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Donnabell Dayuday December 7, 2020

TEE100 - D

 Whatever it takes, I want to improve! It doesn’t matter how excellent they already are.
This takeaway caught my attention because this is one of my mantras. I believe and hunger to do whatever it
takes to succeed and live life on my own terms. I don’t want to settle on the things that I have right now, on the
skills that I have already acquired, or what I am right now. I must push myself and see how far I can truly go. Even if I
might feel uncomfortable, I still need to do the things that I want to do and never be held back by hallucinations of

 Keep on pushing yourself, keep on studying, never stop learning, because once you stop, you will rust out, once
you rust out, it’s really hard to get out from that.
This takeaway caught my attention because it serves as a reminder that I should not slack off. I should not stop
doing things that will make me better. If I don’t push myself, I will never grow. If I don’t push myself, I will never
develop any kind of strength. If I don’t push myself, I will never learn and discover anything new. If I don’t push
myself, I will fall into a rut. If I don’t push myself, I will remain as ignorant as ever about myself and the world around
me. If I don’t push myself, my world will always remain the same. If I don’t push myself, everyone around me will
push me in the direction that I don’t want to go. Pushing myself consciously in anything that I am doing means I have
full control over myself and my own life. As a result, I will feel much more empowered than ever before.

 You need to keep training your brain. The danger is, if you go complacent enough that you stopped studying, by
the time the classes resume, you’ll find it very hard to learn because you’ve lost your study habits already.
This takeaway caught my attention because I admit that sometimes I go complacent on things or situations that I
am at. I know for myself the danger of being too complacent can derail my career. If I assume that the status quo
will remain in place, I know I am setting myself up to be blindsided. Changes are occurring all around me that can
make my skills and competencies obsolete. Because of this reminder, I was able to recheck my notes for the past
semester and I’m now reviewing the things that I’ve already learned, coz I know that these learnings will be useful in
the future.

 Avoid Multitasking. This is not very healthy, I know some people would say that I am more productive when I’m
multitasking, but the reality is, if you’re doing something and you want to learn something, you’ll learn it better
when you are focus on it and if you aren’t doing anything else.
This takeaway caught my attention because I always do multitasking. Gut instinct tells me that multitasking is
the best way to combat sensory barrage, but I know that science tells us otherwise. It became an eye-opener to me.
We all know that the human brain is wired to handle one thing at a time but I still tend to do a lot of things at the
same time. Even when I am multitasking, my brain is actually racing from one item to another in minuscule bits.
That’s why most of the time, I tend to commit errors when I do multitasking. I think I should lessen doing
multitasking and start focusing on doing things one at a time.

 Use this time of isolation to really upgrade yourself. You will not get on top of the ladder if you’ll chill on the
lower part of the ladder.
This takeaway caught my attention because sometimes I’m not doing anything to upgrade myself during this
pandemic. I usually do the same things over again. I think it’s time for me to start building my own ladder and
climbing it to reach the top. I know that knowledge will give me the power to compete with this competitive world
and it is the tool that will assist me to win any battle. Thus, I need to enroll myself in the ocean of resources that I
can check online.
 The biggest difference now is that: it’s no longer in the hands of the teachers to make the class as effective as we
want it to be, but it’s more on the willingness or the commitment of the learners. The commitment of the learners
that’s going to make or break these online classes.
This takeaway caught my attention because this is actually a NEED that all of us students should have. Online
classes rely more on us and it’s up to our readiness and dedication to learn, for us to become prepared for our
future professions. We need to make the first move instead of just relying on our teachers. We don’t know when we
will have our old face to face classes, or if these online classes will be our new norm. So, we should have our own
initiative to study the lessons that we will be taking or review the lessons that we’ve already studied.

 Long term goals will put some roots or branches for you to get some other skills. If you’ll combine together, it will
lead you to your goal, your final goal.
This takeaway caught my attention because I already have a lot of long term goals in my life. I already reached
some but I am still thriving to achieve the other goals that I’ve already set and I know that long-term goals are
important for a successful career. My long-term goals require a lot of time and planning. They are not something
that I can do this week or even this year. Thus, I back it up with my shorter goals to ensure that I will achieve them in
the future. I know that I am my own best motivator. That my motivation must come from myself, within myself.
Others may try to encourage me, but I am the only one who can attain what I truly desire. I must convince myself

 Don’t look for someone that will manage you, instead, look for someone that will be your mentor. Make them as
a benchmark on what you want to achieve.
This takeaway caught my attention because I don’t have this mindset yet. I don’t have someone that I want to
become my mentor. It felt important for me to find a mentor because of this webinar. I already created a short
characteristic that my mentor should have or embodied and even created a list of possible mentors that I might
follow. I will be taking small steps to introduce myself to them and to ask them if they are willing to become one of
my mentors.

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