schindler , Business Research Methods, MeGraw Hitinteraional, 2007, 7. R. Pannershelvam, Research Methodology, Prentice Hal India, 2008 8. Manfred Max Bergman, Med Methods Research, SAGE Books, 2008. 9 PaulS, Gray, John 8, Witlamson, David A Karp, ohn R Dalpin, ‘TheResearch Imagination, Cambridge University ress, 2007 10. Gachrain & Cox, Experimental Designs, Il Ean. Wiley Publishers, 2008. MME 5181: ADVANCED MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS [310.4] \ibation fundamentals, Single degree freedom systems, camping, fee and forced vibration, force transmissbilty, vibration ‘solavon, two egiee freedom systems-aynamc worevon absorber, mulidegee freedom system, whirling of shal, Continuous systems, Fite element method, Standard and nonstandard eigenvalue problem, concept of iteration and methods, Rayeign damping. Nonfnear vibration solution methods, subharmonic & super harmonic osciatons, graphical methods, stabity of equilorum states, iit cycles. and chaos, Perturbation metnoa, Dutfing's system, VandrPots systems. Random vraton: Gaussian random process, Fourer analysis, power spectral density, wide band and narrow band processes, response ofa single degre of freedom system. Vibration Transducers, electodynamic ana linear variable dtterental ansformer transducers: Vibration pickups, Excters-mechancel excites, elecrodynamic shake, Sgnal analysis: ‘adulation, spectrum analysers, bandpass fie, dysamic testing of machines. and structures, Experimental modal anaysis, Machine condtionmonitorng anddagnosis. Reterences: 1, Singkesu 8, Rao (2004) duction ie RamamurtlV. (2000) “Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basi “Theory” Narasa Pubishing House, Chena “Mechanical Vibrations” 4, Pearson 2 38, Rao J. Sand Gupta K (1999) “Theory and Practice of Mechanical Viaions"NewAge lnternavonalPubishers 4. Rao J. S, (1992) “Advanced Theory of Virations" Wiley Easter Limited, Bangalore 5, Balakumar Balachandran and Edward B, Magrab (2004) "ibraions” Thomson Brooks/Cole 6 Wiliam T. Thomson (1986) “Theory of — Vioations wit Applications” /e, 8S Publishers & Distributors, New Del [MME 5182: FATIGUE OF MATERIALS [3 1 04] Structure and deformation of materials, strategies in fatgue design, fatigue cesign philosophies, Modes of mechanical failure, fatigue mechanisms and microscopic features, macro aspects of fatigue of metals, Sess-ife approach: Stesselfe (S-N) curves, fatigue mis ‘mean tess effects on S-N behavior factors influencing S-N behavior, S NN curve representation and approximations, siess concentration ‘fects, notch sonstvty factor, Life estimation using $-N approach Cumulative damage theories and if prediction. Cyc deformation and ‘Staite approach: Monotonic stess-stain behavior, cyclic stess strain behavior, cycle stress-strain curve determination, sass-past strain power law teatonship, fatigue crack ination in duce solids, tycie deformation and crack nation in brite solds. tan-life curve, ‘determination o fatigue propertes, transition ile, mean stess elfects and strain ie equations, notch stesses and stains, notch stain analysis- Nevbers rule, fatigue testing procedures and statistical analysis of fatigue data. Variable amplitude loading: Fatigue from arable amplitude loading damage quantification loa interaction and saquence effects, cycle courting methods. Mut-aial fatigue: States of 187 ‘ress and stan, proportional versus non-praportioal loading, ult ‘ava heaves Etec of temperature on fatigue: Low-temperature aigue, high-temperature fatigue, Thermo-mechanical fatigue. Fatigue of weloments: Siess-lfe & strain-lfe behaviors, improving faigue resistance, Heestmaton, Fatigue life extension methods, References: 4. Stepens Ralph | Fatemi Al Stephens Robert Rand Henry, Metal Fatigue in Engineering, (26), Jotm Wiley and Sons Ic, New York, 201 2 Norman € Dowing, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, (42), Prentice Hall 2012. 