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(Ju nior English Ti mesavers)

S pea ki ng Activit ies

W eicome t o JET Speaki ng Activities

Aims To pies
Our main aim is to provide primary school teachers The activities in this book are topic-based,
with easy-to-prepare supplementary materials to have been chose n as far as poss b e 0
practise the skill of speaking with young learners of top ics chil d ren caver in thelf cour-se:boot:s,
English. The Photocopiable Pages include, among example, an im ais, families, ages a d
others, spot-the-difference pictures, charts, eut-out hobbies, etc. sa t hat teachers Il he a e
game cards and puppets, which act as a trigger for supplement the co u rsebook w ' h extra spea g
games, puzzles, role-plays, class surveys and story practice and provide extra practice of a target
telling activities. There is an information -gap aspect language area.
to many of the activities, which prov ides children
with a genuine need to communicate in order to
comp lete the game or activity. The emphasis in the Language Level
activities is on having fun while practising useful We have not specified a target age or language level
lan guage. for these materials as each activity is designed as a
The activit ies can be used as one-off extension and starting point from which individual teachers can
consolidation activities or as part of a fuller theme­ meet the ir own classroom needs. Most activities can
based lesson or project. As ail primary EFL teachers be adapted for use as whole class, group or pairwork,
1\0 ,children need to have new language depending on class si ze and ability. Our Teacher's
c stantly recyc led and JET Speaking Act ivities Notes suggest one way of using the Photocopiable
p 'des a fresh w ay of doing just that. In addition, Pages, but these can be easily adapted to suit
e preparation (m uch of which can be done by the different age groups, class sizes and language levels .
pupils themselves) allows for free and spontaneous Each activity also lead s to ideas for follow-up
language pr actice. activities or alternative approaches.

The Book Photoeopiable Right s

The book includes 25 Photocopiable Pages The Photocopiable Pages prov ided can be
accompanied by Teacher's Notes on facing pages . photocopied freely for use in the classroom and do
Where an idea requires two or more Photocop iable not need to be declared .
Pages to be used together (e .g . Anima l Match), the
Notes face the first of the Photocopiable Pages. The
ideas contained here have been selected to include a
variety of activities such as games and making masks
and puppets, and practise different sk ill s such as
matching, describing, listening and responding and
information gap activities.
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C) Contents
Language Photocopiable material Pages
A Toy Box colours, numbers 1-7 Picture to colour 4&5
What c%ur is the (bail)?
B .Beachcombing alphabet, numbers 1-20 Picture puzzle 6-9
beach vocabulary
It's a .. .
present continuous
C Spiders furniture vocabulary Spot the difference 10 & 11
Everywhere prepositions
15 there ... ? Yes, there is. No, there isn't
0 Animal Noises animal vocabulary Picture cards 12 - 15
animal noises
You're a ... Are you a ... ?
E Animal Match wild animal vocabulary Picture cards 16 -19
It's got ...
possessive -5
animal body parts
(head, tait, etc.)
F Pet Survey pets vocabulary Survey chart 20 & 21
Have you got a ... ?
How many?
G Pocket Money toys and snack vocabulary Picture to complete 22 & 23
1 want ...
Ho w m uch is/are ... ?
p ounds and pence
Happy Birthday mo nths and seasons Game cards 24 & 25
When's your birthday?

It's in (A pril).

(ord inals: first to thirty-first)

fam ily vocabu lary Game cards 26 - 29

Fam i les descriptions
15 this your (mum) ?
She's got (long hair).
Fussy Eaters food/dr ink vocabulary Pictures to eut up 30 & 31
1 /ike .. ./don't /ike ' "

Do y ou /ike ... ?
K Can VOU parts of the body Spinner to make 32 & 33
actions (hop, knee/, stretch)
can/can't questions and short answers
L Phone M e! telephone dialogue Pho nes to eut out 34 & 35
number sequences
requests: Can you .. . ?
M He'sWeari ng sports/leisure vocabulary Spot the mistake picture 36 & 37
My Skirt ! personal pronouns:
she, he, they, you
possessive pronouns:
my, your, his, her, their, our
possessive -5
present continuous tense
'M i§1-tfi ai,te es"'" H-j

Language Photocopiable material Pages

N What's action verbs Board game 38 & 39
She Doing? present continuous tense
present perfect: Have you ever?
o Who am I? clothes vocabulary Picture puzzle 40 &41
l'm wearing ...
present continuous actions
P Holiday Island geographical features Map of island 42 & 43
present continuous tense
Q Pict ure Pai rs in the park Picture cards 44 & 45
present continuous tense
R Collectors' toys and collections Picture cards 46 & 47
Corner present tense (1 collect ... )
It's very old/modern.
cou ntries/nati on a 1it ies
5 Who Lives pets vocabulary Logic puzzle 48 & 49
Here? present tense:
He lives/is/likes ...
hobbies and interests
T A Day' ln daily routines and habits Picture raie cards
My Llfe food
present simple (first person singular)
short answers
present simple, th ird person
U W hat 's M y Job? jobs and work vocabu lary Picture cards 52 & 53
present tense
question forms - present tense
V After School invitations Calendars 54 & 55
going to for future p lans
days of the week
present tense: thi rd person singular
W Three story telling Finger puppets and story text 56 & 57
Lit tle Pigs present simple tense
It's made of (stra w).
requests: Can 1 .. . ?
future intentions: l'II ...
past simple tense
X Little Red story telling Masks 58 - 61
Riding Hood past simple tense
y AskMe general review Board game and questions 62 - 64
A Question! questions and short answers

