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Programming Assignment

Due May 16, 2021 12:59 AM Closes May 16, 2021 12:59 AM

Welcome to the intake assignment for the Programming variation

If you want to apply for another variation make sure to select and complete the correct assignment.


For this assignment we want you to complete the presentation that can be found below this
description (please open and complete it from here as making your own and replacing the document
breaks the link). This presentation has several components you need to complete, including a study
skills test, evidence of the variation intake assignment and additional portfolio materials. You can
edit the presentation here in Microsoft Teams and it will be saved automatically. The presentation is
all we need, do not add additional materials to your assignment here in Microsoft Teams.

If the presentation is turned in, it will be pre-assessed to see if you are eligible for an interview.
During the interview you can show the final results of the variation intake assignment, there will also
be time for additional questions about your motivation and suitability for our programme.

Important Dates

If you turn in your assignment before the 10th of January, and you pass the pre-selection, your
interview will be held between the 1st of February and 15th of February. You will receive the final
results before the 28th of February.

If you turn in your assignment before the 15th of May, and you pass the pre-selection, your
interview will be held between the 31st of May and 15th of June. You will receive the final results
before the 25th of June.

Be aware that you can only take part in one of the two assessment moments above. There is no
option to resubmit, this also applies if you are not invited for an interview. You turn in your
assignment by clicking the Turn in button on the top-right when complete.

Programming Variation Assignment

Part One - Programming a C++ Game

Write a small 2D/3D single player game based on the following theme: ‘Ants’
Observe the following requirements:

1. We have a series of tutorials start your assignment - please use the template from C++ Fast
Track for Games Programming here:
2. The game must be your own work.
3. If you use source code, tutorials and/or art from others then state this clearly - referencing is
4. Feel free to use third party art or use simple lines and boxes (again reference anything that is
not your own work).
5. You can interpret the theme from very literal to very abstract - this is intentional. You must
however stick to the theme.
6. Must be done in C++ and makes use of functions and optionally classes.
7. You can make use of external C++ libraries if required. Note that the template
includes SDL2 (
and FreeImage (
8. Game should be compiled with a C++ compiler Visual Studio Community
2019 ( which is freely available. Visual
Studio is used throughout the course so therefore recommended.
9. The game has graphical gameplay and runs without error.
10. Your code is well structured and commented.
11. The work does not use a large game engine such as Unity or UE4.
12. The game can run as both a release and debug build without error.
13. The game has no obvious memory leaks.

If you have never programmed before, then along with the online tutorials we mentioned above (in
point 1.), we also recommend the book Beginning C++ Through Game Programming (4th Edition) by
Michael Dawson (2006) published by Course Technology (EAN 9781305109919). Although this book
does not go into graphical games, it is still highly recommended that you work through this book
before you begin your study as this helps with your C++ foundation. Note that the above
assignment must be done to be considered for pre-selection and interview.

Part Two - HackerRank Challenge

Either use your current HackerRank account, or if you do not have one yet then create one using
your own personal email (this is something you can always use as part of your portfolio). Once
logged in please go to:

You must complete this individually as we look at the metrics of how you did to see what level you
currently are at. It is probably best to do this after completing programming assignment part one as
the knowledge gained might help you complete this. Note that this must be done to be considered
for pre-selection and interview.

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