3. Suresh, Fatigue of Materials, (22), Cambridge Univesity Pres. Ux, 1998, 4, dle A Bannantne, Jess J) Comer and James Handrock, Fundamentals of eal fatigue and Analysis, Prentica Hal, 1990, 5. Jack AColins, Failure of Matrals in Mechanical Desig, (2e), John Wiley & Sons, New Yor, 1998, MME 5183: GEOMETRIC MODELING FOR CAD (3 10.4] Hardware and software ‘or Computer Aided Design (CAD), geomet modeling concepts of CAD; Mathematical representation in parametic form of analyte curves (ine, cce,elipse and hyperbola), synthetic curves (Hermite cubic spines, Bezer curves, B-spline curves, NURBS), analyical surlaces (plane, ruled, tauleted, revolved), syntnelic ‘surfaces (B-ubie, Bezier, B-spline, NURBS, Coons, Ferguson's and B- linear sutface patches); Solid modeing techniques (Halt spaces, Boundary representation, Constructive solid geometry, Sweep representation, Analytic solid modeling; rasterization of ines, circles and elipse; 30 transformation (translation, scaling, rotation, and concatenation) of geometric entities and their projections; principles of vsualrelsm and mechanical assem. References: Wichael E, Mortenson, GEOMETRIC MODELING, Wiky Computer Publishing, John Wily and Sons, ne. (SecondEdton), 1996, 2. tbranim K Zeid, CAD/CANM Theory and Practice, Tata MeSraw Hl, Now Doh, 1998, 3. David F Rogers and J Alan Adams, Mathematical Elements for omouter Graphics, ata MeGraw Hil New Debi, 2002 4. David F Rogers and J Alan Adams, Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hil, New York, 2001 Fam, Computer Fundamentals rctitecture and Organization, New ‘AgeInlrnaonal td New Defi, 2000, 6, Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, Compute Graphs, Prentice Hall of nia, New Del, 2000, [MIME 5184: SOLID MECHANICS [3 1 0.4] ‘Analysis of Stess: Deformable bodies, stess, sin, mechanical properties o solids, Stat ol stress and stress components, Stresses on an atbirary plan, Principal stesses, Octahacal stresses, Equtons of ‘equilorum, Analysis of Srl: Deformation in the neghbourhood ofa point, 3D stain components, Volumetric stran, Principal sta, ‘Compatbilty condtons. tess-srain Relations: Generalized Hooke's law, Stress strain equatons for soropic materials, Young's moduli, ‘modulus of rigaty, Buk modus, Theories of Flue: Maximum normal ‘sass theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum stan theory, maximum elastic energy theory, distortion energy theory, Factor of safely, Energy Methods: Hooke's Law and Principle of superpastion, Corresponding forces and displacements, work dane by foes and ‘lastc stain energy, Reciprocal relations, Castglano's theorems. Bending of Beams: Inroducton, straight beams and ax-symmetical bending, bending stresses. A-Symmetric Problems: Introduction, equllrium equatons, thick andihincyinders. Reterences: 41, LS, Sinath"Aavanced Mechanics of Sold", Tata Mcgraw Hil, 1980, 2, SMA Kazmi "Solid Mechanics’, TataMcgraw Hil, 1980 3. EP. Popov “Introduction to Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of Inia Lid, 1973, 4.¥C.Fung “Foundations of sold mechanics’, Prentice Hal of Indi 1968. .A.UmryandPJ.Turer Solving problemsin sold mechanics” —vol1 and2, Longman Scien andtechnicalU.K., 1986 S.C.Goyal and MIRSathia * Mechanics. of solids", Prakashan—1987. Nkrishraraja and. Guruaa “Advanced Mechanics of solids ana structures", NarosaPuolshing House, 1997 Sandy MME 5161: CAD LAB [00 62] Construct geometrically constrained 20 obec; develop sold models of machine parts: davelop surface models of engineering apalicatons assemble solid models of pars into machine components; develop the Product rawings (orthographic, sctonalangpictoriaisometric views) ofassembled machine components Retorences: 1. Sham Tckoo, CATA for Engineers and Designers Dreamtech Press New Delhi, 2008 MME 5165 DESIGN ENGINEERING LAB [0 0 31] Fiction and wear performance tests; Journal bearing characterises; Lubriety and viscosty measurement Surface roughness measurement, ‘Air beating performance testing; Determination of natural tequency of single DOF undemped, damped and torsional vibrations systems; Determination of erical speed of shaft; Determination of center of percussion, mass moment of inertia of irregular bodies; Frequency responseat single DOF viscous dampesforcedvioraon system; Natural ftequency of continuous system; Modeling of equivalent spring-mass system, Field balancing of rotor system; Fatigue test, Time domain, ‘fequency domain, time-frequency domain analysis of specitc signals acquired from machinery, Basc study of Atomic Force Microscopy (Ain imagingand material characterization, Retorences: 4. Kenneth © Ludoma, Fretion, Wear, Lubrication: A Textbook in “Tibology, RC press, 1996, 2. GwidenStachowiak, Andrew Batchelor, Engineering Trbology sev ed, 208. 