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7: Filter Inductors using Circuit Simulator

Name: PARDO, Vince Patrick, QUIZON, Fritzgerald, QUEZA, Hendrick Brian

Group No.: 8
Section: 3-EED

 Low Pass Filter (capacitor)

Cutoff frequency using LTspice 1.5913 KHz

1 1
Computed cutoff frequency = =1591.5494 Hz
2 πRC 2 π (1000)(0.1 ×10−6 F )

Roll off rate using LTspice =−¿0.1847 dB/KHz
77.7831 KHz

Bode plot

gh Pass Filter (capacitor)

Cutoff frequency using LTspice 1.5946 KHz

1 1
Computed cutoff frequency = =1591.5494 Hz
2 πRC 2 π (1000)(0.1 ×10−6 F )

11.5667 dB
Roll off rate using LTspice =¿0.0175 dB/Hz
661.5476 Hz

Bode plot
 Low Pass Filter (inductor and capacitor)

Cutoff frequency using LTspice 512.9234 Hz

1 1
Computed cutoff frequency = =1591.5494 Hz
2 πRC 2 π (1000)(10 ×10−6 F )

13.6523 dB
Roll off rate using LTspice =¿1.2657dB/KHz
10.7862 KHz

Bode plot
 High Pass Filter (inductor and capacitor)

Cutoff frequency using LTspice 33.03904Hz

1 1
Computed cutoff frequency = =1591.5494 Hz
2 πRC 2 π (1000)(10 ×10−6 F )

−0.011470732 dB
Roll off rate using LTspice =−¿ 0.000029dB/KHz
395.51828 KHz

Bode plot
 Band Pass Filter

Cutoff frequency using LTspice 4.5612KHz

1 1
Computed cutoff frequency = =1591.5494 Hz
2 πRC 2 π (1000)(10 ×10−6 F )

1 1
Roll off rate using LTspice = =¿ 159.1549Hz
2 π √ LC 2 π √ 1(1 ×10−6)

Lower cutoff frequency 76.7234 Hz

Higher cutoff frequency -234.3123 Hz

Bode Plot

In this experiment, the main objectives were followed whereas the characteristics of filter
inductors were observed with the help of bode plot. The filter of the inductor differs depending
whether it’s connected in series or parallel with the capacitance and resistance, hence the
analysis and study of the operation of filter inductor. Moreover, the importance of filtering
specifically for inductor filtering is to reduce electrical noise, frequency noise, and switching.
Thus, this filtering method depends whether it is a low pass, high pass or band pass filtering.

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