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Can't connect to MongoDB with authentication enabled Ask Question

Jobs I'm running the latest MongoDB for Ubuntu 14.04 asked 3 years, 4 months ago

I have created a user named "admin" with "userAdminAnyDatabase" role viewed 14,607 times
Teams I can access databases locally and externally active 1 year, 6 months ago
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I can login with "admin' with SHA-SCRAM-1
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When I edit to config file to restrict access only with authentication things go wrong. What happens:
1. I uncomment "#auth = true" in the config file.
2. I cannot access with the correct credentials of the "admin" account.

Bear in mind that I do use "service mongod restart" after making changes.

Config file for reference:

p ,

# Where and how to store data.

dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
enabled: true
# engine: Work from anywhere
# mmapv1:
# wiredTiger:
Cloud- Docker Engineer
# where to write logging data.
systemLog: Elastic No office location
destination: file REMOTE
logAppend: true java docker
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

# network interfaces Director of Engineering

net: 7 Cups No office location
port: 27017 $170K - $200K REMOTE
php node.js

Work remotely - from home or wherever you
#auth = true
#operationProfiling: Browse remote jobs


#sharding: 65 people chatting

## Enterprise-Only Options:
6 MongoDB permissions: restrict access to
two databases
Snapshot of database for reference:
1 Cannot connect with authentication to


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share improve this question edited Sep 22 '17 at 17:57 asked Oct 22 '15 at 17:58 without raw-ability or exceptional explanations?

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Which version of the manager are you using? Can you access mongo from the cli? – bambam Oct 24 '15 at Development)
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Using version and yes I can, until I enable authorisation. – ManyQuestions Oct 24 '15 at 19:36 How do I avoid the "chosen hero" feeling?

Are you sure that manager supports SHA-SCRAM-1? – Danny Varod Oct 24 '15 at 20:13 Why is "rm -r" unable to delete this folder?

@DannyVarod It's an option in a ListView when creating a new connection so it should :) – ManyQuestions Why do neural networks need so many examples
Oct 24 '15 at 21:40 to perform?

what command you are using for that may i know ? I have done the same thing in ubuntu 15.x version – How do dictionaries source attestation?
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I think that auth = true is an invalid configuration and your mongod is not starting because of it. To is this sentence grammatical?
enable authorization, try using the following instead:
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mongo localhost -u admin -p myAdminPass --authenticationDatabase admin --authenticationMechani can produce flames from their body?

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share improve this answer edited Oct 25 '15 at 13:15 answered Oct 25 '15 at 3:32
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I must've used an old version setting? I tried with the correct config and it actually makes no difference. Thanks (in restaurant style)?
though. – ManyQuestions Oct 25 '15 at 11:11
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@ManyQuestions I updated my answer to include the --authenticationDatabase command-line switch. I
am also not able to authenticate in my local MongoDB unless I specify it. I don't know how to specify it in your question feed
graphical client. Can you try it out please? – heenenee Oct 25 '15 at 13:16

There's a field in which you can give in the auth database – ManyQuestions Oct 25 '15 at 16:20

I just noticed this coming up though: 2015-10-25 T12:23:12.256-0400 I ACCESS [conn1] SCRAM-SHA-1
authentication failed for admin on admin from client xx.XX.xx.xx ; UserNotFound Could not find user
admin@admin – ManyQuestions Oct 25 '15 at 16:26

@ManyQuestions Maybe you created the user the old 2.X way? Try dropping and recreating the user with
db.createUser because you can get that error if you created it with db.addUser. – heenenee Oct 25 '15 at 16:58

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1. Did you follow the instructions in Enable Client Access Control to create the user and enable
2 2. What is the output of your log, when you try to access mongoDB with credentials?
3. Did you tell mongoDB somewhere to use the config file? Try to start mongoDB locally on the PC
mongoDB is running with mongod --config ../etc/mongod.conf and then try to connect from
your Windows PC like you did before.

share improve this answer answered Oct 30 '15 at 13:20

481 4 22

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