@Toy Box
Language focus 6 Explain that they now need to find out the colours
* (olours: red, yellow, b/ue, green, pink, grey, brown of the other toys on their pictures by asking and
* Numbers: 1-7 answering the question : What c%ur is the (doll)7
* Toys vocabulary: teddy, monkey, bal/, aerop/ane, /t's (green) . Practise the question several times.
ca r, skateboard, (Barbie) doll, ballet costume, truck,
rocket, book, computer game, dinosaur, snake 7 Put the pupils into pairs so that one has picture A 1
* The (bail) is (b/ue). and one has Picture A2 in each pair. Encourage
What c%ur is the (bail)? /t's (b/ue). them to ask about ail the toys they have not
coloured in their pictures and to mark the colours
Materials with a dot.
* copies of han dout A (cut in half) for each pa ir of
pupi ls 8 Give pupils time to finish colouring their pictures.
* col o ured crayons
* (optional) real toys 9 Get pupils to compare pictures with their partners
and check that they have coloured the toys
Procedure correctly by asking the class: What c%ur is the
1 Teach/review the toy lexis using handout A or real (truck)? Get them to chorus the answer: It's (red).
toys : teddy, monkey, bal/, aerop/ane, car, skateboard,
(Barbie) dol/, ballet costume, truck, rocket, book, Follow-up activities
computer game, dinosaur, snake * Pupils can add a few further toys and colours to their
pictures and colour them in and tell you or a partner
2 Revise t he colours : red, yellow, b/ue, green, pink, about them: The e/ephant is purp/e.
grey, brown by painting ta things in the classroom
and ask ing: What c%ur is it ? * Pupils can draw their own toy boxes containing some
of thei r favourite toys and tell you or a partner about
3 Oivide the class into two groups: Gro up 1 and Group them. Display their pictures on the classroom walls.
2. Hand out a copy of Picture A lto each student in
Group 1 an d picture A2 to each student in Group 2. It Alternat ive activit y
is best if Pupils 1 and 2 are not sitting near each * Pupils can play a simple guessing game in pairs using
other at this stage as they need to keep thei r pictures their pictures. Pupil A chooses a toy without telling
secret. their partner wh ich they have chosen . Pupil B guesses
the toy. Pup ils swap roles :
4 Tell pupils that they have to find the numbers on A: It's got 4 whee/s. It's red.
their pictures and colour the toys according to your B: A truck?
instructions. Make sure they have their crayons ready A: Yeso
then give the following in formation asking them to
drawa dot of each colour on the relevant toy:
Number 1 is yellow.
Number 2 is pink.
Number 3 is b/ue.
Number 4 is green.
Number 5 is brown.
Number 6 is grey
Number 7 is red.

5 Get pupils to check their answers with another

pupil in their group and give them time ta finish
colouring the numbered toys on their pictures.

Toy Box
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® Beachcombing
Language focus 4 Pupils take it in turns to locate the objects and
* Beach vocabulary: shell, boat, bird, sung/asses, position their pictures . Once they have positioned
bucket, sandcast/e, bail, crab, spade, ice cream ail five items, they can compare pictures and check
* /t's a ... the grid references. Their completed pictures
* Alphabet: A-Z should be identical.
* Numbers: 1-20
* (optional) present continuous for describing 5 Check with the whole class by asking: Where is the
pictures (bird)? and getting them to give you four
* (optiona l) prepositions references for the seagull, e.g. 11 b, 11 c, 12b, 12c.
They can then glue the pictures into position.
* copies of handouts B1 and B2, one for each pupil Follow-up activity
* (optional) scissors and glue * Pupils draw one or two further objects on their
pictures and describe the position to a partner.
1 Teach/review the beach vocabulary using flashcards Alt ernative activity
or real objects. Review the alphabet and numbers * Pupils can describe the people in the picture using
1- 20 if necessary. the present continuous tense, e.g . He's reading a
book. Turn this into agame by getting pupils to
2 Divide the class into pairs and hand out pictures B1 pretend to be a character in the picture. Their
and B2 to the pairs. Explain that they must not partner asks several questions in order to guess
show t heir picture to their partner. which character they are, e.g.
A: Are you in the water?
3 Get pupils t o eut out the five objects down the side B: No.
of their pictures and explai n that the aim of the A: Are you sleeping?
activity is to find out w here these ite ms are B: No.
positioned on t heir beach picture . They must give A: Are you p/aying ?
grid ref erences to their partners (as in B: Yeso
'Battlesh ips'.) Point out that each picture takes up A: (point ing) Is this you ?
four squares, so they need to look for places where A: Yeso
there are 4 empty squares together on th e grid .
Remind them to keep a note of references they
have tried without success, or mark a cross in pencil
on their pictures, so that they do not waste time
going back to those spaces, e.g .:
Pupi/ 1: 89
Pupi/ 2: Nothing.
Pupi/1: 19y
Pupil 2: Its a boat.
They th en need to give three further references in
order to locate exactly wh ich four spaces are covered
by the boat picture. When they have done this, they
can place their boat in the correct position (ideally
using blu-tack at this stage) .
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® Beachcombing
When an a ctivity requires two
p hotocopiable pages, the teacher's
notes face the first page.


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