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Saniya Shahzad 2 O’ LEVEL uk We | PAKISTAN STUDIES HISTORY 2059/1 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT JUNAID AKHTAR CELL= 0300-2187567 TOP IN PAK STUDIES 98% Laken? ova ‘The Hindus were so angry that they attempted to assassinate Lord Minto and started their boycott of British goods under the ‘Swadeshi Movement’. Thore was also an outbreak of terrorist activities. Further Lord Surzon, originator of the idea, was no longer viceroy so a change of policy was easier. (b) Why was the Partition of Bengal reversed in 1911? 2005 7 Level 4: Simplistic statement t) The Hindus didn’t lke it Level 2; identifies reasons (2-4) Hindus protested and banned British goods Level 3: Explains reasons [7] The Hindus objection to Partition} was so great that it caused the British to rec Hindus opposed it by holding meetings fand mags rallies which put pressure on the British goveri{ment. They thought it was a deliberate attempt to ‘divide and rule’ on the part of the Britis. The Hindus were so angry thal they attempted to assassinpte Lord Minto and stated their boycott of Brftish goods urjder the {e} ‘The reasons for parti A! in 1905 were more important than thoge that Laused its reversal in 1911.’ Do you ag in your answer. 2007 (14 LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement (12) Itwanted to be free LEVEL 2: Descriotion of partitich and/or, reversals, 8) Bengal was too iarge and needed partitioning. Hindus wore in the majority/and wanted reuntication. LEVEL 3: Explains reasons for partiion|OR reversal. G10) LEVEL 4: Explains BOTH. 9-13) Partition Supporters of Partition among the Blitish thought it would be sensible to up the province for administrative convenience. Bengal ws very large and producing significant ddmigistrative probiems. By doing this, the British felt thatlthe province woutd be easier to administer, especially at thel time of « new British government in power. Meny Mlisims supported Partition because they belidved that it would give them dominance in the new provined, Of the 54 million people in pfe-Partitjon Bengal, 42 million were Hindus, but ¢ new separpte Ej fal would have a Muslim majority Reversal Congress arguef! that Perfitioh was part of the British ‘divide and rule'/policy which would weston India and {agian unity. Malor pr and mass rallies) organised by Congress, supported by|many Hindus, was so great that il caused tHle Britisly to reconsider it, Many Hindus gtarted a mass boycott of British goods under the '‘SwaHleshi Moveyhent’. Alfew extreme Hindus adopted /terrorist behaviour and,| among other attacks, attempt 'aséinale Lofd Minto, LEVELS: As Level 4: afso produces a judgemnt or evaluation. (14) (b) Why did the British want to p4rtition the province of Bengal m {b) Why was the partition of Beygal reversed in 19117 m (byWhy\ How did the Indian Hindus react against the partitiod of Bengal? a ree or disagreeerph - [14] In 1905 the Liberals won the elections in Britain & announced to give mare representation to the local people in the govt. of Indie through elections. John Morley wanted to Muslim support due to their improved relations. Lord Minto became Viceroy of India in 1905 and he was enjoying his vacations at Simla where a delegation of Muslim Leaders fed by Sir Agha Khan met him in 1906.!t was known that he would introduce some new reforms in India. The deputation demanded Muslim scats in the legislatures more than their population because they wanted fo have more representation in the govt. & army, waweresats = judyensvab pal yh cursabeetee toval > quota (specific seats) in government services and the seats in the courts for the Muslims. The main demand was separate electorate for the Muslims (It means that the Hindus would vote for Hindu candidate & Muslims for Muslim candidate) because at that time any seat might cause a dispute end the ‘Muslims were in minority. Lord Minto accepted most of the demands and it was a great success for the Muslims. The Muslim leaders argued that such measures improved the importance of the Muslims in the society because many Muslims were majortandlofds & their share in the British army, very high. It showed that the efforts of the Mustins to reftore the relations with the British werg becoming successful. It Siso showed thet the Muslims now wanted t4 separate themselves from the Hindus # it increased the Hindu- Maslim hostility. In response of Sirfla deputation the Congress also sent its delegafion represpnted by Feroz Shah Mehta, who totally rejected the proppsals extended by the Muslims & due/to this the Hinéu-Musiim hostility increased. IMPORTANC) Tt was a very important event becsuse the heceptance of the major demands offthe Mustims like separate cleetorate and Mustim seats proved that the efforts of Sir Syed & other leaderg had been sukcessfal & the British wanted to work with the Musi by removing previous bad feelings. It also skpwed that the Muslim commonity had decided crn it established a secure positio# in the consiftution. It also showed that the Muslims were a sdparate cprmunity than the Hindus so they slfould bg treated in s different way. It gave a new courage to the Suppressed Muslims who thought thernselvep as an fnferior fommunity in the presence of Hindu majority & it can be considered as the first step towards tha achiovgment of their desired targets by forming Muslin} Leagu¢ in 1906. tims of the sub-bontinent? [7] {b) Why was the Simla Dologation bf 1906 ah important turning paint for tho Mh LEVEL +: Simplistic: statement, for =jample: They get on better wilh the British. 