3 Singinsu Rao S., “Mechanical Vibration” Pearson Eduction, Delhi, 2008 4, 8. Graham Kely,"Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations”, McGraw. Hil Singapore, 1993 5. RudraPratap, “Geting Started with MATLAB", Oxord University Press, USA 158 REG MME 5283: FINITE ELEMENT METHODS [3 1 04) Introduction: General procedure of FEM. Formulation Methods - Direct Method: Spring and truss elements, arbivarly oriented elements, ‘transformation matin, plane truss. Energy Method: Principle of total rmiimum potential energy, Formulation of plane stess/stan elements Galerie’ Weightod Resival Method: Seam theory, formulation of beam ‘element, arian arented beam elements, lane frame. Isoparametrc Elements: Formulation of uss, lane and sol elemerts troduction to Analysis Types: Modal or ftequency aralyss, thermal analysis, therme- stuctral analysis, ak-symmetric analysis, id fow analysis, Roterences: 1. Daryl L Logan, @ Fist Course in Fine Element Method, Thomson ‘sia Lt, Bangalore, 2002. 2. Adin JE. Finite Element Analysis for Undergraduates, Academic Pross, London, 1989 3, Martin. and Carey GF, Intoducton to Finite Element Anais Tata MeGraw il, New Debi, 1975, 4, SogetinaL, Applied Finte Element Analysis, John Wiley, New York, 1984, 5, Bathe KJ, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hal of Inda New Deh 2008, 6, Cook Robert D, Concepts. and Applications of Fite Element ‘Analy, John Wiley and Sons New York, 2000, MME 5282: LUBRICATION OF BEARINGS [3 1 0 4] Lubricants and. their physical properties, lbrican’s standards, lubrication regimes, Hydrodynamic. Lubrication Theory: Reynolds ‘equation, Design of tid fim bearings, lubricant flow and delivery, Hycrodynamic instabiy.Elasto hydrodynamic ubrication, Hertzian stress equation, load capacity, sresses.ané deflection, bearing if calculation, roling bearing falues. Computational hydrodynamics, Fite diference equivalent ofthe Reynolds equation, Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic lbrication in a rel baring, Hydrostatic lubrication: generalized approach to hydrostatic bearing analysis, Otimzaton of hydrostatic bearing design, Aerostatic bearings, Hybrid beatings, Stabty of hydrostatic and aerostac bearings. Solid lubrication: Lubrication by lamelar solids, Friction and wear characteristics of lamelar solids, Depostion methods of solid lubricants, Sold lbrcants asadavesto als andpolymers, References: 4, Cameron A., Basic Lubrication Theory, Ells Horwood Lid Chichester, 1883 2. Malumdar8.C,nroductonoTibology of Bearings, AH Wheeler & Co. Pvt.Ltd, Alanaoad, 1298. 3, Willams J... Engineering Tribology, Cambridge Universty Press, UK, 2008, 4, Neale, MJ, nbology Hand Book, Butterworth Heinemann, London, "oe 5. Gwin, Stachowiek, Andrew W. Bachelor Engineering Titooay ButerworinHinemann, Londo. [MME 5262: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS LAB [0 06 2) Mogel and carry out stuctural analysis of plana/space trusses, Plane/Space frames, 20 components, 30. components, shells and ‘contact problems usin the GUI of a standard FEA software; Write Macros/eodes fo developing mapped mesh for 20 and 3D boundary value problems and analyze the same; Cary ou the moda, harmonic and contact analysis of structural problems; Modeland carr out 20/20 ‘thermal analysis and thermo-strucurl problems; Write and execute sorptsiprograms for anabzing 1 problems, plane/space trusses, plane/space frames and20 structural problems. References: 41 Bans Zahavi(1992) “The Fine Element Method in Machine Design” Prentice Hal inc USA, 2, Ramamurthy V (1997) "Computer Aided Mechanical Design ana ‘Analysis Tata Mograw Hl Del 3. Daryll Logan (2002) First Course in the Fin ‘Thomson AslaPvt. Lid. Bangalore 4. Tiupathi R. Chandrupala