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Guiding questions to create real and believable dialogue/monologues

In this picture, I see a newlywed

couple having their first fight. He has
the opportunity to for a promotion,
but it would require them to move to
a new state. She does not want to
leave, because they have family ties
and friends. What do you see?

Who are the people in the picture? (Think relationships, not just names):

What is going on in the picture?

What type of person/people are they? (Do they hide from conflict or face it head on? Are they
intelligent? Funny? What is their back ground?)

How did they get to this moment? What happened in the moments before the picture?

How will this moment resolve? What happened/happens after this picture?

Who are the people in the picture? (Think relationships, not just names):

What is going on in the picture?

What type of person/people are they? (Do they hide from conflict or face it head on? Are they
intelligent? Funny? What is their back ground?)

How did they get to this moment? What happened in the moments before the picture?

How will this moment resolve? What happened/happens after this picture?

Take your answers to the guiding questions and create a short two to three
minute dialogue between two people based on your individual pictures.

The dialogue should be between people who have some history together. Avoid
exposition driven dialogue. (ex. A woman talking to a psychiatrist, a boy talking
to a police officer, etc.).

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