1) LEVEL 2: lentifies reasons, for example: It el! to a separate electorate for Muslimsfand thejfojmation qf he Musi, League. (2-8) LEVEL @: Expicins reasons, for ejmple: The Musi demands for sepa .preserftation, otostion by only Muslim volere and weightage in allelected Hodies were accepted by the British. his resylteg in @ suyden upturn in Muslin-Britsh relelions and helped fo removq the previous bad fealings betwee the 2 sfdes| It also faved the way Ter demands for a seperate Ramelpnd with}the granting of @ seperate oloctordie. it algo gharanioed) Musiims a7 {fSependent reo in the pollical profess ends a result led tothe formation of the All-iidian] Musling League 1 or in the year, (671 FORMATION OF ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGU! their dum because after Simla deputatipn the Muslims desperitely needed la depfitation and partition of Benga] also in the favor of the Muslims: which gave them the courage. ‘They had realized that the Congress wa) only working for the interesfs of Hindus & the Muslims wanted to seduce the inflyence of Coperess. go they wanted to counter the problems caused by thy Hindus & Congress. The Muslims watfed to ebSare that fhe Muslim views were repregented to the British. Thp Congress demanded demociacy in India whicH wes against the Muslims who were in minority, Thr Congress Gemanded that Hindi should be made|the national language of India. [Hindu st groups wre, so cruel to the Mestims & ¥ Ariya Samaj * started forctbly conversion of th Muslims to Hingluism soy to protect their religion it was} forme. FORMATION: ‘in 1906 the 20" anual meeting off the Muslim Educational Confe Nawab Salim Uilak\Chan of Deega. Nawab Wagar-Ul-Mulk presi the meeting siressed on a separite party for the Muslims. After fhe meeting Naxvab) Salim Yah Khan proposed the formatio farate political party for the Musti iggested the “All India Mfeclim Confederacy for H-On 20" December 1905 AU India Muslin League was formed in Dkake.Nenvab Wagar UMulk was norsinated as the president and Naveab Mohsin-ul-Mulk as the General Secretary. The TP dnmual session of IML was held in 1907 at Karachi under the chairmanship of Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai lence wap going onlat the residence of .d over| the meeting & the rhembers of and 2" session in 1908 at Aligarh, on this occasion Sir Agha Khan was appointed as the president and Bilgarami as the new General Secretary. lis 3" Presidem was Muham,mad Ali Jauhar. Mian Muhammad Shafi was its 4" while Jinnah became life time President in 1934. JUNAID AKHTER 0300-2187567 Why did the Mustims of § (b) Why was the Muslim Li LEVEL 1: Simplistic stateme LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons. ‘The Muslims were disorganis LEVEL 3: Explains reasons as an organization which should be treated as a cultural annoyed some towards se The ne Aish occeped tie Fig ab Bal only jadvance Hindu views. The Congress w. Hindi should be declared the official on too far, Some Hindus also resented the relative high position of Muslims in the Councils despite their much smaller numbers, of (c) Were the Morley-Minto reforms the most important attempt by either the Muslims, the Hindus or the British in seeking a solution to the problems in the sub-continent between 1906 and 1920? Explain your answer, 2005 Level 1: Simplistic statement Morley was the Secretary for State for India a d Minto was the Viceroyof India. Level 2: Description of above 13-4) ‘The Imperial Council was eniarged tq and the Provisional Councils to inthe larger states and 30 in the smaller o Level 3: Explains one factor (7-10) Level 4: Explains at least two fa ir opinions, ‘The British also accepted the right/of Mu: were other attempts to solve the problems in the 3 : Pact of 1916 as an ‘agreement between the Muslims ahd th the British government in an attempt to show a united ont and produce common aims, Lif le wag done Hy the British about the sub-continest during the First World War but shortly ard in 19}9 came the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms. | These img they had hoped for greater concessions. wit!) only minor accepted the right of the British tg remain] in control. The Rowlatt Act of the resentment of the political parties by including the right of arrest without warrant and detention without bail WHY WAS IT SIGNED? It was {he first donstitutional agreement Scie between tf In 1911 partition of Bengal reversed which was an anti-Muslim step & i Balkan Wars” begun in Eastem Europe. Phe Brit{sh fought against the Muslims of Turkey & the Indi? Muslims considered it as another anti-Musl Jinnah always tried his b s target. It is considered as the biggest gffort bf Jinnal to bring both the parties closer fo each dther-He was jyorking as P . Due to his advice the Muslim League added the demand of having their annual meeting if Bombay ¢ power to Indians according fo their promise till 1914, which & Muslim Léague closer to each other. In this situation moderate Ida bm Congress played an importaht role. Due 10 Firs! Wyrld Wardhe Britsl] govt. announced that half of fhe members of Execuisy Council would be elected &| the Legislative Corncil would have a majority off elected members. Both the parties accepted it. This led\o the first major agreement and both the parties tied to fi n view dgainst the British govt. In 191% again both the phrties had their annual sessionfin Luckhow & Jignah sucpeeded to bring both the partis closer to each gther. Mustim League in this agreemen{ was represented by Jinnah while Ambeka Charaly Mahajan led Cngress. This was firs time in th history that ‘* The Congress ackepted the righy of separate electorate and the beats fof the Muslims. «The Muslims wert also given ofte-third seats in Central Legisltive Copneil. + Both the parties adreed that they would not agree on an act affecting jny commupity unles three- quarter of the community adeepted it. — Number of elected scats on the councils should be