and. Ashok D. Belegundu (2012), “Introduction Fits Element Engineerng* 4 Edton, Parson 5. Rudra Pratap, “Gotbng Started wih MATLAB", Oxford University Press, USA. PROGRAM ELECTIVES MME 6004: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS [31.0.4 Nodels of Flow and derivation of governing conservation diferent equations for iterent models or conservaton of mass, momentum ana Energy, Discussion of characterstes and Boundary and intial conditions. Basic numerical method to salve fst diusion elated flow physics followed by Convective dominated Dtusion flows. Dficultes and. strategies 2 solve such flows.Algorthmlc approach ana convergence as well as stability. Tabulene and related closure using ‘turbulence modeling, ment Method" Reterences: 4. John D Anderson Jr: (1996). “Computational uid Dynamics- The Basics with Applicabons" Inernatonal Eaton, McGraw Hil, New York 2 Suas V, Patankar, (1980). "Numerical Heat Transfer an Fluid Flow”, Hemisphere / McGraw il, Nev York. 3. H. K Verstoeg and W, Mlalasekera, (1995) “An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Fite Volume Method”, Longman Sent & Technical, England 4. Ghoshdastihar. (1998) “Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer, Tta-MeGraw-Hilook Company, New Deli 5. K MuralidnarandT, Sundaaralan (2008), "Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", Narose Publishing House, New Dati [MIE 5013: DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING [3 1 04) Significance of design for manufacturing (OFM), factors influencing ‘design, Selection of materials, Selection of manufacturing processes, Design for assembly, Design for servceabliy, DFM of formed metal components-metal extrusions, metal stampings, colt extruded parts, rol formed sections, powder metallurgy parts, forging, meta injection molded parts, DEM of castings-sand casting, investment casting, die casting, DEW of machines components-uring, ailing, reaming, boring, miling, sloting, grinding, hosing, tapping, supertnishing advanced machining processes, gears and non metalic pas, Process ‘engineering-dsigning fr heat ‘eatmert, Sequence of operations for manufacturing of round and tlt type components, Manufacturing ‘rawings-dimensioning for manutacturng, fs, tolerance and surface finish consideration indesign, preparation of manufacturing drawings of ‘components Reterences: Geottrey Boothroyd, Peter DewhurstandWinston A. Knight, Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly (3e), CRC Pres, 2041 2 James 6. Brala Design for Manuacturablty Handbook, (22), McGraw il, New Yor, 1999. 159 3, Kevin Oto and Kristin Wood, Product Design, Peason Education, Debi 2001, 4. Corado Pol, Design for Manufacturing: & Structure Butterwort-Heinemann Lid, 2001, ‘Approach, [MME 5014: FRACTURE MECHANICS [31 04] Fracture mecranics approach to design, brie and cuctletracture effect of material properties on fracture. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics fracture modes, racture ctrl, mechanisms of fracture & crackgrowth, gifts analyss, energy release rate (6), elastic crack tip “elds, stress intensity factor, Crack tp pasity -rwin approach, stip yield mode plastic zone shape and size, plane strain racture toughness. Elasti-Plasbc Fracture Mechanics - J-integral, HAR fel, J-contlled crack growih, Crack tip opening displacement. Fracture toughness testing of metals - K test, J, measurement, delamination of cical (TOD. Fatigue Fracture Mechanics -Fatgue crack growth, crack closure and faigue threshold, crack growth behavior under variable amplitude loading, fect of overlea, prediction of faigue crack grow and & fe af a structural component. Fall safety and damage tolerance - damage tolerance approach of falsafe design racture sae design of thick & thin pressure vessels, leakbetore beak, dynamic facture mechanics, med ‘made ractur ination and growth, Applications of racture mechanics twengineering design, FEA o cracks in solids. References: 41, Anderson 7. L., Fracture Mechanios-Fundamentals and applications, (e), CRC Press, London, 2005, 2 Richard W Herzberg, Richard P Vine! and Jason L Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanis