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Colombian found footage: The tradition of rupture

(Full Paper)
Authors: Luna, Maria1; Sourdis, Carolina2
Source: New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, Volume 13, Number 1, March
2015, pp. 51-64(14)
Publisher: Intellect

Home / New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, Volume 13, Number 1


This article examines the use of archival footage in Colombian cinema, following three lines of enquiry: film
as meta-history, film as montage and video recycling as counter-information. First, the section on ‘film as
meta-history’ studies the historical discourse on Colombian cinema in three films by Luis Ospina: En busca
de María/In Search of María (Ospina and Nieto, 1985); the series on film history De la ilusión al
desconcierto/From Illusion to Confusion (2007); and the ‘epic collage’ Un tigre de papel/A Paper Tiger
(2007a). Second, ‘film as montage’ addresses Fragmentos/Fragments (Santa and Campos, 1999) and
Paraíso/Paradise (Guerrero, 2006), two films that critically address the discontinuity and fragmentation of
Colombia’s history. Finally, ‘video recycling as counter-information’ explores the media news as a source of
archival construction through a group of five films produced by students and professors at the University of
Valle (Cali, Colombia) that show a more radical way of understanding television news produced during
periods of political polarization.

Keywords: Colombian cinema; archive; counter-information; found footage; meta-

history; montage
Document Type: Research Article
Affiliations: 1: Autonomous University of Barcelona 2: Pompeu Fabra University
Publication date: 1 de marzo de 2015
Volume 13, Number 1, March 2015

(In)visible cinemas: Reusing archival footage in Latin American cinema
pp. 3-8(6)
Authors: Tadeo Fuica, Beatriz; Barrow, Sarah

Reflections on the other archive on television: Chilean fiction series and approximations
to the dictatorial past
pp. 9-22(14)
Author: Ramírez Soto, Elizabeth

Reframing transitions and contesting memories: The archive and the archival object in
Peruvian cinema
pp. 23-36(14)
Author: Barrow, Sarah

The appropriation and construction of the film archive in Uruguay

pp. 37-50(14)
Author: Tadeo Fuica, Beatriz

Colombian found footage: The tradition of rupture

pp. 51-64(14)
Authors: Luna, Maria; Sourdis, Carolina

Cinema as ‘found’ footage in experimental Argentine video

pp. 65-77(13)
Author: Garavelli, Clara

But will it take off? Peronist Utopias, mythical pasts and crashes in Pulqui, un instante
en la patria de la felicidad (Alejandro Fernández Mouján, 2007)
pp. 79-89(11)
Author: Sdrigotti, Fernando

pp. 91-101(11)
Authors: Hanlon, Dennis; Merás, Lidia; Moore, Andy; Mourenza, Daniel
New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film
ISSN 1474-2756 (Print); ISSN: 2040-0578 (Online)

The journal aims to provide a platform for the study of new forms of cinematic practice and fresh
approaches to cinemas hitherto neglected in western scholarship. It particularly welcomes
scholarship that does not take existing paradigms and theoretical conceptualisations as given; rather,
it anticipates submissions that are refreshing in approach and exhibit a willingness to tackle
cinematic practices that are still in the process of development into something new.

Publisher: Intellect

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