increased & minorities should be protected. Both the parties agreed on the demand that more seats to be given by the elections as well as provincial autonomy (Power ‘+ The Congress accepted the Muslim League as the sole representative of the Muslims of South Asia 28 ‘The Muslims were delighted because of separate electorate and the Congress accepted seats first time & the promise for the power of the provinces was also in favour of the Muslims. Minorities should be protected & the Councils should be accepted as binding by the British govt. IMPORTANC It was the first time that fhe Hindlis & the Muslims had made a joint dempand for political reforms, It marked the first acceptance by fhe Hindus that the degree of pactition would/be necessary in any self-governing India. The Muslims had|reatized|that they need to work with all other parties on {he other hand the Hindus had realized that the Hindu-Muslim problems were the same & they should work together to drive the British away ftom Indi. It marked the high water mark of the Hinjlu-Musiim finity. It was the greatest success of Jinnah to brig both {he parties closer because he always fried his bes? to bring the Hindus and the Muslims closer to ech other| (b) Explain why the Licknow Pact of 1916 came about? m LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement . Itwas an agreement bdtween Muslims and Hindus , a LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons ‘Muslims and Hindus wfinted to fvork together (2-4) LEVEL 3: Explains reasons The Muslims and Hingus wanted to work together on constitutiopal ref The Muslim League and the e spt the demands, The LP was ress and the ML. Both realized self-rufe. For the first time[S-7} was therefore seen as a beacon the Céngress and the Muslim between the two communities, of hope for the fata League in one place, luslim nity between 1914 fd] In 1917 Secfetary of viceroy| Lord Cheimsfordt64 ished a hd was the British govt, was followin d been the time since they int @ policy to introduce rpforms qauced Morley-Minto refpprms in 1909. lation in these reforms. the Indian favour by ins) & to plan for the hat the time period st to be 3 years. entral govt, to © Systenof "Diarcy' was introduced in the provinces which gave authorify to the interfereg the provincial matters. © Reserved subjects (Justice, Police, Revenue, and Power & Press) were to be controlled by the provincial Governor & his executive council while Transferred subjects (Local govt., Education, Health, Public Works & Forests) were entrusted to Ministers responsible to Provincial Legislative Council. + Separate clectorates were also accepted first time for the both the Muslims and the 29 the main powers. In Congress some mbderates|accepted these & & it recommended that some measut Outs of 103 seats in the Imperial Legislative Council 32 seats would be reserved for the Muslims. ‘The Council of State was consisted of 60 members & 33 were elected out of these. A Couneil of Princes was also set up with 108 members to allow the prices to debate matters of importance, The Legislative Council should now be called as the Legislative Assembly and it would have 145 members of which; 103 would be elected for 3 years. ‘The British govt. also claimed that they werd extending voting rights for locals. ‘The Vieeroy was given full power fo pass ny bill & appoint the provincial Govefnors. ‘The British govt. promised to introftuce mofe constitutional reforms after 10 yea! were hoping much more from the Hritish govt,jbut it kept they were dismissefi from Congress while ‘The Mustims League and Congress bo! Jims were ns. Local people of India wanted that the count he power was|granted to Viceroy. In 1917 a committee was form ionaryjactivities in India lhe parties Without a ravines trations Muslims bple galhered at officer|General 00 people gd in| Jallianjwala Bagh Incident. To investigate this Tuti¢ent HUNTER COMMITTEE was se . his services but he was not punisted for it entioned the possibility of sel rule by the Indians in pf! interpal nfatters. fuslims and the Hindus pecause they both had hoped tbr more koyeessions/ The British had the main powér in local bodies and thdre were few positive features fpr the Indians, JUNAED Al KET ER 0300-2!87567 las fighehng, feated in fhe war. It was the only fa oF Caliph” so. a many sacred placeS Of the Muslims like Makkah, Madina & Jerusalem or to convert Turkey to @ nation than an empire. ‘The Muslims of South Asia taursched a movement to pressurize the British to give independence to India by using this agitation because the British yovi. was heving 2 weak position duc to war. PLAN: The Treaty of Versailles decided to split Germany into two by creating a new country Poland. Germans were asked to pay a huge sum to Victorious Allies. The same measures were ‘taken against Austria also, The Treaty of Sevres (1920) was against Muslims and according to this Turkey was to be divided amongst the victorious allies. It further said that Ottoman Empire was to be split up in a way that Arabia was ‘made independent, some parts of Turkey would be given under League of Nations and the remaining Turkish land would be given to Greece, While Turkey's only possession in Europe would be the areas around Istanbul. ‘The British Prime Minister Lloyd George wanted to split Turkey also in the same way they did with Germany & Austria. The Muslims of South Asia were angry at this decision & started to stop the British doing any harm to Khilafat in Turkey. MAIN EVENT: which decided to send a del “] FAT COM resistance called SATYAGRAYA. The P™ conference was held in AMRITS, were convinced to give up Gdvt. servides, give back titles, boycott courts aifd bodies not to attend schools apd collegds. After this conference the promi 30,000 Indian political leaders