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Drama I: Types of Drama Group Presentation

Students will work in groups of 4-5 to become “mini-specialists” on one specific type of drama
and develop a lesson to teach this type of drama to the rest of the class.


 Students will understand and be able to explain the characteristic qualities of

different types of theatre.
 Given a base scenario students will be able to create and perform a short scene in
the style of a particular type of drama.


Each group will be assigned a type of genre and will present a short lesson and present a scene
within that style.

1. Lessons:

a. All students in the group must participate in the presentation of the lesson.

b. Lessons should include definitions of important terminology, history of the

style, related styles, and an theatrical and film/tv examples of the style.

c. The Group must submit two questions Mr. Joyner electronically the day of
the presentation.

2. Scenes:

a. All students in the group must participate in the presentation of the scene.

b. Scenes should be about 4-5 minutes in length.

c. The base scenario for the scenes is as follows: “A secret is revealed.”

d. Scenes may use costumes and props. Note: Presentations will be in the

Lesson: 25 points
Scene: 25 points
Total: 50 points

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