of Engineering Material, (Se) John Wiley & Sons, 2012 3, Broek D., The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics, Springer Netherlands, 1989, 4, Prashant Kumar, Elements of Fracture Mechanics, MeGraw Hil Education PivaeLinited, 2013, 5. Noman E Dowing, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, (4), Prentice Hal, 2012, [MME 5015: MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS [3 1 0 4] Importance of composite materials, overview, significance and characterises of composite mater, applications and developments, ‘ypes and classieaton, Manufacturing of ferent ypes of composite ‘terials, quay inspection metods, micro and macro mechanics of ‘iver ranirced lamina and macro mechani of compost laminae, testing of composite material, analysis of laminated composite beams, damage prediction, theriesofalures or composite materals. Rolerences: 1. Mallick, PK.. Fiber Reinforced Composites: Materials ‘Manufacturing and Design (3a), CRC Press, 2007 2. 8.0. Agarwal, LJ. Broutman, K. Ghancrasheknara, Analysis and performance ober composites, Wily, 2012 3, Robert M, Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials Francis, 2015 4. Michael W, Hyer Stress analysis of fiber Reinforced Composite ‘Materials, MeSraw Hil Publication, 198. 5. Kishan K. Chavle, Composit materials — Science and Engineering, Springer, 2012 6. FL. Matthews, B.D. Rawings, Composite materials: Engineering and Science, CRC Press, 2005 2), Talo & [MIME 5016: ADVANCED MECHANISMS AND DESIGN [31 04] Planar, spherical & spatial mechanisms; GrashotfS law, practical consideration, transmission angle, togle postion, mobil analysts Synthesis of mechanisms: Type, number & dimensional synthesis functon generation, path generation & body guidance, Chebychev spacing of precision pains, two postion synthesis of sider crank & crank rocker mechanism, cupler curve syinesis by graphical method, Freudenstein’s equation, Bloch. synthesis, synthesis of dweli ‘mechanism, ntermitentotary motion, Cognatenkages, Optimum size of cam. Kinematic analysis: Postion analysis, vector oop equations for four bar, sider crank, Inverted slider crank, geared five bar & sb bar linkages; analytical metiod & auallary point method for velocity & acederaion analysis, Path curvature theory: Fixed and. moving rdes, inflection points & inflection citcles, Euler Savary equation, sraptical cnstructons, cubic of stanary curvature. Dynamics of mechanisms: Static force analysis wih frcton, inertia force enayss, combined staic & inertia force analysis, shaking force, Knetostatic analysis. Spatial mechanisms and Robotics: Introduction to spatial Tnkages, special mechanisms, pasion analysis of RSGR mechanism, Denavithartenbarg parameters, orward& inverse kinamatis of robo ‘manipulators, Retorences: 1, John, Uieke Je, Gordon & Pennock and Joseph E Shipley (2008) ‘Thaoty of Machines and Mechanisms” Oxford Universy Press Dal 2, Robert L Norton (1996) “Design of Machinery ~ An Introduction to Synthesis of and Analysis o Mechanisms & Machines” McGraw Hl, New Yor 3. Geowge N Sandor and Arthur G Erdman (1988) ‘Advances Mectanisms Design: Analysis & Syrihesis - Volume 2” Prentice Hall of nia, Deh 4, Hamiton H Mable and Chale F Reinhol (1987) “Mecharisms and Dynamics ofMachinery” John Wiley & Sans, New York [MME 5017: B10 MECHANICS [3 10 4) Overview of biomechanics and related folds, Fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics and waigtitessness, Static fore appli to the ‘musculoskeletal system, Basic theory of strength at mechanics for hard ‘issues with inintesimal strain, Mechanical characteris of bones and teeth, Fundamentals of wscoelaste theory, Viscodlastcy of soft, tissues, Mechanical characterises of skeletal muscles wit active contraction, Fundamentals of cominyum mechanics fr soft tissues with large strain, Mechanics of cardovascular system (physiological {uretns), Mechanics af cardiovascular system (aging and disease), Dynamic characteristics oflving tissues wth impact, Mecrancal tests and fine elementanaiyses fr cls andssues. Reterences 1. Duane Knudson, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, Springer 2* e, 2007 2 NihatO2kaya, Fundamentals of Biomechanics: Equilpum, Maton, andDeformaion, SpringerInia,e¢,2008. 