were arrested till the end of 1921.Gandhi conWinced the eople of Congress that with the help of this moment they jrould beable to get “Swaraj or Self-rule” in/a year. Muslim agitation to pressuriaq the British for the self-rule and to prove that khe Hi cooperation; he thought that it c Js decided to exploit ity Was the need of fkward in all the fields of life. Thig migration to Afghanisthn is known as 1 istory. li July 1921 the 3 & final confer¢nce was held in which if was approved that the Muslims should nt attefd Britisih schools, serve in the police or a : Hi brothers. Jinnah had alrpady predicted that jappened in Nilambar & Tirur wher on fire. ‘were released from jail in 19 Je picturelof the Mustinis & fumed Ali Johar decJared India as“Dar-ul-Harb mea biggest reason Kamal Attaturk of Gand b i self-rule while the ith Khilafat, ical situation was another blow for this movement at a wrong time. The Muslims were shocked to see the attitude of Afghan govt. on the other hand the Muslim leaders wanted the local people to stay in India & fight against the British while they were leaving, Ignorance of Quaid’s suggestions because he was totally against non- cooperation movement. The non-cooperation movernent was started at a wrong time, Burning of 21 policemen in Chaura Chori incident which made it violent. 31 ‘After the non-cooperation movement almost all the prominent leadlers of the Congress & Muslim league were in jail so the Indians were running it in a rebel way. The Khilafat movement ended without achieving its desired goals. s a result of this betrayal the Hindu-Muslim unity and brotherhood were destroyed and it gave rise to Hindu -Muslim rio:s at various places. The movement ended in 1924 without any result. ERFECTS OF KHILAFAT MOVEMENT: ‘Although this movement could not achieve its desired goals to save the Khilafat, but there were many positive features of this movement. Many new Muslim leaders came forward like Ali brothers, the Muslims concluded that they were a power in the society & on any religious matter they could easily be gathered. It brought the Hind-Muslim tunity to fight against the British filer war of 1857. The Muslims knew that they could not trust i British ‘as well as the neighboring count ir others. Due to the betrayal of | harmony after Lucknow pact Specified Content: Reasons for the rise of te Ca ih pbolished They feared this would happen when that the status of fhe Caliph would be respected in order to get the Muslims to fight alongside the Allies during expres¥ed their views to the British governmeht during the War who that no harm Caliphate. However, this promise was not kept at the end of the since thp Turkish Empire was brokpn up. Also the institution of the Caliphate was to be demolished. After thé War endad reports from Europe suggested that the British and french wanted to punish the Turks for thei support ars. The imprisonment of several indian Muslims during the War dlso contribuled to the anger felt. As a/result the Khalifat Movement was founded [9-13] LEVEL §: As Level 4 - also prod {14) (b)Why did the Muslims start KWjil ? Vr (C)Was \he Chaura Chori incifent the major reason behind the failure pf Khilafat/Movement? | [14] (c) ‘The , may JUNAID AKHTER 0300-2187567 DELHI PROPOSALS (1927 ied Ali Jinnah called a conference of alf Muslim leaders in Delhi to discuss the future of constitutional reforms and separate electorate. The main demands were known as the Delhi Proposals: * Separation of Sindh from Bombay. + Full power & provincial status for the Frontier Province and Baluchistan. ‘+ Muslims should be given more seats in Punjab and Bengal according to their population. + If the Muslims would be given, one-third of the seats in the Central Legislature then the ‘Muslims League would give up dpmand df separate electorate, SIMON COMMISSION (1927 onservative govt. that in case the Lahour party jvins the srament led by Sir John Simon in 1927, It was sent to solve the problem of communal ténsion beiween the Hindus & the Mjislims becaube there were many disagreements of the previous reforms years so id was a continuity of the British policies to introduce nevw}reforms within 10 years. It was consisted of all the Britis} membgrs so Indian leaders did not cooperfite wit them hecause they thought that it would favour the givt because there was no representation offindian|in it sq it was insufting for the Indians. This commissipn faced many problems like demonstratious, strikes & profests in India. PROPOSALS: + Itabolished + How successful was Britifh rule an tions in India among Muslims and Hindus}? Specified Content: The main features of; the [Partition of Bengal Jesons fof the establishment of the Muslin ference 1906; ‘co-operation of the Muslim League with Congy the same, the ‘on ruterg and fuled in the subcontinent; tHe Mentagye-Chelmbford Reforms 1919; the Non-Cooperation Mo\ ment, NEHRU REPORT (1928 WHY WAS IT ISSUED? Due to the rejection of the Simon Commission proposals because itdid not fulfillthe demands of Congress. Moti Lal Nehru 33 The Congress leaders organized an ali parties Conference regarding the Constitutional reforms to be introduced in India. It reported on the future of the sub- Continent by looking to dominion status with no need for separate electorates. ‘This totally alienated the Muslims and marked the end of any future co-operation between them and the Congress because they totally denied their rights. It was also a response of the comments of Lord Birkenhead that Congress was an immature party & could not frame a constitution, In 1928 members of Congress, League, Liberals, Hindu Mahasba, Sikh League & so on met in All- Party Conference to frame the_future constitution. The Muslims were also called for this but in the committee they had nominal