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Vince Cypress


December 13, 2020

Abortion Essay

Abortion is not a pleasant thing to talk about or discuss. Just the idea of it makes people

feel unpleasant. To this day the topic of abortion is one of the most controversial and most

talked about social issues. The definition of an abortion is the termination of a human

pregnancy. The social issue of abortion has two polar opposite sides. One side of the debate on

whether or not abortion should be legal or illegal is the pro-lifers. People that are considered

“pro-life” are people that do not believe in abortions and they believe that abortions should be

illegal. The other side of the argument pro-choice. People that are pro-choice believe that

abortions should be legal. I personally believe that abortion should be legal and I am pro-choice.

While some people may be pro-life and think that abortion should against the law, abortion

should be legal because The US supreme court ruled that abortion was a right guaranteed by the

constitution, women should have control over their own bodies and accesss to legal abortions

will prevent injuries and deaths from illegal/unsafe abortion procedures.

The first reason for why abortion should be legal is the fact that the US supreme court

declared that abortion was a right guaranteed by the constiution. The topic of abortion has been

a big political/social issue for decades. In 1973 the US supreme court had a ruling that would

change the United States forever. In the court case about abortion Roe v. Wade the 7-2 decision

stated that the US supreme court ruled that abortion was a right guaranteed by the constiution.
The court said that because the Constitution states the constitution gives “a guarantee of certain

areas and zones of privacy.” Because the US constitution states this the US supreme court felt

that this was broad enough to include a woman's decision to have an abortion or not. This has

been the law of the land since 1973. Since then there have been many challenges to the Roe v.

Wade court ruling but the United States Supreme court has not overturned their ruling from

1973. Abortion should be legal because the US constitution and the supreme court support that

abortion should be a fundamental right.

The second reason for why abortion should remain legal is that women should have

control over their own bodies and their own lives. The choice for a woman to have an abortion

should always be avalaliable. Having a baby is a big thing and sometimes a woman is just not

ready to have a child. If a woman is forced to have a child that they do not want to bear then

what kind of future will that kid have. Many woman that have abortions do so because they have
a good reason. One reason a woman might have an abortion is because they simply do not have

the money to support a child. If abortion did get outlawed and the woman is forced to have the

child the child will most likely get emotionally neglected by its parents and the kid might live a

life of poverty. Also if a woman is raped then the woman should be able to have an abortion.

Taking away a woman’s right to have an abortion would be taking away woman rights to their

own bodies and their future. This is why abortion should remain legal.

The final reason that abortions should be legal is the fact that it can save lives. Outlawing

abortion will not stop abortions from happening. Just look at what happened when the United

States outlawed alcohol. When the United States outlawed alcohol it did not stop people from

drinking. In fact it only made it worse. Outlawing legal abortion will force woman that feel like

they need an abortion to turn to illegal and unsafe abortion procedures. The current abortion

procedures are very safe and are done by professionals. However before abortion was legalized

many woman resorted to dangerous methods of getting an abortion. Woman would go to “back

alley” abortionists and get abortions done using coat hangers, knitting needles etc. Many women

would get injured and even die from these dangerous procedures. In some countries where

abortion is illegal woman will do these unsafe methods of abortions and get injured or even die.

It is estimated that a total of 68000 people each year die from unsafe abortions. Making abortion

legal is not only more convenient for many woman but it also saves lives.

The main argument that people that are against abortion have is that abortion is murder.

Abortion is not murder because the baby is not outside of the womb yet. Another argument that

people that are against abortion have is that it will cause woman psychological damage and they
will regret it. However this is not the case. Many woman that have abortion actually claim that it

was the right decision for them. It is actually proven woman that are denied abortion have more

regret and anger than woman who have gotten abortions. To see what other people think I had

my close family and friends take a survey. The results showed that the majority of people that

are close to me believe that abortion should be legal.

In conclusion, the topic of abortion is very controversial and hard to talk about, Howver abortion

is something that should remain legal. Abortion should remain legal because the US supreme

court declared that the US constitution guarantees abortion as a fundemental right, woman

should have control over their own bodies and having abortion remain legal will prevent woman

from getting injured and even from dyiny from illegal abortion procedures.

Jennifer Wright Jennifer Wright is BAZAAR.com's Political Editor at Large. (2019,

October 21). Abortion Is Not Murder. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from


., P. (2020, June 04). Pros & Cons - ProCon.org. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from


Britnnica, E. (n.d.). Roe v. Wade. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from


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