3. Arthur Chapman, Blomechanical Analysis of Fundamental Human Movements, Human Kinetics Publishers, 2008, 4. Dominique G Poitout , Biomechanics and Biomaterials in orthopedics, Springer Veriog London, 2016, [MME 5018: ROTOR DYNAMICS (3 10 4] Torsonal vibration in rtating an reciprocating machinery - Modeling of rotating machinery shatting, transfer matrix analyss frre vibraon, 160 transient respons in torsional vibration, modeling of he recprocating machine systems, fee & forced vibrations, ite element analysis Bending erica speeds of simple shatts- Whiting of an unbalanced elastic roto, shafts with several dsc, shafts with overhangs, Out of balance response frotors with iid suppor, Rotors mounted on Fad Fim beatings. Gyroscopc eects -Gyroscopic of a spinning sc, synchronous whirl of an overhung. rotor, ronsyncironous whit, rotor system with a coupling, finite element method and whit speed analysts. Stabilty and whiting ofa shaft with dissimilar moments of area. Instablty due to fud fl forces and hysteresis, Instat in torsional vibration Balancing of gi and flexible rotors References: 1. Raod. 8. Rotor Dynamics, New AgelnternationalP) Lid. New Delhi 1996. Aaniesoka Muszynska, Rotordynamics, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2005, Cchong-Won Lee, Vibration Analysis of Rotors, Springer Scionco Business Media, 2012. Aczystot Czoleynsk, Rolordynamics of Gas-Lubricated Journal Bearing Systems, Springer2012. wo M.1, Dynamics ofRotating Machines, Cambridge, 2010 OPEN ELECTIVES [MME 5053: CORROSION SCIENCE [3 0 0.3], Definition of corosion, Importance of corresion study, Costs of carrsion, Corrasion envirnments, Corrosion damage, Clssfication ot corrosion, Factors inuencing corosion rate. Uniform coroson, Cahanie or two metal corrosion, Crevice carsion, Piting carason, Intr-granuar corrosion, Selective leaching, Erosion carason, corrosion, Hydrogen damage, Corrosion testing, Purpose, Materials and specimens, Surface preparation, measuring and weighing, Exposure techniques, Duraton, Planned’ interval tests, Aeration, Cleaning spacimens alter exposure, Standard expressions for Corrosion ra Corrosion prevention, Materials selection ~ Metals and aloys, Metal putfication, non-metalies, Change of environments Changing the ‘medium, Use of Inibitors, Design improvements, Cathodic and anodic protection, Coatings ~ metalic coating, inorganic coating, organic Coating, falure anahsis. Cortosion Principles, Electrochemical teory of corrosion, Applications of termadynamies to coroson, Free energy, actvaton energy, Polarizaton of corrosion reactions, ctivaton polaizaton, Concenation polarvation, Combined polarization, Pourbaix diagram (E/pH diagram) passivity, Corrosion rate ‘measuremenis~Tallexrapolaon andLinepolarizaontectniques References: 1. Mas 6. Fontana, Corrosion Engineering, Third edton Tata McGraw tl New Del Zaki Ahmed, Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion ‘Contol Elsevier Science ad Technology Books, 2006. KR Trethewy and. Chamberlain ongman, Corrosion fr students of science and engineering, Scientc& TecalNew York, USA. Schwelter Philp A, Fundamentals of Cocosion-Mechanisms, (Causes and Preventive Metiods, CRC Press, Tayler and Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2010, PiorreR Roborge, Corrosion Engineering ~ Principles and practices, Guifpubishing company. 2 EB 161 [MME 5054: CREATIVITY FOR PRODUCT DESIGN [3 0 0 3] Invoducton to Product Design - Product Design Process, design by innovation, creatvity in design, stength considerations in product desig. Tools for design: Information-based tools, Procedure-basea tools, Quality Function Deployment, Taguchtechriquefr robust design, Design for Manufacture, Rapid’ prototyping, Embodiment design Creatvetrinking- The fv dimensions of creat, symhess, evolution, revolon, re-application and change, creative thinkng tools for idea generation and problem solving, convergent and divergent, theory of inventive problem solving. Basic Probably conceps- Basle probaly ‘theory, Central Lint