bepreserfation. Moti Lal Nehru chaired thg meeting and devised the constitution known as “Nehru Report” vlith the recommendations: - * A responsible govt. on the bhsis of sqlf-governing dominion to be formed + Separate clectorates should not belgiven to the minorities & through jo’ should be given according t# population. © The departments such as foreign afffirs, army and defense should be cont Viceroy. A Unitary form to government in Penter & India to be a federation wit} Hindi should be given the status of pfficial language. ‘The voting right for all aduft men aifd women, Separation of Sindh from Hombay t full provincial status for NWEP arf { electorath reserved seats * Inthe central Legislature, In the Punjab and Bengal fthout state approval. seeeneeee fon should not be passed with the support of that nation. peetreets 7.Muslim culture, education, language, religion and civilization should be protected under constitution. 8.Muslims should be given share in the state services (Govt. jobs). : 34 9.Muslims should be given one-third representation in the central Legislature, 10.Muslims should be given one-third ministries in all the cabinets, 11-Muslims majority should be intack(Unchadged) in Punjab, Bengal 12.Separation of Sindh from Bombhy. : 13.ull provincial status for NWEP hnd Balfichistan provinces. 14.The uniform autonomy for all the provin Due to the rejection of thse poinjs Hindu-Muslim enmity increased fe now the |Muslims had realized that they cannot trust the Gongresq anymore & now they would have t4 do somethihg separately. ‘The Muslims were betrayed by the Hindus {n the Khilafat Movement, then they had broken the agreements done in the Lucknow pact & after the Nehry Report there was no chance for any future cooperftion between both the nations. (b) Why did Jinnah produce his 44 Points in 1929? LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement/14 Points ligted Itwas a good opportunity to set out his dentands. LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons ‘They wanted a separate homeland. Muslinfs were different LEVEL 3: Explains reasons The 14 Points set out the demandp of any future negotiations with either Congress of the Government. The demands wete #iso to farm the basis of the Mustims demahds for h It also convinced them that the Hindus and Muslims were two separate natio {c) Was the introduction of Jinrjah's 14 Points in 1929 the most importdnt factpr it of the Pakistan Movement between 1928 and 1935? Give reasons for your iol 930): ALLAMA IQBAL’S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AT ALL had rfalized the political condition of the regidn. Tiley had flecided that athieve the desired targets. The 14 poifts of Jinnah] gave them a new ‘After the Nehru report the Musi they would do themselves to orientation to follow. ‘The Muslim League orgéif I session at Allahbad in 1930] Allama Iqbal presided over this meeting. This addres of Iapal isjconsideyed as a landmark in the politics pf South Asia. He gavd the idea of 4 separate homeland for thd Mustims of South Asia very first time. He mjde two-nation theory albase of his Muslin} nation; they could not live with the Hindus. He prfposed that NWFP/should be merged together to fereate a separate homeland, under de the British Empire. He did not méntion the Muslim majorty areas of Kashmir & Benghl. This \address clafified the “Two Nation Theory’ and reason for the demand of a separate homeland for the Muslims. It ras the effort of Muslim Leagye Platform that such a bdid demand was made from the/n. On the basis of His idea about a separate homelahd for the Muslims Chaudry Rehmat Ali gave his schemd in 1933 & Jinnah glso used it as a base of his presifiential q 1940. ALLAMA MUHAMMAD IOBAL (1877-1938): Allama/iqbal was born on 9 November 1877 at Sialkgt; he reteived his | \education frond the Government College, Lahofe and lqter went to England to pursue ~ | (studies in layy. He got his Ph.D. in philosophy/from Germany Murfich University. He {gught at Goverament Colle; -ahore. He piso stufied Islam pl; id had 2 | phefound Jhowledge of the Islamic principles-He-beetme a very profoendland well- Knowit-Poet, teacher and thinker of Urdu, Arabic & Persian. He is known as | “Architect of Pakistan”. JUNAID AKHTAR 0300-2187567 POLITICAL LIEE: in 1922 he was knighted by the British in recognition of his high standard poery and also known as Poet of the East. Muslims greatly welcomed his entry into polities. In 1926 he was elected to the Punjab Assembly. In 1927 he was appointed as the General Secretary of the Muslim League. Most of all he awakened the Muslims at ‘Allahbad in 1930, by saying that they needed a-separate homeland. He led them on every step and rendered great services for a separate homeland Pafistan-Hfe considered Islam, a code of life andjrestiy-cayed that if Muslims lived with the Hindus, they would surely|doom. ‘Alama Iqbal openly neglected the concept of ohe nation of India and emphasized gn the sepp distinct Nationel Image of the Muslims, Ie considered the establishment of Pakistan vefy essential and vital for the restoration of national and religiojis identity of the Muslims. Alama Iqbal, the pet. philosdpher and 1 great thinker with the help of his poetr) tried td awaken the Muslims of the sub-cont}nent. He bélieved in the separate identity of Muslims as a natfon. In 1930, Alama Iqbal presented the matu i the political fate of Indian Muslims in hjs presidfntial address at Allahbad at the annya League. In 1931 he also attended 2™ Rownd table} Conference with Jinnah, ‘Alama Iqbal died before the creation of Pakistan} he saw the dream of making Pakist his dream came true on 14” August 1947; he die}! on 21 April 1938. His tomb is built outside the Badshahi Mosque at Lahore. LITERARY SERVICES: produced a large