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(Grade 12)

LESSON 1: Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

Topic: Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence
Materials:pen and paper


By the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life; and

 demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain
mental health.


Identify Your School Triggers Worksheet

This activity aims to determine what causes you to stress out and how it affects
you by rating each item.

Instruction: Rate each item from 1-5. Use the following indicators for your

1- Does not bother me at all

2- Makes me feel a little uncomfortable
3- Makes me feel stressed
4- This upsets me
5- I’m going to explode!
1 2
3 4 5

Stress is part of growing up. As adolescents, you may feel pressure in everything
you do, both at home and in school. When there are real or unimagined disruptions in
our lives, stress occurs. Nordqvist (2015, as cited in Boyles, et al.,2017) explained that
people experience stress when they are under pressure and when everything becomes
too much for them to handle.

You may doubt the above claim about stress being good because we have
always understood stress as something that is bad for us but this is not always the
case. Stress can sometimes challenge you and motivate you to look for creative
solutions to your concerns. This kind of stress is eustress. Basically, eustress
comes from “participating in or anticipating a pleasurable experience” (Cruz & Cruz
II, 2016). On contrary, the bad stress, which results from unpleasant events that
lowers the quality of life , is called distress.

Sources of Stress

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Mazo (2015, as cited in Boyles et al., 2017) defines stressors as the “demands
made by the environment that disrupts the equilibrium inside the individual”. These are
the sources of stress that adolescents are expected to manage successfully. Not being
able to cope with these might bring negative impacts in the adolescent’s life. In short,
stressors are the factors that cause us stress. The following are some of those
stressors identified by Cruz and Cruz II (2016) :

School and Interpersonal Stress

School may bring about strain to a person in different ways.
 Test Anxiety- causes distress during an exam
 Speech Anxiety –Having to speak your mind in front of a group of
people can certainly cause a stir upon one’s mind and body.
 Math Anxiety – The feeling that you are incapable of doing well for as long
as it is related to math.

Stress from the Environment

Environmental stressors such as light, noise, smells, pollution of all
sorts, and even temperature can add misery to an already difficult situation
( Gregson, 2000, as cited in Cruz & Cruz II, 2016).

Internal Stressors
Examples of internal stressors include;
 Procrastination
 Perfectionism
 Self-criticism
 Expecting too much from ourselves in a short span of time

Impacts of Stress
The effects that stress has on the body are different for each person, but it is
important to be able to identify its effects. This will enable you to realize you are
stressed and hopefully come up with means of dealing with it. Below are some of the
effects stress can bring to a person (Cruz & Cruz II, 2016) :

1. Physical: You may experience physical issues with your body such as
headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, change in eating habits and even loss of
2. Mood: You may start having moods that are driven by anxiety. You might
become less motivated to do work, get angry quickly or be short tempered
and possibly fall into sadness or depression.
3. Behavior: You might start not to eat as much, yell or become irritated with
individuals more quickly and even turn to alcohol or drugs to deal with the issue.

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Coping Mechanisms for Stress

In dealing with stress, you have to keep in mind that each of us respond
differently to it. According to Sevilla, Punsalan, Rovira, and Fortunato (2006, as cited in
Case et al., 2019), coping is “an active effort to eliminate stress or to get rid of it. Tria,
Gaerlan, and Limpia (2012, as cited in Case et al., 2019) identified some stress-coping
strategies. The following are:
 Problem-focused- dealing with the stressor itself
 Emotion-focused- efforts to modify the unpleasant emotional consequences of stress
 Proactive coping- anticipating some stressful situations and taking active measure
to avoid or minimize its consequences

Case et al. (2019) also enumerated other healthy ways to cope with stress.
Here are the following:

1. Take care of ourselves; meaning you need to eat regularly and healthy.
2. Do things that make you happy.
3. Learn to manage your time wisely.
4. Exercise on a regular basis.
5. Get plenty of sleep and give a break if you feel that you are so stressed already.
6. Talk to others or seek group or social support; and
7. Avoid using drugs and alcohol.


 Please open the video with the file name: VIDEO NUMBER 6-
COPING WITH STRESS in your flash drive to gain more understanding
about the lesson.


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Knowledge Check

Instruction: Briefly answer the questions below.

1. What are the factors/causes of stress?

2. Is there a strategy to respond to a stressful situation? Explain your answer.



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Stress Reflection

Instruction: Contemplate for a while and begin to think of the stressful experiences
for the past few days or months. Then, answer the following guide questions below.
(Note: Write your answers on the worksheet provided at the end of this module.)

1. Is there something or someone that has been bothering or disturbing you for the past
few days? What are those and how do they affect you?

2. How do you usually overcome your stress or problems in life?

You will be graded using the following criteria.

Total – 10 points

Recommended Reading List:

19).Personal development. Metro Manila,
Philippines:Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Cleofe, M. (2016).Personal development.Philippines:Diwa
Learning Systems Inc.
Cruz,M. & Cruz II, E. ( 2016). Personal development.
Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Santos, R. (2016). Personal development.Manila: Rex Book
Store, Inc.
Serrano, A. (2016). Personal development.Manila: Unlimited
Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.

YOUR Thoughts

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In this lesson, I learned/realized that ________________________________


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Stress Reflection

1. I’ve been stressing about online class these past few weeks because of the fact that I’m
being irresponsible of the submission dates. I don’t know how to manage my time and I keep
procrastinating every task and that leads to late submission of the activities. After I’ve missed
one activity from my PE subject, I feel pressured to do the given tasks even if it is a newly
posted activity. It keeps bothering me, I feel like I am obliged to do the task early and
advanced. Aside from school related stress, I’ve also been stressing about the bills in our
house. Even though it is parents obligation to think about solutions with this matter, It still
bothers me that I badly wanted to help but I do not know how. It made me feel worried for my
parents and I just want to simply help them.

2.People face difficult situations in life at some point of time or other. Sometimes, we do not
know how to handle stress in life and tend to just give up. To overcome these obstacles, I
usually think positive, and it helps me to think better for a solution in every problem. I find
adversities sharpens one’s critical thinking which helps overcoming my problems. As we are
going through difficulties, we have no idea that it also helps us become stronger, and it
develops our inner strength.
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