Theorem, probability mass function, cumulative fistibution function, probability density function. Reliabity of Components and Systems- relabilty theory, relabilly management, history orelabilty engineering; reliably allocation, reliably testing, Reterences: 1. Ubon Kart T. and Eppinger Steven 0., Product Design and Dovelopment, MGrav Hil nteatonalEdtion, 1299, Rosenthal Stephen, Efective Product Design and Development, Business One Orwin Homewood, 1982 Diet, Engineering Design, MeGraw il nternatonal Editon, 1990 Day Ronald G., Quaty Function Deployment, Tala MeGraw Hil, 1930, Goldenberg end Mazursky, Creatwty in Product Innovation, Cambridge Univarsty Pros, 1996, 2 3 [MME 5055: DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS [3 0 03] Understanding basic design principles, Working in simp comparative experimental contexts, itoducton to language and is applications in rblems, Working wih single factors or one-way ANOVA in completely randomized experimental design contexts, Implementing randomized blocks, Latin square designs and extensions ofthese, Understanding factorial design contexts, Working with two level, 2k, signs, Implementing confounding and blockingin 2k cesigns, Working \with2-evel fractional factorial designs, Working with lve and mixed level factorial and fractional factorial designs, Simple linear regression models, Understanding and implementing response surface ‘methodologies, Understanding robust parameter designs, Working with random and mised eects models, Design of compute experiments and ‘the applications inindustal engineering problems, Reterences: 1. Montgomery, D.C. (2001), Design and Anaiysis of Experiments, John Wey & Sons ne. SBN-0-471-31649-0, Dean, A. M. and Voss, D. T. (1999), Design and Analysis of Experiments (Springer tet in Statistes), Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. ISBN: 0-387-98561-1, Box, 6. .P, Hunter, W.G., and Hunter J. S. (1978), Statistics for Experimenters: An troduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Mode! Buiaing, John Wiley & Sons. Ine ISBN: 0-471-09315- Diamond, W.J. (2001), Practical Experiment Designs for Engineers and Scientists John Wey & Sons. inc. ISBN: 0471-39054.2, Jeff Wu, CE. ang Hamada, Mt. (2000), Eporiments: Panning, ‘Analysis, and Parameter Design Optimization, on Wiley & Sons. Inc, SBN: 0-471-39054-2, [MIME 5056: ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS [3.003] Need for energy storage, Diferent modes of eneray storage, Pumped hydro storage, Kinetic energy and compressed gas system, Flywnea storage, Compressed airenery storage, Electcal and magnetic eneray storage, Capactors, Electromagnets, Chemical energy storage, Thermochemical, photo-chemical,bio-chemical, lecto-chemica, fossi fuels an symtetic fuels, Hydrogen for energy storage, Solar ponds, Electrochemical, Magnetic and Electric Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Primary, Secondary Lithium, Sali-state and moten sob batteries, Lead acid batteries, Nickel Cacmium Batteries, Advanced bates, Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage (SMES) systems, (Capac and Batteries, Comparison and application, Super capacitor, lectrochemical Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) Sensible and Latent Heat Storage: SHS mediums, Strted storage’ systems, Rock-bed storage systems, Thermal storage in bulng, Earth storage, Energy storage in aquilers, Heat storage In SHS systems, Aquifers storage Phase Change Matarls (PCW) Sdlecton orteria of PCMS, Solar thermal TES systems, Energy conservation trough LHTES systems, LHTES systems in refrigeration and ar-conditoning systems, Numerical heat transfer in meting and trezing process, Application of Energy ‘Storage: Food preservation, Wests heat recovery, Solar energy storage, Green house heating, Power plant applications, Drying and heating for processindustres References: 1. Johannes Jensen Bont Squrensen, Fundamentals of Energy Storage, John Wiley, NY, 1984, 2. IEE Energy Series, Eleto-cherical Power Sources. 