number of poems, hich ini nationalism amongst Muslims with hig stirring] and thought provoking poetry. H¢ wrote some he was appreciated and for some he was ngt like: Dara 4.Zarb-e-Kalem ep due|to which all the prominent lea Gandhi aad Nehru were arrested hey were conducted because the first they wdnted so they conducted 2° RPC but due to its failury they conducted 3" RTC. implement the Nehru tport as mn i ye critical conklition suggested the British gdvt. to conduct RT parties. The first cooperation movement report as the constituti ‘ajor party Congress be ey yy also put a condition tq accept [the proposals of ? of India, Coygress also wanted a guaranted be implemented, which was ft granfed the gov}. had alfeady aModh. Ali & Agha Khan, party there could not be any edheset¢ decision about India SUCCESSES: The govt. however approved a federal system for India, Princely States gave their co- operation for an All India Federation. Sindh was given a separate identity. Formation of responsible govi. in provinces & power of the provinces. FAILURES: Congress boycotted it & deadlock on federal system. Minorities’ sub-committee could not reach on @ conclusion. GANDHI-IRWIN PACT (5"" March. 1931 It was very difficult for the British govt. to reach an agreement without the Congress, so they tied their best to convince the Corlgress to aftend the 2" RTC. The non-coaperation movement of Gandhi could not get the desired results Re he himpolf wanted to attend the 2" RTC. Gandhi for an appropriate occasion that thd Viceroy Hord Jrwin sent him an. invitation for talks, signed between both the Jeaders with the propgsals that the Congress would end its elvil disdhedience movement & attend the 2" Round Table Conference. That the British government woul ances back against Congress & rélease all SECOND ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE (19: {was very important occabion because almost all the political parties of india Were pregont curig this conference. Muslim Leagub team wap led by Jinnah & Allama Iqbal. At this tfme Ganjjhi rejected to accept the rights of minorities of India & claimed himself as the sale representative off all the Indians. This was totally rejected by the govt.fas well as by the Jinnah who tried his best fo prove (Hat the Mslims ‘were a separate nation fron} any definition of nation in the world. After this Gand very rude and lon on various matters discussed. So, the| Gandhi to his attitude SUCCESSES: Congressjattendedjit & Minorities entered into an agreement on lemandd, An agreement was also congiuded that NWYP & Sindh should be given the sfatus of fe with {heir own governors. EAILURES: Rude & stubborn behpvior of Gandhi & Minorities issue was ufresolved go the 4" RTC was « failure. Sindh wag to be given a sepsrate identity end a govt. The Lobour pafty was né ‘ong due ke a coalition govte;Which wap least, cofcerned with any settlement in India THIRD ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE {( 1932 way just a forshality because Jinnah did not attend thif canference because he was fick of the pplitical sitation/ of India, Ye was not properly invited & his wife had died. Sir Agha Khan led the League. \yfist 2° RTC/Gandhi came back & started his civil disobedience movement aghin xi Nehcu Were imprisonpd due to their movement against the govt. Lord Irwin was replaced vlith desired results but it was not opmpletely a failure, After these conferehees the gpvt. knew tht problems| & demands bf the major partios/of India, which was a positive feature bf these eps . The govt. kept Govt. of Indip Act 193: {c) How sful werd'the three Round Table Conferences of Explain yout answer] LEVEL 1: Simplistie stetement =>They were very successful 1-23 LEVEL 2: Description of above There were three Round Table Conferences held in London. Both Gandhi and the Quaid-e-Azam attended them [3-6] LEVEL 3: Expleins successes OR Explains failures (7-10) LEVEL 4: Explains successes and failures, Failures 1st Congress boycotted it Deadlock on federal system Minorities sub-committee could not reach @ conclusion. 2nd Gandhi siubbom and disagreed with most things, Minorities issue unresolved. 3rd Congress absent again Gulf too great between two Successes 1st Federal system for India approved. Sindh to be given a separate identity and agovt. 2nd Congress attended & Minorities entered into an agreement on their demands, [8-13] LEVEL 5: As Level 4: also produces a judgment or evaluation 4) 37 Sos a I agree that gi it achieve jits those demands in their minds/for their future decisions, which was reflketed in thy (c) ‘The Round Table Conference of 1930 achieved more than those of 1931 and 1932". Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. (4) LEVEL 14: Simplistic statement.=> They were all very successful. 11-2) LEVEL 2: Description of First and/or other RTC. (3-6) ‘There were 3 Round Table Conferences held in London. Neither Gandhi nor Jinnah attended all of them. LEVEL 3: Explains achievernents of at least one RTC. (7-19) LEVEL 4: Explains achievements of at least 2 RTC's, 1° RTC to be explained for maximum marks [9-13] The 1 RTC was successful in that the Federal system for India was approved and a representative govt should be introduced at provincial level. However Congress boycotted it and there was deadlock on the federal system and the Minorities subcommittee couldn't reach a conclusion. However the 2ns RTC was succeseful in that the Congress atter(ded but Gandhi was stubborn and disagreed with mostfhings. Sindh was to be given a separate identity 4nd a gol. The Minorities issue remained unrésolved. Ip the 3a RTC Congress boycotted the talks while Jinnah wds in voluntary exile, and it became apparent thal the guif was too great between two sides. LEVEL 5: As Level 4 ~ also produces a judginent