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Writing a Narrative Total

/ 10 Marks
Criteria Marks given
Describe the setting (writing about who, what, /2
where and when)
Mention the problem /1
Present the solution to the problem /2
Include details and descriptions /2
Give appropriate ending /1
Should be written in correct tense /1
Word limit is (150-200 words) /1

● Write a narrative on your grandma comes to town and brings an unexpected surprise…’ Use
at least 4 adjectives and 4 adverbs along with 4 dialogues to make your narrative sound
● Once me and my brothers was studying and my Mother called us and said Hey!Ali do you
know your grandma is coming,Oh Mother thats a good deed can I tell it to my brother.Yes
sure you can.One day I was playing and my Grandma came she has big white hair and she is
to calm she is too tall and her dress colour was green what a beautiful dress.I put hands on
my brothers eye I said move backwards and turn around and when he turn around so his
reaction was very great.She tell me that she has bring a surprise for me I said what is the
surprise she was not telling me the surprise I was looking left right front backwards and I did
not found any thing.After some days I was suffering that I could find the surprise but I did
not.My Dad make a plan that we will go to the park at evening we went to the park there was
a time that grandma was sitting alone and I saw that so I just take out the money and bring
the tea and give it to her then I asked that Grandma my dear grandma what is the surprise so
she told me the surprise. After that day Grandma gives me a gaming P.C oh my god that was
a great experience thank you grandma

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