3, Baader, W. Donne £.,Brenndore,Bo-gas in Teory and Practice. PD Dunn, Renewable Energies. Peer Peregrius Ld, London, United kingdom, Fst Eton, 1986, Ibrahim Dincer, Terma Energy Storage: Systems and ‘Applications, Wiley Publications, 2010, [MME 5057: INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ENGINEERING [30 03], Indusialrevolton; Milestones inthe safety movement; Accidents & theiettects; Cast of aocidnts; Tears of accident causation - Domina theory, Human factor theory, Accidenvincident theory, Epidemiological iheory, System theory, Incustial Hazarés. Ergonomic. Hazards Mechanical Hazards; Fall and impact hazards; Temperature hazards National Safety Council India (NSCN) and Industrial Safety Acts Introduction to NSCI; Mission and Vision, Milestones; Management; [NSCI salty award schemes; Safty aut; Risk assessment, NSCI safety ating system; Hazard and operational (HAZOP) stucies, Industral Safely Analyss and Management, Preliminary hazard analysis; Detaled hazard analysis; Fllure made and eect analysis (FMEA); Human eror analysis (HEA) Environmental Safety Saal, het andenvirenment Relerences: 1. Davi. Goetsen, Oecupationl Safety and Heath for Technologists, Engineers and Managers, 5 Editon Pearson-Prece Hal, 2008. 2, Frank R. Spellman and Nancy E. Whiting, The Hanabook of Safty Engineering: Princiles and Applications, The Scarecrow Pres ne ato 3. Amit Kumar Gupta, industrial Safety and Environment, Laxmi Publtion Lie, 2006 4. National Safety Council Inia hips rai. 5, Ninisty of Labour and Employment, “Ministry of Labour and Employment, [Onne,Avalable: tpnsc.org.iv "NSC," [Online] Available [MME 5058: LEAN MANUFACTURING [3 00 3], The production system, types, inception necessity of lean production system, lean revolution in Toyota, basic image of lean producto, Prnciples & characteristics of lean manufacturing, MUDA(wasta) and ‘types, lean manufacturing tools and techniques, celular manufacturing, Continuous improvement, Just-n-Time, production smoothing, Overal squipmantofclncy, standardized work and KAIZEN, Standardization of operations, Mul-‘unction workers and job rotation, Improvement actives to reduce workforce and increase worker morale foundation for improvements, Shortening of productonlead tines Retorences: 4, Chase! Aquiino, Productions and Operations Management, Oreamtech atest etn, 2, Yasuhico Monden , Toyoto Proouction System -An integrated ‘approach to Just in Time, Engineeringalld Management Press Insti of Indust Engines Noreross Georgia, 1983 8. James P Womack» Dane! Jones» and Danll Ros, The Machine that changed the World. The Stry of Lean Production - Harper Porenil- eon published, 1991, 4, dames Womack, Lea Thinking -ISBN 0748249275, 2008, 5. Richard Schourverge, Japanese Manufacturing Techniques. The Nine Hidden Lessons by simply -ASQC Press, 1981, [MME 5059: RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY [3 0 0 3] Solar energy -Production an transfor of solar energy ~ Sur-Earth angles -Avalablty and limitations of solar energy — Measuting {echnques and estimation of solar radiaon, Applications of Solar energy, Energy trom biomass Sources o biomass —Ditleren species Conversion a biomass into fuels, Aerobic and anaerobic ba-canversion = Properties f biomass, Biogas plants— Design and operation, Wind energy - Principles of wind energy conversion ~ Site selection considerations —Wind power plant design ~ Types of wind power Conversion systems ~ Operation, maintenance and economics, fuel calls, fel eel power plant, Geothermal felds- Hot dry rock, Energy conversion technologies, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Wave and ‘dal energy Scope and economics —Itoducton to integrated energy systems, Relerences: 1. LA. Dutfie and W.A, Beckman: Solr Energy Thermal Processes, Wily, 1994 2. AAAM.Saigh (Ed) Solar Energy Engineering, Academic Press, 1977 3. FKrath and JF Kreider: Principles of Solar Engineering, McGraw Hil, 1978 4. GN. Tivatl: Solar Energy-Fundamsntas, Design, Modeling and Applications, NarosaPublshes, 2002 5. HP. Garg, $0, Mulick ang A. Bhargava: Solar Thermal Energy Storage, 1985 6 KM. Mita: Non-conventonal Energy Systems-Prncipes, Progress and Prospects, WneelerPublcations, 1997. 162

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