or evaluation. [ij COMMUNAL AWARD (1932) ‘The British government gave enoygh timel and chance to Indian leaders to dome up with) a workable constitutional setup, after vainly waiting Biftish Prime Minister Ramsey Macdbnalé publisigd their own scheme known as “Communal Award” in 1932. If retained separate electorate for tHe Muslims and all other minorities, as well as weigh} age (sets) in Hindu provinces but the Mjustims ihajorit} in Punjab and Bengal were reduced to mjnorities| The Congress was not happy with thig pward pecause the Muslims were given separate electorate & feats, Since Muslim League was oblled bf jhe Britlsh govt. so they had to accept it CHAUDHRY REHMAT ALI’S SCHEME OF PAKISTAN 1934) a He wds bora i} 1897 in Balachaur after his ear! vent to Cambridge for higher stidies. Hq attended the conferences in Lofdoa to/discliss the position of Hindus & Muslims ig India, He was disappointed to fmow about lie idea|of a loose federation (DOMINLON STATUS) in India from Mj bbecausd he wes in a favor of d separafe homeland for the Maslims. han was hot agreed Adi hip id Pakistan. (P=Purtjab, {A=Afehania, K=Kashmir, I=Iran, S-Sindh & Tan=I in) means: Reha Ajs ideas ht this stage were slightly diffevent to those expressed by Iqbal, with independence. Rqamat Ali continued with his tmost sole missioy of advocating the establishmdnt of “Pakistan” q separatt Muslira cchmat Ali formed a Pakistan National Movemeng to fight/for the ida of Palistan. He collected all of his articles and intervigws and published a book entithfd “Pakistan: the }fatherlahd’of the Pak nation.” Hé was Yewarded for hid efforts in 1949. ft is unfortunate that the Quaid-e-Azam never agreefl on polftica! tacticd and thay Rehmat league. However, Rehmet Hrs distinction of coining the name of a large Muslim country. It was tragic that someone who longed so much for the creation of the Muslim state and then lived to see it established, did not agree with the final map of Pakistan and that his contribution was never officially appreciated during his lifetime. He died in England (Cambridge) on 3" February 1951 & buried there. {b) Why was Chaudhri RehmatAli an important inuence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan? ful Level 1 Simplistic answer ti} Level 2 Identifies reasons (2-4) Chaudhri Ali came up with the name of Pa Level 3 Explains reasons [&-7) ‘Chaudhri Ali was the first person toluse the pia efand. P wat for Punjab, A for Afghan, K for Kashmir etc. Hq also wanted a separate federation of Muslim tates with lence. He formed a Pakistan National Mofement tp fight for the idea of Pakistan. In mahy respects|he wes ahead of his time. In 1940 the All-India Muslim League adopted his demand for a land for the Muslims. However ir 4 ‘was never fies OF India lia. The main conclusions of RTC’s were publi {33 in the form of a white paper. It sed by the ft was the last British Parliament in 1934. In Auust 1935 “Government of India Act, 1935' . Fs were made separate entities. “Diarchy” was abolished in The provinces of Sindh & Oris Governors were provinces & t Two houses of}Parlia1 d i Le :Assembly). i This douXd not get meet their desired| demands. The system of govt. introduced could npt fulfill the requirement of various sections of the softy. It gave the main powers under the British ghvt. because the Govern could use special bower in reserved J Nehru called it “Charta ee This act was a move towards independence because it provided an ‘opportunity to the local people to negotiate with the British. In the Parliamentary form of govt. more representation to the local Indians. (b) Why was there so much opposition to the Government of india Act of 1935? Tm LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement => It wasn'tliked. ft} LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons [2-4] The Viceroy and Governor-General were in total control and few Indians could vote. LEVEL 3: Explains reasons 15-7] ‘The Viceroy and Governor-General was head of the Federation and could exert special powers if he wanted to. Provincial governors also had special powers, having the right to dismiss ministers or the whole administration. Only 25% of India's population could vote because of the property qualification for voting. ‘Therefore few could vote. All sides in India opposed it from princes to Congress to The Muslim League, so there was little progress in gaining support. (b) Why was the Government of India Act of 1935 so important to the future of the subcontinent? it) 3 a gtegey ajor party was was having the many Muslims ‘Congress. The Congress was problem of major leaders thy ity areas. They W rejected by the ce4 th Congrdis started eruelties on the Muglims. ‘The main target wp Ishated it. song and it was aso used as the N: 3 z Muslims & non-Higdus. It 1 introduced in the educational cey ‘a manner of Hindu The students were forced to worship Gandhi's picture in a manner to give him respect & finally to bow their head in front of his picture. It is totally not allowed in Islam but a Congress generation from Islam. They told the young students about their heroes but the heroes of Hindus were the enemies of the Muslims. They pressurize the Muslim young generation to adopt their ideology & culture. 40 "hey iried to give much importance to Hindu religion & Mindi language than Islam & Urdu. Spinning coiton by hands was introduced & there was no religious education in schools. The Congress HOISTED THREE COLORED ELAG in the areas under their rule announced to hoist tree colored flag along with British to show that after the British, the Congress was the only power in India. HINDU-MUSLIMS RiOTS were common in the areas dominated by Hindus they created many problems for the Muslims. They could not practice Islam freely; their houses were bumt. They also abducted the Muslim women & disgraced them at public places. The properties, honor & life of the Muslims were not safe under their rule, MUSLIM MASS CONTACT CAMPAIGN was started by the Congress the purpose of this scheme was to distract the people from Muslim League. The prominent leaders of the Congress contacted the vations types of temptations. END OF THE CONGRESS RULE ‘The Second World War broke but in 1939 and ended in 1945. The Viceroy Jord Linlit help from all the parties of Ihdia in this hour of need. The Congress asked the go independence to India. The Bhitish go\t. refused to give this power & allo promised dominion staius would be grafted to Fadia. The Congress uid not accept phi proposal protest resigned from theit mipistries ih 1939. The Muslim League also Muslim policies of the Congrss, remgyval of laws affecting the Muslims govt. in provinces. The British govt. & the Congress both refused t0 accépt th League could not support the British. DAY OF DELIVERANCE: When the Congress resigned from freir ray very happy because they had] got rid pf the most peinful cruelties & injustices region, education & political career, jvere out of danger, On the advige of tf observed the “Day of Delivejance” oi 22" December 1939. They thadked Gq from the ernelties of the Congress. The Muslims celebrated this day with get fiose days) Thank qffering prayers were also perfurfned. bring them back in the Congress by iow asked for the |. to give the full hat after the war f the govt. & as the end of arr Id form costition 15 50, the Muslim rule of the Congress party b¢tween 1937 and 19397 [7] he Hindus were crucl. nt) [2-4] The Muslims had to sing Bande MAtram and observe the Widdia LEVEL 3: Expidins reasons (71 Congress Rule Was hated due to/he atracities committed against fhe Mu: ed and killed by Hindus. Hindhwas enforced as the official language and sone le on Muslim worshippers in mo ide Matram, @ song in which de; linst Muslims, Was adopted as the nationat anthem and hed to be sung at the beginning of each day. The Widdia Mander Scheme was imposed on Muslims, Under this scheme, afl students tad to bow before Gandhi's picture each cay. {c) Do you agree that the celebration of the ‘Day of Deliverance’ in 1939 was justified? Give reasons for your answer. [14] 2009 LEVEL t: Simplistic statement: It was justified. (1-2) LEVEL 2: Description of event or other factors Because Congress rule was hated, (3-6) LEVEL 3: Explains ju: LEVEL 4: Explains BOTH Justified The Day of Deliverance was celebrated because Congress Rule had beenhated due to the atrocities committed against the Muslims. Bande Matram, a song in which degrading remarks were made against Muslims, was adopted as the national anthem and had to be sung at the beginning of each day. Some Muslims were abused and Killed by Hindus. Hindi was enforced as the official language and organised attacks were made on Muslim worshippers in mosques. The Wardha Scheme was imposed on Muslims. Under this scheme, students had to bow before Gandhi's picture each day, Muslims saw this as an attempt to convert them to Hinduism, ation OR reasons against (7-10) al Notiustified : The unity between the Muslim League and the Congress became irreconcilable and the chanes of a future united India even less likely. Congress had resigned partly because Britain stated that India was at war with Germany, Therefore the ML were able to celebrate because Britain was probably more concerned with the war than the future of India. (6-13) LEVEL 5: As Level 4 ~ also produpes a judgement or evaluation. (ay {¢) ‘The main reason why Congfess rul the Wardha Scheme,’ Do you agree? Ex (1937-1939) was so hated was beeayse of the introduction of plain your answer. U4} Koy Question : How successful w/ Focus Points: + Why did Jinnah produce his 14 Poi ‘onferences of 1930-327 + How important was the Governmept of Indig Act 18357 + Why was Congress Rule (1937-39) ‘with many Muslias? Specified Content: The Simon Commission 19275} al's Allahabad nt of india Act ificance to the ry Rehmat Ali f Congress & view. Mustim id-I-Azam was the chairman pf this hfstoric moment (Minar-e-Pakisthm is sftuatdd there}. Hindu Press called it “Pakistan Resqlution”, . Fazal-ul-Hag “Sher-¢-Bengal” & “Primer of Bengal" pr¢sented /this resolution. Chaudry Khalig-Uz-Zaman supported it Thd main demand made at this tinke was cging ff the Mustim majority areas of North Vestdm & Edstera parts of India, where the Muslims were in majority to forra a sovereign state fi the Mustin}s of India. At this occasion Jinnah agaif expizined the two-nalion theory by saying that the Ilindus the! Mustim were the entirely different nafions. They could not live with each This Lahore & passion to other because thir traditions{ customg, festivals, rel resolution was cbnsiderel, as/a landimprk in the Muslim history, which gave @ new orientatior the Muslims of South Asia who, demzhnded for a separate homeland. Iso known as for the expansign of the Executive Council. Hi |people fom in it. He promised and assured that an Indien constitution fprming body iat inmediate trdasfer of power could would be formett not be done, The Congreds wanted Muslim League also ‘ejecte: separate state for the Mushims. WHY WAS IT SENT? The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent a special mission to India because the August Offer was a failure, The govt. wanted to get the support of the Indians in the Word "er Ti because before that the Congress party had already resigned from their ministries. ‘The govt. wanted to resolve the communal tension & the matters of both the major parties of India. After the resign of Congress from their ministries there was much violence in India. 42 per hand the scription of

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